Fluoride Free Toothpastes - List

Toothpaste selectionFluorine and its compounds are rarely found in nature, their small amount is present only in plants and animals. In plants, fluorine is involved in biochemical processes, and in animals and people it takes part in building a solid skeleton of bones and teeth.

Signals for the replenishment of fluoride in the body can serve as brittle bones or impaired tooth structure, as well as caries. Therefore, it is necessary to replenish its reserves in a timely manner. It is impossible to get it from food, therefore, in different countries, including ours, programs have been adopted to enrich the water with this microcell.

Today it is proved that fluorine compounds due to its antibacterial properties have detrimental effect on bacteriacausing caries. Fluorine ions "putty" the enamel surface, preventing the formation of cracks, thereby creating a protective layer, also strengthen the enamel, making it less susceptible to the action of acids.

Is fluoride good for you?

Fluoride free pasta

The main supplier of fluoride for teeth is toothpaste. The first fluoridated appeared in the USA in 1914. Today pasta contain no pure fluorideand its compounds: sodium fluoride, sodium monofluorophosphate. The amount of fluoride varies depending on the brand and country of manufacture. Fluorine toothpaste is more popular today than without it. Despite the benefit of fluoridation, there are his opponents.

The fact is that in large quantities fluorides have a toxic effect on the human body. In addition, sodium fluoride is very dangerous for the body, the lethal dose, when taken orally, is 5-10 grams. If you inhale it, it can damage the respiratory system, central nervous, circulatory, heart, kidney, can cause a heart attack, affect the brain.

There are no clear signs that the body lacks fluoride. People uncontrolledly eat food enriched with fluorine, use fluorine-containing pastes. Dentists recommend using fluoride toothpaste, squeezing out of the tube a portion of a pea. But statistics gives data that indicate that people use a much larger amount of teeth when brushing their teeth.

If a person for a long time consumes a large amount of it, then such a phenomenon as fluoridosis appears. When it fluoride ions settle on the bones and teeth. Bone tissue fluorine first strengthens by adsorbing minerals, then comes a surplus of minerals that block the flow of organic compounds and bones become brittle. In 1972, doctors conducted research, during which a link was found between fracture rates and fluoride use.

It is also sad that fluoride is almost not excreted. Modern studies have shown that men who use fluorinated products in large quantities lose part of the hormone testosterone. It has also been established that residents of places where water is saturated with fluorine are inferior in intelligence to the average person.

It is proved that fluorine tends to settle in the thyroid gland, preventing the production of thyroid hormones.

Regions where fluorine compounds are elevated in water

Fluoride-free toothpastes are important for residents of the regions where the fluoride content in drinking water is increased. These regions are Ural, Western Siberia, some areas of the Moscow region, Tver and Tambov region. It is characteristic that in one region of one region the content of fluorine may differ significantly. Thus, toothpastes without fluoride can be used only in those regions where its level in the water is too high.

The composition of toothpastes, where there are no fluoride compounds

If there is an overabundance of fluorine in the water, then the teeth, first of all, need calcium. This trace element neutralizes excess fluorine and remineralizes teeth. Therefore, in the composition of pastes, you can always find one of the compounds of calcium:

  • What is the toothpastecitrate,
  • pantothenate,
  • lactate
  • synthetic hydroxyapatite,
  • glycerophosphate.

Toothpaste, enriched with calciumshould not include fluoride compounds:

  • aluminum fluoride
  • sodium fluoride,
  • monofluorophosphate,
  • tin fluoride,
  • aminofluoride (Olaflur).

Fluoride Free Toothpastes - List

  • "President Unic" made in Italy has an excellent composition, it contains three calcium compounds that are easily digested. This composition immediately highlights this toothpaste from all the others. Papain dissolves residues of vital activity of bacteria, which greatly facilitates its removal, and xylitol is able to permanently protect the tooth enamel from the formation of plaque, neutralizing the action of acid. The disadvantage of the paste is potassium salt, which affects the sensitivity of the teeth, reducing it. Such pastes are recommended to use infrequently, only to relieve hypersensitivity of the teeth. Supplements that reduce the sensitivity of nerve endings can mask the manifestations of caries and other dental diseases.
  • "Splat Biocalcium" Domestic production contains highly active calcium compounds - it is hydroxyapatite and lactate, as well as polydone and papain, which dissolve the plaque, which facilitates cleaning. Good composition at a relatively inexpensive price.
  • "Splat maximum" contains in the form of ultrafine hydroxyapatite easily digestible calcium. Papain and polydone dissolve pigment plaque, zinc citrate can hold fresh breath for a long time, blocking the appearance of an unpleasant odor.
  • "Rocks" Domestic production includes calcium compounds, xylitol, which has anti-caries action. The enzyme bromelain, which dissolves soft plaque, which facilitates its removal. Pasta has a huge selection of flavors.
  • "Asepta Sensitive" Russian production includes hydroxyapatite, papain. The potassium citrate contained in the paste eliminates everyday use. This is due to the fact that the lack of sensitivity of the tooth can damage the early diagnosis of caries, when the destruction is not so great.
  • "New pearls with calcium" - Russia. The composition now contains calcium citrate, this component quickly releases active calcium.

Toothpaste selection criteria for children

Before choosing toothpasteThe composition of the paste for children should have a reduced amount of active substances, compared with the paste for adults. It is classified according to the age of the children, as each age has its own characteristics. There are pastes from three to six years, and from seven to fourteen. Then the teenager goes on to adult pasta. The main requirement for children's pastes is the lowest fluorine content, as children swallow some saliva during the cleaning process, toothpaste will get into the body with it. Over time, the child may come overdose of fluoride compounds.

Children's toothpaste should contain nutrients - dairy enzymes, glucose oxide, casein, papain, organic calcium. Such substances have a beneficial effect on the state of children's teeth, protect against bacteria that cause diseases.

Children's toothpaste without fluoride

  • "President baby" from 0 to 3 years - Italy. This is a good toothpaste for the smallest Chistula. It is low abrasive, it smells good raspberry syrup.Enamel is strengthened by calcium glycerol phosphate. Xylitol helps get rid of bacteria by neutralizing acids in the mouth. It is safe if swallowed.
  • Children's toothpasteWeleda Calendula Gel from 0 to 3 years - Germany. Safe for swallowing toothpaste for milk teeth. It removes plaque well and has an anti-inflammatory effect due to the presence of essential oils and alginate derived from algae. It contains neither calcium nor fluorine, therefore it is necessary to alternate with pastes that contain calcium compounds.
  • "Splat Jusi Set" Suitable for all ages. It is recommended for intensive strengthening of enamel, as it contains a form of easily digestible calcium - synthetic hydroxyapatite. It restores the structure of enamel, strengthening its mineralization. Enzyme content makes the paste anti-inflammatory, enhancing local immunity.
  • "Rocks Kids Barberry" from 3 to 7 years. Russia. Anti-caries protection is due to xylitol and calcium glycerol phosphate.


