Flux or periostitis is a rather complex disease, in which the upper part of the dental root inflames. Therefore, you must immediately seek the help of a dentist and not wait for complications. Often, when flux has to completely remove the tooth. To try to save him, it is necessary to know the causes of the onset and symptoms of the course of the disease, in order to treat a specialist in time, as delaying leads to death.
Causes of flux
He is called several common reasons:
- In connection with tooth decay.
- The fault of the inflammatory process, which begins at the point of contact of the tooth with the gum.
- As a result of serious injury.
From the above reasons, we can conclude that the inflammatory process appears due to infection with microbesliving in the oral cavity. After each meal, particles of food remain, which settle on the gums and after a while they begin to decompose and rot, the more they accumulate, the situation is aggravated. Pus, seeking to find a way out, passes through the created channel located in the upper part of the tooth, then goes through the bone. Outside it cannot penetrate, so it settles under the periosteum of the jaw. In this regard, the disease is called periostitis.
All this leads to decay of tissues in the area of the tooth. This process is accompanied by severe inflammation and pain, during an exacerbation of the disease there is even pain in the ear, from the side where the lesion is located.
When a flux occurs, you should immediately seek the help of a dentist for treatment, but many postpone visitthan aggravate the situation. Meanwhile, inflammation tends to the periosteum, provoking the occurrence of fever and severe pain.
Flux symptoms
When the disease makes itself felt, there is pain in the area of the affected tooth, it intensifies during chewing food or brushing your teeth, as pressure occurs. The patient may notice swelling of the tissues surrounding the tooth and mucous membrane. On the gum visible lump filled with pus.
If the tooth is located in the upper jaw, then noticeable swelling of the cheeks and upper lip. Then the inflammation grows and swelling is already visible in the eyelids. If periostitis affects the lower jaw tooth, swelling of the cheeks and chin occurs, spreading, the disease affects the lymph nodes under the jaw, causing severe pain.
All these listed symptoms appear, as a rule, against the background of increased temperature and decreased performance. It is worth noting that children and the elderly do not experience similar symptoms, while adolescents and adults, he suffers badly.
Flux can have two forms of flow:
- Ostrum. When it occurs, swelling of the gums, which tends to nasolabial fold and lip. After a few days pus is already affected facial tissue, including cheeks, chin, neck. If time does not seize the purulent inflammatory process, a person will die.
- Chronic. Flux in this form is not so pronounced, the course of the disease is protracted. First, there is a thickening of the jaw bone in the area of the affected tooth. Then there is an accumulation of pus, which, although slowly, but still accumulates. A person does not feel any serious problems for a long time, but the disease still makes itself felt. To identify the flux, you need to contact your dentist, be examined and clarify the presence of the disease.
Antibiotic treatment
Many do not like to go to the dentist, as some are convinced that all doctors treat ill and save on materialtherefore, they do not want to overpay for services of poor quality, others simply fear the doctor. In any case, with such a disease, it is necessary for the doctor to appear so that he can carry out the full range of diagnostic measures and prescribe the necessary antibiotics. A professional examination will help establish the condition of the root of a tooth, on which it will depend to keep it or not.
Important! Remember that flux is insidious purulent diseasewhich can not be treated independently in any case. Since the spread of infection is fraught with complications up to death.
The doctor prescribes antibiotics at the very beginning of the development of the disease to eradicate the ulcer, which appeared recently. Also, together with anti-microbial drugs, he will prescribe an anesthetic. This will help to better transfer the flux, getting rid of it in a few days.
If the flux has already developed, as can be seen from the increase in the abscess, then an operation to remove it is necessary. After the procedure for cleaning tissues from bacteria, a course of antibiotics is prescribed to help extinguish the inflammatory process. Sometimes one can help. antimicrobial drug. In any case, everything is in the hands of the doctor, and the patient’s case is to trust and hope for the best.
Is antibiotic treatment effective?
Suddenly they will be powerless? If the patient himself has prescribed an antibiotic himself, then it is hardly worth hoping for the result. Another thing is the doctor who conducted the diagnosis and knows how the flux will behave if you take a certain active ingredient. Based on this, do not take care of your health if it concerns such a serious disease as periostitis. Treatment with antibiotics without a doctor's prescription is fraught with complications not only of the causative disease, but also of other, hidden forms. After all, these drugs affect all body systems, destroying along with pathological bacteria beneficial. And this, in turn, leads to serious problems primarily of the gastrointestinal tract and so on.
