What is laser teeth whitening, reviews of the procedure

Teeth whitening methodsModern dentistry offers various methods of teeth whitening, of varying complexity and cost. It is not easy to make the right choice. Judging by the reviews, the most popular method is the laser bleaching procedure. It not only makes the teeth white, but also strengthens them. This method is performed only in a dental clinic.

How is laser whitening performed

The principle of laser bleaching is to removing stains from tooth enamel. Before the procedure, dental calculus and plaque are removed, if there is caries - the oral cavity is treated. Then the teeth are covered with a special gel of hydrogen peroxide, and then each tooth is illuminated by a laser for 30 seconds. For safety, the patient is wearing glasses, and gums and lips are protected by special means.

Damaged tissue contains a lot of moisture, so the laser evaporates it, at the same time killing harmful bacteria and making denser enamel denser. The laser exposure procedure lasts mostly about 15 minutes. Do not be afraid of the harmful effects of laser beams, they are perfect harmless.

After that, the teeth are processed amorphous calcium phosphate. It fills all cracks and scratches on the teeth, and instantly crystallizes. The enamel from this is made strong and smooth, its permeability and its sensitivity decrease. Also, after laser treatment, the probability of caries formation is reduced.

Laser whitening procedure can last up to 30 minutes. Enamel becomes brighter on 8 tones. How long this effect will last depends on the characteristics of the technology, the professionalism of the doctor and the initial color of the patient's tooth enamel. Reviews indicate that many have a good condition of tooth enamel for years, and someone only has a few months. The most important thing is to maintain proper oral hygiene to prevent the formation of plaque. You should also stop smoking and limit the use of coloring products.

Advantages and disadvantages

Laser teeth whitening judging by the reviews has both advantages and disadvantages. However, positive feedback is several times more.

Laser whitening procedure has the following advantages:

  • Pros and cons of teeth whiteningTooth enamel becomes stronger.
  • The procedure lasts a relatively short time.
  • Tooth enamel is not overdried, and its structure is preserved completely.
  • The sensitivity of the teeth after the whitening process does not increase.
  • Wonderful effect of a snow-white smile.
  • The procedure does not require anesthesia.
  • Due to the properties of the laser to have a bactericidal effect, its use allows you to protect your teeth from the occurrence of caries.
  • Long aesthetic effect.

Laser procedure has disadvantages:

  • High price.
  • During the treatment of teeth with a laser may be a little discomfort.


In the opinion of doctors, the laser bleaching procedure is categorically prohibited in the following cases:

  • Laser whiteningPregnancy and lactation.
  • If you are intolerant to the individual components of the whitening gel. The dentist is obliged to acquaint the patient with the exact composition of the gel before the procedure.
  • Periodontitis
  • If the patient is less than 18 years old. At this age, dental tissue has not yet reached the peak of its thickness.
  • The presence of a large number of fillings.The material from which they are made does not change their shade and will even look darker.
  • Wearing braces.
  • If the enamel is porous and has very small cracks.

Should I whiten my teeth

Do I need to whiten my teeth? After reading the reviews, you come to the conclusion that many people have dreamed all their lives to carry out this procedure and realize their dream. However, not everything is so rosy. There are several facts that hide dentists, and which you will not find in any review.

The color of the tooth enamel is laid genetically. If by its nature it does not differ in whiteness, then sooner or later it will still begin to darken, no matter what whitening procedures are performed with it.

The composition of the whitening gel contains 35 percent hydrogen peroxide, and it is quite aggressive with respect to enamel, and the laser is able to enhance its oxidative effect.

If a person very often takes antibiotics, especially tetracycline, then they begin to accumulate in the body, and because of this teeth turn yellow with time. Contrary to advertising, such teeth cannot be whitened.

By the way, it is undesirable to bleach enamel by more than 2 tones, after 40 years. At this age, the skin begins to fade and white teeth will only emphasize this.

How to keep whiteness longer

Judging by the reviews of doctors, patients often after the whitening procedure are wondering how much whiteness will the teeth hold? Everything will depend on how well oral hygiene is performed.

It is also recommended adhere to the following rules:

  • Teeth whitening methodBrush your teeth with a medium-hard natural bristle brush.
  • Care for the oral cavity must be very carefully. In addition to a toothbrush, it is recommended to use dental floss.
  • Professionally clean your teeth regularly.
  • Should stop smoking and coloring products.
  • Every six months you must visit the dentist.

Thus, laser teeth whitening - the procedure is rather contradictory. Has positive and negative feedback. It is important to choose a highly qualified dentist who will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of laser bleaching, and only after that a decision should be made.


Since childhood, I suffer from yellow color of tooth enamel. I tried many different methods of bleaching: soda, charcoal, lemon peel. The result was always zero. I bought whitening pastes in pharmacies, no gels. Until one day at work, she did not pay attention to a colleague with snow-white teeth. She told me that she did laser whitening. I signed up at the same clinic, and at the first opportunity I went there. At first I was brushing my teeth. This procedure is unpleasant, but tolerable. After her, her teeth and gums became very sensitive for several days, and during the very whitening my jaw became very numb. But this suffering was worth it. Now I am the owner of a snow-white smile.

Anna. Moscow.

I was very unhappy with the procedure. I have long dreamed of laser whitening, I saved it for a long time and finally decided to do it. Gave a lot of money, and as a result the effect lasted only a month. And this despite the fact that I do not drink and do not smoke. The clinic did not provide a guarantee, and its employees told me that this was only my fault, because it was not keeping an eye on my teeth.

Oksana. Samara

About a year ago, I did a laser bleaching procedure. Enamel brightened by 3 tones and the effect still holds. But I have white teeth on my own, so perhaps it affected a good result, or maybe a high-quality whitening.

Nina. Kaliningrad


