How can you whiten your teeth with soda, reviews

How to whiten your teeth at homeMethod teeth whitening Using soda is very popular for several reasons. As practice shows, this is a very effective way. Judging by the reviews, after the first procedure, the enamel begins to lighten, and after the second and third, it becomes snow-white. This is a very simple whitening method, available to everyone, because soda costs a penny. By the way, professional dentistry for teeth whitening uses exactly this powder. Professionals combine it with water and serve it with a powerful jet of air, which instantly removes yellow deposits from enamel. So how to whiten your teeth with soda?

What is the secret to using soda?

Soda perfectly removes any contamination from enamel. The particles of this powder are similar to the abrasive substance. Similarly produced activated carbon bleaching. However, it leaves black dots on the gums, which cannot be said about soda.

This method is recommended for people whose enamel has darkened due to natural causes. These include regular use of coffee and tea, old age, smoking, poor oral hygiene. However, it is impossible to whiten teeth, if they are dark by nature or it is impossible to quit smoking.

It is undesirable to whiten your teeth with this powder for pregnant women and nursing mothers. You should not use this method for people who have bleeding gums, too sensitive tooth enamel, there are diseases of the oral cavity.

If you use soda too zealously, then negative consequences may occur:

  • Enamel begins to thin.
  • There is bleeding gums.
  • May cause allergies in the mouth.
  • Irritation of the oral mucosa appears.
  • Teeth become sensitive to hot and cold food.

How to prepare to bleach at home

  • Whiten teeth at homeFirst needed visit the dentistto clarify if there are any contraindications for bleaching in this way. The doctor must make sure that there is no caries, the oral mucosa is clean, and the enamel has a dark color because of the plaque.
  • Then follows strengthen tooth enamel. To do this, during the month you should use a toothpaste containing fluoride and use a soft toothbrush. Food should contain foods rich in protein and calcium. All this will contribute to the fact that whitening substances will cause minimal harm to the tooth enamel.
  • After the first procedure is carried out week break. This is the period recommended by dentists. Judging by the reviews, whitening soda is best done rarely, but regularly.
  • When bleaching should prevent sodium bicarbonate from entering the gums, otherwise the likelihood of burns and microtraumas.

How to whiten your teeth with soda

When whitening soda use two approaches: applying it in a dry form or making a solution from it. You can use for this a toothbrush or gauze swab, which is moistened in a solution and very carefully begin to brush your teeth without affecting the gums. If dry powder, a brush or a tampon is used before it is wetted.

There are the following methods use of sodium bicarbonate for bleaching:

  • Teeth whitening with sodaHydrogen Peroxide Soda. This method of whitening tooth enamel was used even by our great-grandmothers. A 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide is taken and mixed with soda to such a state that a thick gruel is obtained. This mass should be used instead of toothpaste.To brush your teeth should be no more than three minutes. After that, the oral cavity is thoroughly rinsed. Reviews indicate that the effect of this method is already visible after the first dose.
  • Soda and lemon. In this case, the soda is applied to the toothbrush, and a few drops of fresh lemon juice are squeezed from the top. Brush your teeth with this mixture. However, this combination blends teeth perfectly, but at the same time harms tooth enamel. Therefore, teeth whitening with soda and lemon should be applied very carefully.
  • Soda and strawberry. Ripe strawberries are taken, kneaded and mixed with a small amount of regular soda to make a homogeneous mass. It should be applied as a toothpaste on a soft bristled brush. For maximum effect, the mixture is left on enamel for 5 minutes. Then rinse out your mouth and brush your teeth with a regular fluoride toothpaste. This method is contraindicated in allergies.
  • Soda, Lemon and Peroxide. This composition, in addition to bleaching, also strengthens the teeth. To obtain the mixture, take a spoonful of sodium bicarbonate, half a teaspoon of peroxide and freshly squeezed lemon juice. Be sure to squeeze the juice yourself, because the purchase can cause unforeseen chemical reactions. The result should form a mass in the form of foam, which is smeared on a toothbrush. You can also use your fingers to rub your teeth with this mass. Use this method is necessary 2 times a week, not more.
  • Soda and iodine. Many people leave great reviews about this method of teeth whitening, like using a mixture of soda and iodine. In addition, it reduces the number and size of tartar several times, treats various diseases of the oral cavity and makes fresh breath. In a teaspoon of this powder, you must add a few drops of iodine and mix with a wooden stick, for example, a match. Very carefully, you should apply the mixture on the tooth enamel and leave for a few minutes. However, this combination in some cases can be dangerous, for example, those who suffer from allergies or diseases of the endocrine system. Therefore, iodine can be replaced by vinegar.
  • Soda and Toothpaste. Well whiten teeth combination of sodium bicarbonate and ordinary toothpaste. Suitable for people who do not have time to look for the necessary components. From these ingredients, make a mixture in the form of a paste and brush its teeth once a day. In a week there will be an amazing result.
  • Soda, lemon juice and sea salt. All ingredients are mixed and it turns out an excellent vitamin cocktail. It strengthens the enamel well and eliminates yellow bloom.


A way to whiten your teeth at homeTeeth whitening with soda reviews is mostly positive. However, this method It has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. The main one is the possibility of the formation of erosion of enamel, which is an irreversible process, as a result of which caries is formed and even a tooth can be lost. Therefore, before self-use of soda for teeth whitening, you should consult with your doctor.


I started whitening soda teeth a month ago. Amazing effect. The teeth are much whiter, and the breath is fresh. Very pleased with the result.

Anastasia. Chelyabinsk

The fact that you can whiten your teeth with soda, I heard a long time ago and decided to try this method on myself. He began to brush his teeth with soda and lemon juice. The result exceeded all expectations. This method is very simple and cheap. Do not spend money on expensive laser whitening.

Michael. Moscow

I have been using soda for teeth whitening for a long time. Although the teeth and become whiter, but still should be carefulbecause tooth enamel can be thinned. Therefore, this method is used, though regularly, but rarely.

Veronica. Magnitogorsk


