What to do with flux and how to treat it

What are the ways to treat flux?Flux or odontogenic periostitis is a fairly common disease that causes a huge amount of trouble and can provoke one or another complication for human health. Today we will tell you what a flux is and how to recognize it by symptoms. You will learn what to do with flux in the first place and how to treat flux on your cheek at home and not only.

What is flux: what to do to recognize it

Flux refer to diseases of the periosteumIt has an inflammatory nature and appears unexpectedly. As a rule, it is preceded by swelling or redness on the gums, which are not given due attention. Then there is severe swelling, pain in the teeth, and the cheek begins to swell - this is the flux, which is a consequence of the violation of preventive measures after dental treatment.

As a rule, not everyone can recognize the disease right away. Symptoms of periostitis differ depending on the stage of the disease:

  • in the first stage, pain appears when chewing, which becomes permanent over time;
  • the second stage is marked by redness and swelling of the gums, which, if not treated, can develop into an ulcer;
  • the third stage is swelling on the cheek, chin or lips. Sometimes there is an increase in temperature, the pain is pulsating in nature and can give up in the temple, ears and eyes.

If the flux is not detected in time and treatment is not started, the inflammation may become more serious. In particular, its neglected form can provoke the appearance of phlegmon - this purulent inflammation of fiberwhich progresses very quickly and interferes with eating and even breathing.

Why does flux appear

As mentioned earlier, the disease appears due to the neglected state human teeth. The most common causes its appearance is as follows:

  • Causes of fluxcaries in the running form;
  • complications due to poor quality or late treatment of periodontitis or pulpitis;
  • damaged gums when chewing solid foods;
  • injured jaw;
  • problems after the extraction of teeth against the background of colds;
  • hypothermia

Classification of disease types

there is several types of disease, each of them proceeds differently, there is also a different degree of tissue damage in each of them, and each species should also be treated differently:

  • ordinary flux - refers to acute aseptic diseases, it is accompanied by infiltration of periosteal tissue and gingival hyperemia;
  • fibrous form - appears with a constant impact on the gum as a thickening of the periosteum and has a chronic course;
  • odontogenic purulent form of periostitis - appears when infection or harmful bacteria gets into the injured gum or against the background of purulent osteomyelitis;
  • serum albuminous flux - is characterized by the formation of liquid exudate and has an inflammatory character;
  • ossifying form - appears when the periosteum is subjected to constant irritation and is chronic.

How to remove flux: methods of treatment of the disease

Naturally, minor pain can be removed with the help of folk remedies at home and we'll talk about this later, but treat the disease itselfrather than separate its symptoms should be such methods as:

  • How to treat fluxdrug therapy, which relieves the symptoms and treats the manifestations of the disease at the initial stage;
  • surgery - surgery for flux is used in the later stages, when the early stages of treatment were absent or were of poor quality, as a result of which foci of purulent inflammation appeared.

So, what is a drug withdrawal symptoms and treatment of periostitis. Naturally, the initial stage of the disease is characterized by ordinary toothache, which the majority is trying to relieve at home with painkillers or traditional methods.

If the pain becomes more obsessive and you notice flux-like symptoms in your should see a doctorfor treatment. As a rule, it includes such activities as:

  • removal of edema on the cheek and the elimination of inflammatory foci with antibiotics and antibacterial drugs;
  • treatment of the underlying disease, against which a flux appeared;
  • in chronic form and frequent exacerbations, immunomodulatory agents, vitamins and calcium are prescribed.

If drug therapy does not help and the process is only aggravated, then the doctor prescribes operative interventionwhich consists of the following steps:

  • anesthetic drug is injected;
  • abscess is opened by means of an incision on the gum and removal of the abscess, then complete outflow of pus is ensured;
  • x-ray is prescribed for the purpose of the subsequent therapeutic treatment;
  • if the tooth cannot be restored, it is removed, and the open wound is cleaned and drainage is installed;
  • For complex forms, laser, ultrasound or iontophoretic treatment is used.

How to treat flux on the cheek at home

Folk remedies for fluxUse in the treatment of exclusively folk remedies, of course, is impossible, but they can serve good addition with the main treatment. Herbal decoctions well disinfect the oral cavity, help relieve swelling on the cheeks and relieve pain after surgery.

Most often, patients are prescribed decoctions based on hypericum, as well as sage, oak bark, angelica, periwinkle, birch buds.

The decoction is prepared as follows: take three tablespoons of herbs and pour in a liter of boiled water, then infuse for at least half an hour and filter. To rinse the broth should be warm, but not hot. It is used every time after meals or once an hour or one and a half.

Also among the folk remedies that help cure flux, can be called such bee products as honey, wax and propolis in the form of ointments. These ointments should be applied to the site of inflammation just before bedtime. Ointments can be made independently, and propolis is used for treatment in its natural form. It is ground in the palms like plasticine and is applied to the center of inflammation. Propolis is not only used for pain relief, but also for pulling pus.

Recovery after treatment and prevention

Flux treatment methodsAfter the flux is cured, swelling fails immediatelyMoreover, after surgery, the swelling may even increase, but you should not be afraid of it, this is quite normal: this is how the body reacts to the operation. Usually, the swelling disappears within three days.

After removal of the abscess, a decrease in pain and a drop in temperature are observed. At the same time, a rubber band remains in the mouth, so that the wound heals when it is necessary and allows pus to come out before healing. Touch this gum is impossible. You should see your doctor after it falls out, but the wound may disturb for a couple more days.

In order to save yourself from all these pains and problems in advance and to prevent the occurrence of flux, follow the rules of hygiene mouth: on time and regularly brush your teeth, closely monitor your gums and pay attention to their changes.

You should also remember that the dangers are, above all, lovers of bad habits - smokers and coffee lovers.In addition, you can not expose the teeth and gums to sharp temperature changes - this is also extremely bad for the teeth. And do not forget to visit the dentist at least once a year to inspect the condition of the teeth.


