Creaking teeth in a dream in adults: symptoms, causes, treatment

Bruxism (from ancient Greek. Βρυγμός - tooth gnash) - gnashing of teeth, often manifested during sleepWhy does an adult grind their teeth? Teeth grinding (bruxism) is a rather unpleasant syndrome. According to statistics, about 15% of the world's population suffer from this phenomenon. Bruxism is most often observed during sleep. Gnashing of teeth in a dream can last up to several minutes. Moreover, the sleeping man himself does not even know about such a feature of his body.

What is bruxism?

Bruxism is spasm of masticatory muscles followed by uncontrolled movement of closed jaws. In this case, the teeth tightly interlock with each other, creating friction and, accordingly, gnashing. The following disorders may accompany this phenomenon: night respiratory arrest (apnea), a drop in blood pressure, a slow pulse. Bruxism is basically a nocturnal phenomenon, but in some people it occurs during the day. During wakefulness, a person does not grind his teeth, but rather squeezes his jaws. Usually few people pay attention to this phenomenon, but in vain. The phenomenon itself is, of course, harmless, but over time it can lead to tooth decay.

Symptoms of bruxism

One of the manifestations of bruxism is morning pain in the temporomandibular joints and facial muscles.The patient is able to notice daytime bruxism himself, but his relatives, who hear these sounds that interfere with sleep, usually tell him about the nighttime night.

Manifestations of bruxism:

  • Gnash or creak teeth.
  • Morning pain in temporomandibular joints and facial muscles.
  • Chronic inflammation of the joints, resulting in limitation of mobility of the lower jaw.
  • Due to the gradual erasure of tooth enamel, sensitivity to sweet, hot or cold is increased.
  • Slackening, fractures and chipped teeth.
  • As a result of erasing the teeth and deformation, an anomaly of the bite is formed.
  • Sleep disturbance leading to headaches, drowsiness and chronic fatigue syndrome.

What else is unpleasant bruxism?

  1. The night gnashing of teeth badly affects not only the health of a person, but also the nervous state of those people sleeping nearbyIn addition to changes in the state of muscles, teeth and bone and joint apparatus, a large discomfort becomes a problem relatives and friends of the patient. Gradually, the patient himself becomes nervous after he learns about the fact of the night squeak with his teeth.
  2. Often bruxism is contraindication to the installation crowns and implants implants. Because even soft crowns with friction will erase teeth on the opposite jaw.

Causes of squeak teeth in a dream

Dental problems

Nervous disorders. Action of neurotoxins

The presence of chronic neurosis, exhaustion of the nervous system against the background of a rather long physical or mental stress can also cause the appearance of bruxism. One of the most important functions of sleep is the processing and disposal of the nervous system from unnecessary information. A person in a dream also experiences various daytime problems, cannot relax properly and begins to grit his teeth.

Night bruxism occurs during sleep phase and episodes of restless sleep: active movement of the eyeballs, involuntary muscle twitching.

Often bruxism is combined with talking in a dream, snoring, walking in a dream, and sometimes enuresis.

People gnashing their teeth in their sleep, often in moments of tension, they gnaw various objects (toothpicks, matches, pens, pencils, or nails).

Act household poisonsthat poison the human nervous system:

  • Alcohol.
  • Nicotine.
  • Nitrokraski.

Inflammation of the temporomandibular joints

Inflammation of the temporomandibular joints provokes muscle spasm, which itself also supports this inflammation, causing disruption of the normal ratio of articular surfacesThey usually lead to a violation mandibular joint function. This disturbance manifests itself in the form of a click during the opening of the mouth, for example, when biting off large pieces or yawning. Chronic inflammation of the joints causes an increase in the nerve pulsations that stimulate involuntary spasm of the masticatory muscles. As a result of muscle contraction, the lower jaw begins to move and, accordingly, tooth gnashing occurs. A vicious circle is formed here: inflammation provokes muscle spasm, which itself supports this inflammation, provoking a disturbance in the normal ratio of articular surfaces.

Helminth Theory

It is believed that the cause of teeth squeak during sleep are helminthic invasions. However, there is no connection between the manifestations of bruxism and the presence of helminths in the body. Any person can grind his teeth, even the one who has never had worms. But still there is a little bit scientific explanation of the fact that people who have worms can grind their teeth in a dream:

  • First, the presence of helminthic invasions can lead to the neurotization of the patient.
  • Secondly, a clear deficiency of vitamin B12. In the presence of intestinal worms in the body, the synthesis of vitamin B12 is reduced. Neuromuscular transmission worsens, which can lead to disruption of the temporomandibular joints and chewing muscles.
  • Thirdly, the same deficiency of vitamin B12. The amount of oxygen entering the brain decreases, which can lead to changes in the depth of sleep and the appearance of involuntary muscle contractions.

Bruxism treatment

Before proceeding to treatment of bruxism, it is necessary to find out the probable causes of its occurrence. Based on this, a dentist or other specialist will prescribe a treatment. So, if the basis of this phenomenon is stress, a person needs a consultation with a psychologist or psychotherapist. In this case, he will have to meet with special techniques that will help get rid of stress. You can use other ways to get rid of stress: airing the room, walks in the fresh air, relaxing baths with various soothing aromatic oils, a balanced diet.

The main methods of treatment:

  • Silicone cap is made individually for each patient. She is put on before going to bed. Capa retains tooth enamel when rubbedIt is necessary to be more often fresh air. This will help prevent oxygen starvation of the brain.
  • Limit the factors that can cause stress.
  • Do not drink at night drinks that excite the nervous system (soda, energy, coffee, strong tea).
  • Before bedtime warm dry chewing muscle area.
  • Silicone cap. Make it in a dental laboratory. Set in the oral cavity before going to bed.
  • In daytime bruxism, dentists use different tire modifications. They are completely invisible in the oral cavity and do not allow tight closure of the dentition, which will prevent erasure of enamel.
  • In severe cases, the doctor may prescribe antidepressant course or muscle relaxants.

Treatment by folk methods

You can relax your jaw muscles with self-massage and special compresses. Also, before going to bed, you can strain your muscles, gnaw on some hard fruit or vegetable: celery stalks, apple, carrot. It helps mouth rinsing decoction of chamomile. Chamomile relieves stress and inflammation. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe vitamin-mineral complexes or sedatives.

Bruxism refers to a phenomenon from the most diverse areas of medicine.Therefore, in the event of the occurrence of prolonged episodes of gnashing of teeth, it is necessary to be examined by at least two specialists: a dentist and a neurologist.


