The essence of the teeth whitening system zoom

After teeth whiteningTo make your teeth white, you can use a few tricks. Most of them are based on a game of contrast. For example, you can make a tan on your face or make up your lips with bright lipstick, so that they make your unattractive teeth as invisible as possible. But still the teeth will remain with a cosmetic defect, so if you want to truly change their appearance, then you should take advantage of the professional bleaching procedure.

In recent years, a lot has appeared. new effective ways, allowing to give the teeth the desired whiteness. One of them is the Zoom system, which has worked well. It is enough to go through just one procedure to see the changes. The maximum effect of whitening using this method manifests itself already in a day.

Pre Bleaching

Before the whitening procedure, teeth preparation is mandatory, which consists of two stages:

  • sanitation of the oral cavity;
  • the use of firming gel;

The main objective of the rehabilitation of the oral cavity is to improve the health of teeth. This is achieved by professional cleaning, removal of soft and hard dental deposits, in some cases it may be necessary to remove the tartar with a scaler, as well as to reduce the inflammation of the gum tissue. As a result of these actions, you can eliminate all elements that may interfere with effective bleaching - plaque, stone, bleeding. One of the main principles of whitening is that it is done evenly, then the result is maintained for a long time.

Treatment of teeth with a strengthening gel is recommended for patients with sensitive teeth. This will help them avoid discomfort during and after bleaching. Carry out this procedure for 1-2 weeks before bleaching. First, the cavity is cleaned, and then gel is applied to the teeth and left for 20 minutes. As a result of such an impact, it is possible to improve the health of the teeth due to the presence of useful trace elements in the gel composition, as well as to restore damaged areas, for example, with cracks. The Zoom method not only helps to strengthen the teeth, but also helps to prolong the whitening effect.

Thus, professional dentists during the bleaching procedure not only give the teeth the necessary color, but also restore their health.

Zoom teeth whitening: before and after, description and procedure steps

During the whitening procedure using the Zoom system, it is imperative conduct a series of stages:

  1. It is a bleaching procedure.applying a reflective gel to protect the gums;
  2. eye protection with glasses, and clothes with napkins;
  3. dental treatment with whitening gel;
  4. gel exposure by the ZOOM system lamp;
  5. repeat the cycle of 10-minute application and 15-minute exposure of the gel (up to 4 times per session);
  6. removal of the whitening gel;
  7. washing the mouth;
  8. removing the protective gel;
  9. Care advice and appointment of the next visit.

The desired effect as a result of the procedure of the bleaching zoom is provided by the reaction of the disintegration of the gel at the time of exposure to radiation: this leads to the release of oxygen, which activates enamel whitening component. Usually one bleaching procedure takes about 2 hours.To determine the number of sessions, you must consider various factors:

  • the initial shade of enamel;
  • the desired color of the teeth;
  • features of anatomy.

It must be borne in mind that whatever the whitening method the patient chooses, he will never achieve the desired result if the enamel already has a close to ideal white shade and is not exposed to the whitening gel. This is due to the color of the dentin: the enamel with a more pronounced yellow tinge and a smaller thickness of the gel will affect with less success, so the whitening effect will be weak. Therefore, it is important to learn about these and other nuances during the initial consultation. But sometimes you can only get this information. after the first bleaching and analysis of results.

It happens that the patient wants to not only whiten his teeth for several tones, but also to achieve a snow-white result. In this case, he can undergo the procedure again, provided that his teeth are able to endure another session. The doctor usually prescribes repeated bleaching only 4 weeks after the first treatment. So you can minimize the possible negative effects on tooth enamel.

System cost zoom

Zoom teeth whiteningTo give the teeth natural whiteness using Zoom 3 technology, the patient will have to pay 129 dollars. However, this price is fully justified. If the teeth whitening procedure is performed by a professional specialist, then the patient can expect that not only will he get beautiful white teeth, but also heal the oral cavity, because this technology requires professional cleaning before the whitening procedure.

At the same time, anyone can perform the procedure on their own at home, using firming whitening gels. In this case, the cost of whitening can be reduced by 2 times, but to guarantee the best result, the procedure should be carried out under the supervision of a dentist.

