When the fangs of a child climb: features and the most painful symptoms

Teething in childrenAll parents rejoice at each new tooth in the baby, but at the same time teething is a mass of troubles and worries. The fact is that the cutting teeth bring torment to the child, especially when the turn of the appearance of the canines is appropriate. In some cases, parents even have to consult a doctor. Why is the eruption of fangs accompanied by painful symptoms and how to survive this period? Look for the answer in this article.

Baby teeth before birth

For a child to have healthy teeth, a pregnant woman should consume the necessary amount of calcium.Teeth in children are laid before they are born. The strength of the teeth, their health and appearance are determined in the womb of the mother. It happens early second trimester pregnancy. And here it is very important that the future mother take care of herself and look after her health. The more carefully it will comply with the regime, the stronger the teeth will be in the child.

Bookmark healthy teeth is impossible without calcium. It should be in the mother's body in abundance. This can be achieved only with proper and healthy nutrition. In the diet of a pregnant woman should be products such as milk, fish, seafood. You can also ask the gynecologist to prescribe special drugs with a high calcium content.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that even with a shortage Calcium in the mother's body; a growing child will still take the necessary trace elements, but it will also deplete the mother's body. There will be a shortage of calcium and potassium in the bones and teeth of the mother, which ultimately will adversely affect the health of the fetus.

Overwhelmingly, babies born without teeth. In very rare cases, doctors find central incisors in newborns in the delivery room. This phenomenon is considered an anomaly associated with an excess of calcium in the mother's body or genetic features.


First start to climb central incisors. And the time of their appearance in different children is different. In some babies, they begin to climb in 3-4 months, in others they declare themselves only at the age of one year. Moreover, the incisors can climb not in the order to which the doctors are accustomed.

Very often, parents mistakenly think that excessive salivation in children is due to the fact that the first teeth begin to cut. In fact, the abundance of saliva is most often associated with the release of the salivary glands at full capacity. Toddlers at an early age do not swallow saliva well, so it flows out of their mouths.

It can be understood that the first teeth began to come out, looking at the gums of the child. On the lower gum a whitish speck appears, or its front edge swells. It was at this time that the baby begins to pull everything into the mouth. He has a desire to bite toys, the fingers of parents, lost sleep and appetite goes away.

The first teeth begin to crawl in the following order:

  1. Eruption of the central incisorsCentral incisors.
  2. Extreme incisors. They begin to emerge almost immediately after the central incisors.
  3. Permanent teeth. They are cut one by one on each side.
  4. Fangs

In the first months of a child’s life, not only the eruption of the first teeth occurs, but also permanent formation. And let them begin to grow only in a few years, but you need to start taking care of them at the beginning of the baby’s life. This care should be expressed in providing the child with good nutrition.

The best food for a baby to make it healthy is breast milk. Mum during feeding by a breast should eat the food rich with calcium. When a mother can not breastfeed, you need to choose a good artificial food for feeding.

It is very important to introduce complementary foods on time so that the first teeth are strong and healthy.

If parents want the baby’s first and permanent teeth to be strong, they should know that sweets baby is better do not give. A child can get all the necessary sugar with fruit. Also, you can not give the child packaged juices. They have a lot of preservatives and sweeteners.

When teething the first teeth, parents wonder how they can help the child? And here the medical answer is unequivocal - the teeth of the baby should be cut on their own. When parents make any effort to speed up this process, the teeth can crawl out damaged. Moreover, there is a chance to bring any infection in the jaw bone.

Teething in children

First fangsSymptoms of fangs specific. They can not be confused with the appearance of other teeth, they appear very difficult. The exact time of the appearance of canines can not be named, the fact is that in some children the first canines appear in 4-5 months, while in others they can crawl out only in 9 months. In such a situation, physicians should be able to reassure parents who are worried that their child is developing with abnormalities. Doctors themselves are well aware that there is no standard in teething. Moreover, in some cases, the order of teething is violated. A standard time and order of the appearance of teeth - no more than a convention.

The eruption of fangs in children begins with the appearance of white dots on the gum and its subsequent swelling. It is noteworthy that these signs may appear even before the moment the molars begin to grow. This is due to the fact that the canines begin to grow along with the molars, but somewhat linger on teething, passing the molars forward.

Why do fangs cause painful symptoms when they start cutting? This is explained by their anatomical features. The canines have very long roots, which are located in close proximity to the facial nerves.

The canines on the upper jaw are often called eye teeth. Their roots are located nerve, providing communication of the upper part of the face with the central nervous system. When the upper canines are cut in children, tearing and conjunctivitis on the part of the problem tooth are added to the painful sensations.

Bottom canines deliver less trouble when teething. Unfortunately, it almost never comes without side effects.

What are the symptoms say about the soon appearance of canines?

Symptoms of teething teeth can not be called specific. It is similar to the symptoms of the appearance of other teeth:

  • Signs of teethingThe child increases salivation, which is often accompanied by the appearance of irritation around the mouth.
  • The gums swell and redden.
  • The child begins to pull everything in his mouth. Thus, he is trying to cope with itching in the gums.
  • Insomnia comes.
  • The kid refuses to eat.
  • Irritability appears.

Doctors have long noted the connection between the severity of the symptoms of eruption of canines and the general health of the child. The healthier the baby, the less side effects will come from teething. With a weakened immunity together with the teeth will come:

  • Runny nose
  • Hyperemia of the mucous membranes of the mouth.
  • Temperature.

An experienced doctor can easily distinguish a runny nose when teething from an infection and prescribe homeopathic and immunomodulatory drugs to the baby to deal with the symptoms of a cold.

When the appearance of canines is accompanied by symptoms of an intestinal infection, it is recommended to pass tests.

Fangs and hyperthermia

Teething accompanied by feverMany parents confuse teething and disease. Rather, put an equal sign between them. This can not be done. Of course, in ideal conditions, the temperature should not rise when fangs appear, but life is far from ideal, therefore hyperthermia occurs in most children. You should not worry about this case, unless the heat reaches 38 ° C. At high temperatures, it is necessary to call a doctor so that he excludes or confirms the presence of infection. As a rule, experienced pediatricians, if the temperature increase is caused by the eruption of fangs, are advised to shoot it down when it rises above 38 °. The following drugs are best for this:

  • Paracetamol for children.
  • Ibuprofen
  • Nurofen in the candlelight.
  • Cefecone.

In the case when the hyperthermia lasts for several days, it is recommended to call the doctor again.

How to reduce painful symptoms when teething?

The most important thing is that mom and dad are close by. Caring for parents greatly eases the unpleasant symptoms. You can also resort to medication. The most effective in this regard tooth gel Calgel. Mom squeezes a little money on the finger and put it on the gums of the child with a light massage. The gel has a pronounced cooling and analgesic effect.

Special toys - teethers, - alleviate the painful symptoms of the appearance of teethUnfortunately, it is impossible to predict the duration and effect of the effect of the use of "Kalgel". It affects children differently. In this case, Kamistad or Cholisal can help.

With a tooth will help cope teethers. It is recommended to cool these plastic and rubber toys in the fridge before giving them to the baby. If parents want the cooling effect to last longer, then they can buy in-pharmacy sponers with water inside.

Brave moms can make your baby gum massage. It also reduces itching and improves blood flow, which leads to the earliest appearance of canines.