Flux: home treatment
Undoubtedly, it is necessary to begin the treatment of any disease with the application of the visit to the doctor. But some fall short to such an extent that the pain becomes unbearable and one wants to get rid of it as soon as possible. Others are embarrassed to go out, because with the acute flux, facial swelling is strongly pronounced. Still others cannot ask for help from a specialist due to distance from home, for example, the flux began to attack during the trip. Therefore, to alleviate the condition, you will have to try folk methods. So, many argue that the disease will recede if apply the following means:
- One of the most well-known methods of treating toothache at home is the use of calendula tincture. It is sold in a pharmacy for almost nothing. In a glass of warm water, take 5 ml of tincture, rinse your mouth. Hold the solution in the area of inflammation for 30 seconds, repeat 10 times a day.
- At home, you can apply the infusion of their sage. This herb is used as a remedy for pain in many dental diseases. Sage is able to disinfect and relieve pain. When flux is necessary to make an infusion of this plant and rinse their mouths, you can also put on a bad tooth dipped in a cotton swab. Sage will treat the affected area, eliminating pathogenic bacteria, thereby preventing further spread of the infection. To prepare the infusion should brew boiling water (200 ml) tablespoon of sage and let it brew. You can add salt or green tea.
- Sometimes for diseases of the oral cavity is recommended to use a compress of garlic. It also has antibacterial properties. To prepare, take a couple of slices and rub them grated. Apply to the sore spot to reduce the pain symptom.
- Treatment of toothache is carried out with the help of lemon balm. Rinse the mouth cavity with infusion of this plant. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, and is also able to disinfect the affected area well. You need to take 2 tablespoons of lemon balm and brew a glass of boiling water, insist for several hours and apply immediately.
- Salt and soda have good antibacterial properties. Of them prepare a solution for rinsing the mouth. It is necessary to take 1 teaspoon of this and another product and pour a glass of warm boiled water.
- For rinsing at home pods suitable yellow acacia. They need to take half a glass, pour 500 ml of water and put on the fire to boil. After 10 minutes, remove the decoction from the stove and let it brew for half an hour. Strain and rinse your mouth several times a day.
- From the pain of flux will help the grass of the celandine and the aloe leaf, which almost everyone grows at home. Crush and mix both components and wrap in a gauze cloth, then attach to the focus of inflammation. After two hours, you should feel the pain subside. Do not swallow.
- Prepare the sea buckthorn as follows: squeeze the fruit and remove the bones, push it. Mix well the tar (20 g) and sea buckthorn porridge. Spread the mixture on the gauze and in the form of a bag, attach it to the flux between the cheek and the gum. Hold for half an hour, then make a new compress.
- At home, you can apply the infusion of herbs rue. To do this, 20 g of plants poured a glass of boiling water. Let it brew, strain and rinse the mouth warm several times a day.
- About the pain of flux will help to forget the "horseradish wine." It can be cooked at home. To do this, take the root of horseradish and rub it on the grater. Then to two spoons of horseradish, add dry wine (2 cups). Insist 4 hours, strain. During the day, rinse your mouth with homemade wine.
- Prepare an infusion of 20 g of plantain and 40 g of knotweed. Fill the herb mixture with 500 ml boiling water and let it brew. After two hours, strain. Take orally three times a day. The infusion is able to reduce the inflammatory process and relieve pain.
- At home, you can apply rinsing from the infusion of hypericum, sage and oak bark. They need to take a spoon and brew a liter of boiling water. Then give brew.
- Traditional medicine proposes the use of infusion of birch buds, periwinkle leaves, mint, forest angelica. Each plant should be taken in equal proportions and pour boiling water, then insist and strain. Rinse the oral cavity as often as possible.
- Able to help with inflammation, as well as enhance the effect of other drugs lemon and strawberry. Eat them every day, you can add honey, so that the lemon does not seem too sour.
Important! All these tools are good. only for pain relief, but not able to cure the cause of the disease. Therefore, use prescriptions only if the doctor is currently unavailable.
Treatment of flux at home is carried out only to relieve pain, as well as in cases of absence of purulent inflammation. Rinses and compresses should not be hot, since it is categorically forbidden to heat the infection, since it is fraught with serious complications. In order not to impair blood circulation with an external compress do not tighten the bandage tight. And as soon as possible, you should immediately contact the dentist.