Gum Disease: Home Treatment

What are the characteristic properties of the disease inflammation of the gums?Gum disease is a fairly common disease, occurring in both adults and children. Today, many complain of hypersensitivity and bleeding gums. When gums are inflamed and bleed, the mood falls "below the baseboard." And there is because of what. Not only does a smile with sore gums look, to put it mildly, unattractive. So, more and pain, and the smell from the mouth. And toothache can happen. Why is there a good mood to be? And as you think that gum inflammation can lead to loss of teeth, it overcomes melancholy.


Description of the development of gingivitisIf you feel that you have swelling of the gums, pain, blood, pain when taking solid, hot or cold food, and sometimes suppuration at the base of the teeth or their wobbling is a sign of one of the inflammatory diseases of the mouth.

Gingivitis - initial stage of inflammation the surface of the mucous membrane of the gum papillae between the teeth or the edge of the gums at the tooth. It manifests itself in the form of increased sensitivity, pain, redness, swelling and bleeding of the gums, sometimes giving pain to the temple or ear.

The reason may be damage to the mucous membrane during eating, brushing your teeth, traumatic installation of fillings, dentures, crowns or braces. It may occur in those with an overbite or short lip bridle.

Gingivitis is a fairly common disease, the treatment of which must be approached seriously. If you do not treat gingivitis, it can turn into more serious periodontitis.

Gingivitis may occur as an accompanying primary disease, which should be treated first.

It also occurs pregnant gingivitiswhich may be accompanied by swelling of the gums, bleeding, the appearance of pus and the smell from the mouth. Painful sores may appear and the temperature may rise.

Gingivitis in children occurs if oral hygiene rules are not observed or mucous membranes in the oral cavity are injured, as a result of which microbes causing inflammation get into it. The reason may also be lack of vitamins and minerals in the body and teething. Children gingivitis is treated in the same way as in adults, but in more benign ways.


Periodontitis is commonly considered advanced gingivitis. It is accompanied by mobility of the teeth, periodontal pockets appear with leaky pus, the bone around the teeth atrophies, periodontitis penetrates the bone, and the roots become bare. If you do not carry out timely treatment, over time the teeth fall out.

In these diseases, inflammation of the gums occurs in the region of either single or all teeth.

Periodontal disease

The list of causes of periodontal disease

Periodontal disease occurs as a result insignificant or uneven load on the teeth. Accompanied by a small bleeding, usually without pain, and a small amount of tartar. It develops slowly, but in the absence of treatment leads to periodontitis. Most common in older people.

When periodontal disease is recommended gum massage and include hard nuts, vegetables and fruits in the diet to increase the load on the chewing apparatus.

Bleeding gums independent disease is not. Most often observed when brushing your teeth as one of the symptoms of gingivitis or periodontitis.

If the gums swell with periodontitis, which causes an infection in the canals of the tooth, it is useless to treat inflammation of the gums. Required root canal filling.

In case of gum injuries as a result of improper, traumatic installation of fillings, crowns, prostheses or braces, first of all you should contact your dentist to eliminate the cause. Without this, gum treatment will not be effective.

Causes of gingivitis

Usually distinguish internal and external causes the occurrence of inflammation of the gums. External causes as a result of exposure include:

  • poor oral hygiene or lack of it, or improper care of it;
  • the presence of tartar;
  • improper installation of fillings, dental crowns, prosthetic braces;
  • malocclusion;
  • smoking.

Internal causes are:

Internal and external causes of gum disease

  • diseases of the internal systems and organs (gastrointestinal tract, cardiac, hematological, diabetes, etc.);
  • immunodeficiency;
  • lack of vitamins in the body;
  • medications taken;
  • genetic problems;
  • sometimes pregnancy.

That is, most often inflammation of the gums associated with teeth infection or another pathology of the human body. It can lead to serious complications and disorders in the body.

Treatment options at home

Inflammation of the gums can be treated using different methods. In any case, in order not to harm the health and prevent the development of more serious diseases, before starting treatment, it is necessary to consult a dentist for a diagnosis.

In serious cases, the doctor will prescribe treatment, in combination with which additional home remedies provide good effect.

In simpler cases, it is sufficient to use home remedies that provide anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, anti-edema and analgesic effects.

Speaking about the methods of treatment of gums at home, there are medical remedies. pharmaceutical (medicamentous) and national.


Pharmacy means include rinsing, sprays, applications, toothpastes and gels. All pharmaceutical preparations are supplied with instructions for use, which must be followed and followed by the reception formulation to get the desired result.

Modern pharmacology has created on the basis of healing natural remedies and medicinal plants natural safe and effective drugs.

In bleeding and inflammation of the gums, various pharmaceutical preparations are used, which suppress inflammation, anesthetize, eliminate bleeding, itching and burning, relieve swelling and disinfect the mucosa from microorganisms and bacteria.

Antiseptic rinses include:

List of medicines and drugs for the treatment of gum disease

  1. Listerin (2 times a day for 30s) is one of the most effective rinses.
  2. Stomatofit (3-4 times a day for 10-15 days).
  3. Furacilin (2-3 times a day).
  4. Chlorhexidine (spray 0.2% for periodontal disease and 0.05% for children gingivitis - after each meal until recovery).
  5. Miramistin (3-4 times a day).
  6. Chlorophyllipt (3 times a day diluted solution).
  7. Rotokan (to eliminate inflammation).
  8. Hydrogen peroxide (a solution of 1 tbsp. L. In 100 ml of water 2 times a day).
  9. Malavit (10 drops / glass of rinse water 1 weekly).
  10. "Forest Balsam" (after each meal until the symptoms disappear).

