Stomatitis in adults and children

Oral diseases in adultsStomatitis on the tongue is the most common disease of the mouth. This disease is considered to be childish, but almost 20% of adults also experience acne and oral ulcersespecially on the language. Stomatitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane. If the inflammation is only in the tongue, then it is called glossitis.

A characteristic feature of stomatitis is a white-yellow plaque on the tongue, after which gray spots appear. Such spots can change their shape or merge into one large spot. There may be no pain, and sores also can't be. But even if the disease does not bother, then the treatment is still needed.

Causes and symptoms

  1. There are many reasons for the appearance of stomatitis, but all of them are bacterial or viral.
  2. The most common causes of stomatitis in the language:
  3. Infectious diseases - influenza, measles, scarlet fever, diphtheria, acute respiratory infections.
  4. Disease of the digestive system and stomach.
  5. Damage to the teeth, such as chipped or poor quality denture.
  6. Worms
  7. Bad habits.
  8. Lack of vitamins in the body or a weak immune system.

One of the common symptoms of the disease is severe swelling of the tongue, ulcers appear on it, then they burst and a burning sensation appears. It hurts the patient to eat and even talk. This happens in adults and in children and proceeds in exactly the same way.

Stomatitis in the tongue There are different types:

  1. Catarrhal - high fever and abundant saliva rises. Very often occurs when bad breath.
  2. Aphthous - manifested by the presence of small yellowish ulcers called aphthae.
  3. Necrotizing ulcer - gray sores appear.


Treatment methods stomatitis in language:

  1. Stomatitis treatment methodsIf glossitis appeared due to an infectious disease, then the infection itself should be treated, not its consequences.
  2. When diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can also occur stomatitis on the tongue. In this case, the tongue is always covered with white bloom, under which is inflamed mucosa. For treatment, it is necessary to adjust the process of digestion and eliminate dysbacteriosis.
  3. If stomatitis was formed as a result of caries, periodontitis, dental plaque and stones, the treatment should be directed to the rehabilitation and oral hygiene.
  4. When worm infestation, you must first start elimination of all parasitic infection.
  5. Harmful habits and malicious use of alcohol can cause poisoning and symptoms of intoxication. and while the patient does not change his way of life, the treatment of stomatitis is completely useless.
  6. The cause of this disease can also be a lack of vitamins in the body - easier, toxicosis. In this case, you need to adjust the diet and balance the diet.
  7. Another cause of stomatitis in the tongue maybe injury, which is applied removable dentures or chips on the teeth. In this case, the treatment is carried out analgesic and anti-inflammatory.

Treatment of stomatitis has general principles, such as:

  • Treatment of the oral cavity with antiseptic solutions - furatsilinom, chlorhexidine, brown in glycerin.
  • Anti-inflammatory rinse infusion of chamomile, calendula, sage. At the pharmacy, you can buy ointments and solutions of iodinol, stomatofit, romazulan.
  • Raw potatoes or carrots, grated on a grater - application.

How wound healing agent can be applied - linseed, sea buckthorn, peach and other types of oils. Burdock can also be used.

Children's stomatitis and its classification

Stomatitis in childrenOf all forms of stomatitis in children, the most common fungal and viral, which is caused by a yeast-like fungus of the genus Candida and herpes simplex virus.

Candida, fungal stomatitis (otherwise called thrush) - it most often develops with a high temperature (sometimes it reaches 40 degrees) and with an increase in lymph nodes. The child becomes moody and eats poorly, sleeps restlessly, since the foci of inflammation in the tongue are very painful and cause the kid to have burning sensations and dry mouth.

Herpetic it depends on the immune system, since children and adults have herpes and at this time the immune system comes to protection and it depends on whether the herpes infection will develop.

Aphthous occurs when a stomach or stomach ache, with allergies to berries, sweets, fruits. It also occurs in case of trauma to the oral cavity. Treatment of this disease is difficult, since it is impossible to determine the causative agent of the disease.

The danger of such a virus is that it can not completely disappear, but can go into a chronic disease, which pass with periods of remission and relapses. And therefore, at the first sign of herpes, you need to urgently take action.

Usually this happens in children from one to three years old, because the antibodies received from the mother have already weakened, and their baby has not yet developed.

If a small child is naughty, refuses to eat, the temperature rises, and older children have pain in the mouth and when the mother examines the mouth, they are detected sores in the tongue - it is definitely stomatitis.

There is an interesting fact that stomatitis corresponds to a certain age of the child. But, of course, there are exceptions:

  • From birth to three years stomatitis happens Candida.
  • From one to three years - herpetic.
  • School children most often suffer from allergic stomatitis
  • The most common stomatitis on child language - this bacterial. It occurs when a child can injure the oral cavity - violate personal hygiene rules (for example, do not brush teeth), eat unwashed fruits, eat food with dirty hands.

The reason for the occurrence of stomatitis is that the child's oral mucosa is so delicate and thin that it is very easily injured from any touch of foreign objects that the child pulls into his mouth, and his immune system has not yet fully formed.

Treatment of children's stomatitis

Stomatitis and its treatmentTreatment of children's stomatitis is very different from treatment in adults and has its own nuances. Child because of his age does not follow the rules of hygiene and does not realize all the consequences of all this.

All dentists agree that the disease of children's stomatitis is due to the fact that the child has poorly developed immunity. In young children, it usually develops during teething. And this is not surprising, since the child at this time drags everything that catches his eye. And in older children, this disease occurs when the baby teeth change to permanent.

In young children in the composition of saliva very little lysozyme, which in adults acts as a defense and barrier. And if a child once has become ill with stomatitis, then he is not immune to him, and if he does not receive appropriate treatment, then this disease can turn into a chronically-relapsing form. Due to all these factors, children's treatment is different from an adult.

Of all the forms of stomatitis in children, the most common is fungal and viral, which is caused by a yeast-like fungus of the genus Candida and herpes simplex virus.


