Dental numbering in dentistry

Tooth numberingEvery person at least once turned to the dentist. And some could face such a situation when the dentist says, for example, that 47 teeth need to be removed. This can be quite logical surprise, because any patient, even without deep knowledge of dentistry, knows that an ordinary person should have 32 teeth in his mouth, along with wisdom teeth. And some parents who bring their child to the dentist, fall into a stupor from the phrase that, for example, there are caries on 21 teeth, and 42 have already begun to stagger. And they ask, how can their baby have so many teeth in its mouth?

In fact, everything is very simple. To simplify the recording process, dentists use special teeth numbering. First you need to know that the dentition is symmetrical. The jaw is divided into two halves: left and right. In addition, the teeth are divided into the lower and upper jaw.

Dental names and ordinal numbers

It should be remembered, what is the sequence number of teeth that perform the same functions.

  • The front incisors are needed in order to bite off pieces of food. Therefore, they have a flat shape and sharp edges. There are only eight of them - 4 in the upper and lower jaws. Sequence number "1" indicates 2 central incisors. The first top left is the incisor, which is on the top row to the left. Next, follow them, the second incisors and they have a serial number "2".
  • The function of biting and tearing off pieces of food, perform fangs. They are tapered. They are located after the front incisors, and in dentistry have a serial number "3".

  • Now, when the pieces of food hit in your mouth, you need to worry. This is already a job for chewing teeth. They follow the fangs, and are designated by the sequence numbers "4" and "5".
  • Molars are the so-called large chewing teeth, are located immediately after the usual chewing teeth and are designated by “6”, “7” and “8” serial numbers. Each of them has small tubercles on its surface. They are necessary for grinding and grinding food.

Jaw segments

Numeration of the dentitionHow do teeth get dozens? The jaw visually divided into 4 segments. The report goes clockwise starting on the right side of the top row. In this case, those in the top row on the right are called the tenths, and those on the left side of the top row are called the twenties. The ones on the bottom row are the thirties and forties. Accordingly, when a serial number is added to the tens, the tooth number is obtained. Therefore, when the dentist says that 47 needs to be treated, it means that chewing 2, which is in the lower jaw, is not in order.

Numbering in pediatric dentistry

As for the numbering in pediatric dentistry, it somewhat different from the adult. To understand it better, you need to remember the anatomy. Baby teeth begin to appear in 4-6 months. Simultaneously with the dairy form and permanent. In cases where milk does not appear for a long time, the other two, located on the sides, begin to converge. Because of this, the permanent will not receive a place for growth, will get off his row and will start to fit on others.

When a child reaches the age of five, both dairy and permanent teeth can be viewed on an X-ray. In this case, the constants are numbered from 11 to 48, and the following tens are used for dairy ones. During the period of replacing milk teeth with permanent ones, there is the most active moment of growth. On the top row are from 51 to 55, on the left from 61 to 65. Accordingly, on the bottom row are located from 71 to 75 and from 81 to 85. In children, only up to 5 teeth are numbered, because they only have twenty milk ones.

Knowing all these features, dental numbering will not cause you shock.


An ordinary person has 32 teeth in the mouth. They are located symmetrically on the lower and upper jaws of 16 pieces. Due to their shape and function, they divided into 4 groups:

  • Adult dentition"Molars";
  • "Premolars";
  • Fangs;
  • "Incisors".

On the front of the jaw are the incisors, a total of 8, four below and above. The main purpose of these incisors is to snack on pieces of food, without applying special pressure. Considering the feature of the incisors, we can distinguish a dense crown, a single root and a thin edge. Thanks to them, the food is “cut”. The peculiarity of the incisors is somewhat similar to the principle of action of ticks.

On one side are fangs, one by one. There are 4 of them - 2 above and 2 below. It is believed that the fangs got a man from ancestral predators. Their function is to tear off dense pieces of food. Unlike incisors, canines have a more powerful crown and their root is longer. By the way, canines have the longest root in relation to the others. Therefore, canines are more stable. By the principle of operation, the canines are similar to a chisel.

This is followed by the so-called premolars. They are also called small root teeth. Premolars 4 on the upper and lower jaws. The function is to grab and grind food. In their structure premolars resemble fangs. They differ in that they have a prismatic shape and have a wider surface. The principle of operation is comparable to a kitchen chopper.

Correct dentition

On the edge of the dental arches are molars. There are six of them, three on each side. Have the name 1, 2 and 3. The third big root is called the wisdom tooth and not all people it grows. Their purpose is to crush and grind food pieces using pressure. They have a powerful crown and a large chewing surface.

On molars are located 5 hillocks - 2 each in back and 3 in front. This contributes to the effective grinding of large foods. Due to this peculiarity, food remains often accumulate between the tubercles, which leads to bloom, various deposits, and, ultimately, caries. At the time of treatment, the dentist puts a filling and tries to repeat the shape of the tubercle, so that the tooth maximally responds to its functional features. These molars on the basis of their work similar to powerful hammers.

Here, perhaps, all the main points regarding the issue of the name, location, functions and numbering of teeth.


