Bruxism in children: causes and treatment

Features of the treatment of gnashing of teeth in a childOnly a few of the parents have never met with such a state as children's bruxism. The child begins to grit his teeth in his sleep, thereby frightening the whole family. Moms and dads, grandparents are sounding the alarm, trying to figure out what is happening with their favorite child.

They immediately have a fear of an incomprehensible phenomenon and many questions: how serious it is and whether it is dangerous for the baby, why it arises, whether it is possible to get rid of this problem, etc.

What is bruxism

Description of the pathology of gnashing teeth or bruxismBruxism in Greek means tooth gnash (or gnashing of teeth). It is observed in 8–30% of the population (data differ), with both children and adults suffering. This state has many names: odonterism, Carolini phenomenon, bruxism, etc.

Bruxism is a spasm or contraction of the temporal or masticatory muscles that occurs with great force. Pathology is characterized permanent teeth grip or their involuntary squeezing. Pathology is paroxysmal in nature and proceeds in a chronic form.

Bruxism affects patients of different ages and genders. Each of them there are painprovoked by the tension of the facial nerve (such patients are at risk of developing the pathology of the temporomandibular joint). Experts noted that people suffering from this disease have impaired occlusion between the lower and upper jaw.

Bruxism accepted divide by day and night. The first type (brooksiomania) is easy to detect and control independently, and as for the second, it is much more difficult here. After all, a person begins to gnash his teeth during sleep, and in the morning he does not even remember about it. As a result, bruxism takes running form.

Symptoms of pathology

There are several signs of bruxism:

  • Symptoms of bruxism in childrensleep disturbance;
  • clicking and gnashing of teeth;
  • after waking up, headache and toothache are observed, and in some cases - pain in the back, shoulders, neck, as well as pain when chewing food;
  • during the day may be observed depression, ringing and pain in the ears, dizziness and nervous tension, drowsiness;
  • during an attack, pulse and respiration increase, blood pressure changes; the child, on waking, does not remember that he gritted his teeth in his sleep.

The duration of an attack of bruxism is 10–15 seconds, the intervals between attacks are different, individual for each person suffering from this pathology. Abrasion of tooth enamel, as well as increasing the degree of sensitivity of the teeth are perhaps the most unpleasant symptoms of bruxism.

And this is important both for children with milk teeth, and those who already have real teeth. Constant friction leads to the destruction of enamel and tooth mobility. This increases the risk of partial deformity, fractures and tooth loss of the lower and upper jaw.

Besides they become very sensitive everything sweet, sour, cold and hot. Ordinary rinsing of the mouth after brushing the teeth becomes a real problem for the child.

And there may also be a violation of the bite, inflammation of the gums, blood in the mouth. The result of injuring the tissues surrounding the teeth is loosening and tooth loss and periodontitis (inflammation of the circulatory tissue).

Bruxism in children: causes and treatment

Causes of teeth grinding in childrenThe disease can act as a complication of any pathologies of the oral cavity. Children's bruxism is often caused by birth trauma to the skull.

Traditional medicine does not consider bruxism to be a disease as such, but only a condition that gives a person many inconveniences: it is on a par with such phenomena as nightmare attacks, snoring, sleepwalking, etc., which are very hard to get rid of.

The causes of bruxism are of a rather diverse nature. The gnashing of teeth does not apply only to dental problems, since its appearance is associated with such medical sections as gastroenterology, otolaryngology, psychologyneurology I must say that each of the above areas of medicine has its own theories about the causes and origins of bruxism.

If you look, from the point of view of dentistry, the main etiological factor causing bruxism in children is malocclusion.

Psychologists adhere to their theory of the origin of bruxism, according to which this phenomenon is caused nervous breakdowns, depressionsas well as constant stress. If a person falls asleep in nervous tension, an involuntary contraction of the facial muscles occurs and tooth gnash occurs.

The psyche of the child is very vulnerable and receptive. Therefore, the baby may experience stress even in situations that are insignificant at first glance. For example, a quarrel with friends, moving, unfavorable conditions at home, moving, conflicts between parents and even breaking your favorite toy.

The state of stress can be caused by any nervous shock, as well as an overabundance of emotions, including positive ones. That is why experts recommend giving the child all the vivid impressions in the first half of the day, and better in the evening create a calm atmosphere: take your kid quiet board games or read a good, good fairy tale.

The emergence of bruxism can lead to any nervous system disorder, at the same time the epilepsy, attacks of snore, a tremor can be observed. Neurology considers the stress of the masticatory muscles of the maxillary department, caused by the impairment of the motor neurons of the facial nerve, to be the main cause of the appearance of tooth gnash.