Advantages and disadvantages

Although there are many controversial reviews about this system on the network, in fact, whitening using the zoom method does not have a destructive effect on tooth enamel and gum tissue. The only thing that does not have to doubt is very specific procedure. You can spend it only with teeth that are in perfect condition. Unfortunately, using the Zoom system you cannot change the color of the crowns, so after bleaching they may look different than all other teeth. It is also necessary to take into account the contraindications of the Zoom whitening system: women should avoid it during pregnancy, people with allergies, and smokers.

About the harmfulness of the procedure

The merits of the Zoom Whitening methodIt is believed that whitening seriously harm the enamel, causing its destruction, as well as a negative effect on the condition of the teeth. Dentists who are not ready to adopt modern methods of acquiring a beautiful smile, or people who are practically unfamiliar with the features of the procedure, adhere to this point of view.

However in recent years dentistry is actively developing, and the whitening procedure is one of the most popular methods today, which helps to improve the appearance of a smile. It is in demand by many patients who want to correct various cosmetic defects of teeth, and it is often from her that they begin to work on how to improve the smile.

Considerable experience in the procedure of bleaching acquired clinics in Europe and Western countries. Over the past 30 years, they have been able to adopt a variety of different methods, tools and drugs that are not only very effective, but also have minimal damage to the condition of the teeth. But we must not forget that this is an aesthetic procedure, and therefore experts must follow certain rules. The physician must take into account the degree of force, frequency, individual characteristics of the patient.All this helps to make such a service as safe as possible.


The bleaching procedure is recommended first of all for those people who want to eliminate a certain cosmetic defect of their teeth. But, unfortunately, the patient’s desire to undergo this procedure is not enough for the doctor to agree to this. First of all, he must hold oral examination, as some patients may have contraindications for teeth whitening.

The main contraindications experts call the following:

  • Signs of caries, which may require reorganization of the oral cavity;
  • The presence of many large, visible old fillings that need to be replaced;
  • The presence of crowns and dentures on the smile line, because of which they can be very different from the whitened teeth;
  • Periodontal disease;
  • Thin and weak tooth enamel;
  • Increased tooth sensitivity;
  • Allergy to whitening gel components;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Chemotherapy treatment;
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Age up to 18 years;
  • Active smoking.

The specialist will have to determine whether the patient has any contraindications. during the initial consultation. In some cases, certain contraindications can be eliminated. Then the dentist must draw up a treatment plan, after which, if it is successfully implemented, you can proceed directly to the bleaching procedure.

Prevention and support of the result

How does the whitening zoomAfter successful completion of teeth whitening with the zoom system, the final stage comes - patient support. There are such clinics that not only give recommendations to their patients after the whitening procedure, but can also tell about the nuances of the whitening procedure at home.

This can be helpful if the patient wishes re-bleach. Although such procedures can be saved, rather than if they are carried out in a clinic, they do not provide such a bright result. Bleaching of enamel at home can only provide support for the previously achieved result, “refresh” the whiteness that was obtained with the help of professional bleaching.

At home, teeth can be whitened using a special gel and caps. First you need to prepare a mouthpiece, which I fill with gel, and then it is attached to the teeth - it is advisable to do this before going to bed, and in the morning they must be removed and the teeth thoroughly cleaned. In each case, the frequency of such bleaching should be determined by a specialist, taking into account the different nuances. In this case, the patient himself should not be too often bleached, otherwise there may be a negative effect on the enamel.


Teeth whitening techniqueTeeth whitening technology Zoom is one of the most advanced. It is successfully used in Western countries, and today has become available to residents of Russia. Contrary to the existing opinion, this technique can really help to get a snow-white smile. But in order to understand whether the patient will be able to realize the old dream of beautiful teeth, he needs to be examined by a dentist. According to its results, the final decision will be made. You also need to take into account the fact that not all people can be shown this procedure. This also needs to be considered, otherwise serious health damage may be caused.

Zoom teeth whitening
Zoom system teeth whiteningHow to care after bleachingA way to whiten your teethTeeth whitening procedureHow can whiten teethZoom whiteningBenefits of Zoom WhiteningTeeth whitening methodsApparara for teeth whitening