The effect of rinsing treatment can be enhanced by using parallel compresses and applications with medical pastes, gels and ointments.

Healing gels and ointments form a protective film on the mucous membrane. They are applied to the gums several times a day, after rinsing. The most effective means:

  • List of gels and ointments for pain relief and treatment of gum diseaseParadontocyte, including mint, cloves, sage and oregano (a series of solution for rinsing or spray, toothpaste and gel).
  • Genegel with hyaluronic acid for tissue regeneration. Tissues heal twice as fast, inflammation decreases, and blood supply to the tissues improves.
  • Stomatofit A - as an anesthetic for long-term therapeutic effects.
  • Cholisal - instant gel for rubbing into the gums 2-3 times a day for 5-7 days, lasting several hours.
  • Asepta - balm with propolis, providing tissue repair and eliminating bleeding.
  • Metrogil Dent - paste (applied 2 times a day, clearing the mouth).
  • Solcoseryl - gel or ointment (applied 2-3 times a day) for the speedy recovery of the mucous membrane and anesthesia.
  • Dental (applied by massaging, 3-4 times a day). It relieves pain and heals.

Special toothpastes also proved to be effective in the treatment and prevention of bleeding and inflammation of the gums. They contain herbal extracts and anti-inflammatory ingredients. For inflammation of the gums, it is recommended to use toothpastes:

  • List of toothpastes recommended by dentists"Parodontaks";
  • "Lakalut" (the series also includes rinsing);
  • "The president";
  • "Mexidol Dent Phyto";
  • Toothpastes with tea tree oil.

Healing toothpastes are not recommended for longer than one month, after which it should take a break.

Folk remedies for the treatment

To get a really positive therapeutic effect and the disease has not progressed, before you decide how to treat inflammation of the gums at home, it is recommended to consult a specialist not only to establish a diagnosis, but also, if necessary, to clean, remove tartar and get the basic purposes .

As a rule, the use of folk remedies has a centuries-old experience. Medicinal plants, both in pure form and in combination with other plants, are increasingly used for the prevention and treatment of diseases of different etymologies. An important advantage of medicinal plants is their low toxicity and the absence of side effects in most cases.

As a rule, you will need to cook infusion, decoction or spirit tincture on the basis of medicinal plants for rinsing the mouth, making compresses or therapeutic applications.

Healing herbs have antibacterial (calendula, chamomile), anti-inflammatory and analgesic (sage, yarrow), astringent and firming (oak bark, St. John's wort) properties.

With simple inflammation, rinsing with decoction or infusion may suffice. But herbal infusions are stored for long, it is desirable to prepare them daily. Most effective and safe sage, krovokhlebka, yarrow, chamomile, calamus, oak bark, sorrel, St. John's wort, lime blossom, calendula, eucalyptus and many others.

Below are some of the most simple recipes for treating gums with home remedies.

  1. Description of folk methods and means of treating gum diseaseAloe. Aloe leaf is well washed, cut the spines, cut lengthwise and apply 5-7 times / day on the gums.
  2. Sea salt. Dissolve 1 tbsp. l in a glass of water and rinse your mouth periodically.
  3. Oak bark. Two Art. l Oak bark boil 10 min. in 0.5 liters of water, insist 10 minutes. Under the lid, strain, cool and rinse your mouth 2-3 times a day, 0.5 cups of broth. It is not recommended to use for a long time, as teeth begin to darken.
  4. Hydrogen peroxide 6%. In 1 cup boiled water dilute 1 tbsp. l 6% hydrogen peroxide and rinse with the mouth for 5 days several times during the day.
  5. Calendula. One spoon of calendula flowers insist in 200 ml of boiling water for 30 minutes. and rinse your mouth.
  6. Chamomile. Two spoons of flowers to brew in 1 tbsp. boiling water, insist 30 minutes And rinse your mouth.
  7. Sage. One spoonful of flowers pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, cool and rinse your mouth after eating.
  8. Hypericum One spoon of herb St. John's wort insist in 1 tbsp. boiling water for 30-40 minutes or dilute alcohol tincture in water and rinse your mouth.
  9. Yarrow Boil 15 minutes for 2 tablespoons of flowers in 0.5 liters of water, strain the broth and do the baths in the mouth during the day.
  10. Plantain. In the summer, after washing the leaves well, you can chew them, rub the gingiva juice, or rinse your mouth with infusion. Bleeding gums cease after 3 days, and their condition improves. In winter, prepare an infusion of dry leaves for rinsing.

First aid for inflammation of the gums

In the case of severe pain, for the treatment of gums at home before visiting the doctor, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with solutions:

  • potassium permanganate;
  • baking soda;
  • chlorhexidine;
  • furatsilina.

Or use ointments that will reduce the bleeding of the gums, will have an antiseptic effect and reduce pain.

The main thing is not to resort to radical methods of self-treatment in any case, since this may cause more serious consequences. In order to stop the spread of inflammation, the best apply different infusionswith antimicrobial action. The pharmacy without a prescription sells such highly effective means as "Stomatoidin", "Mevaleks" and "Givalex". They should be used according to the recommendation enclosed in the package.