However, most people are sure that gnashing of teeth is explained first of all, the presence of worms in the body (so did our ancestors). This fact is not completely confirmed by science, however, due to the fact that the vital activity of parasites leads to the depletion of the body and, as a result, to a deficiency of vitamin B, and this, in turn, is the initial cause of disorders of the nervous system.

But it is not necessary to self-medicate the child and rush to the nearest pharmacy kiosk for anti-worms drugs. It is better see a doctor and go with the child with all the necessary tests that confirm or disprove the presence of parasites in the body.

Adenoids. According to statistics, about 85% of children who experience bruxism have an increase in adenoids. The cause of tooth gnashing in a child can be traumatic brain injury. The development of bruxism in a child is possible even with excessive use of chewing gum.

Diagnosis of bruxism in children

Methods for the diagnosis of child bruxismThe presence of bruxism in children is determined by characteristic signs. If the child began to involuntarily clench his jaws or gnash his teeth, this should cause concern to parents, since ignoring such symptoms can lead to more serious problems, which will be very difficult to get rid of in the future.

Therefore, early diagnosis of bruxism in children, which makes it possible to identify the presence of processes unusual for the body of a child, is very important. Practice shows that the constant tension of the masticatory muscles can be caused not only by increased anxiety and not finding the way out by internal stress.

Manifestations of bruxism are also observed during periodontal disease, when inflammation is accompanied by itching and the child, wanting to get rid of it, involuntarily during sleep begins, as it were, to scratch the jaws of one another.

There are quite a few reasons for the emergence of tooth gnash, so if you notice a similar condition in your child, you should contact as soon as possible. to pediatrician and pediatric dentist for the diagnosis, which takes place on the basis of history.

Specialist will inspect external changes: with neglected forms, inflammation of the soft dental-toothed tissues, caries, and enamel abrasion are possible. Polysomnography, which can also be used to determine the presence (or absence) of the first phase of epilepsy, will help to reveal the picture of involuntary contraction of the chewing muscles, since this disease is also characterized by a night gnashing of teeth.

Bruxism in children: treatment

Description of methods of treatment of children's bruxismBefore starting treatment for bruxism, it is necessary to diagnose and find out the exact cause of its occurrence, as well as the duration of the course. Treats directly pediatric dentistHowever, it is not necessary to shift all responsibility on him.

There are also several rules for parents, the observance of which, in combination with the treatment being conducted, will help the child to get rid of the gnashing of teeth.

  1. Parents should constantly make sure that the jaws of the child are in a relaxed state. If you have noticed that this is not the case, then be sure to tell the child, perhaps, he simply himself involuntarily clenches his teeth.
  2. Baby's jaws should not touch each other when the lips are closed.
  3. It is necessary to try to protect the child as much as possible from various stressful situations. Talk to him more often, perhaps he feels an internal stress about a bad assessment or a quarrel with friends.

Prevention of bruxism in children

If signs of bruxism are non-permanent in nature and appear only from time to time, then it is worthwhile to carry out preventive measures in order to prevent further development of the disease.

  • Advice of experts on how to prevent bruxism in a childTry to change the mode of the day a little and put the baby to bed a little earlier. Perhaps this will save the baby from the accumulated stress.
  • Do not allow children to play outdoor games before bedtime, but rather watch a cartoon with them (without a dynamic plot) or read a book.
  • If the child does not swallow, does not chew and does not speak, his jaws should be in a relaxed state.
  • You can try imposing soothing compresses: wet a towel with warm water, in which a little aromatic oil is dripped. This procedure will relieve jaw pain and help relieve muscle tension.
  • Do not feed the child before bedtime. Working at night, the digestive system creates additional stress, which causes tooth gnash. In extreme cases, you can give your baby a whole apple or carrot.

It is rather difficult to foresee the appearance of bruxism in a child, although its causes are known. However, there is a risk group that includes children who are most susceptible to this disease. Conventionally, there are three such groups:

  1. Children with the wrong bite, diseases of the joints of the temporomandibular department and various facial pathologies.
  2. Children suffering from sleep disorders. Somnambulism, nightmares and snoring can lead to the emergence of tooth gnashing.
  3. Children with an unbalanced psyche, prone to aggression. These guys are forced to constantly suppress their emotions and feelings.

The lack of parental love and attention is what the child is so lacking in a modern, constantly rushing world. Be interested in the emotional state of your child and his children's problems, do not dismiss the baby, justifying itself by lack of time.

And then you and your child will be able to avoid many not only mental, but also physical problems.And if you are still faced with this situation, treatment should be carried out immediately, in order to avoid the development of more serious diseases.


