What are the first teeth to climb a child?

The first teeth - the time of appearanceAlready in the hospital, the woman receives all the necessary information about how to care for the newborn: feed, walk, bathe, etc. The fact that after some time the teeth start to erupt, parents do not even think about it. But time flies fast ahead and there comes a moment when the first teeth begin to erupt in the infant. This is a very difficult period for infants, as the body temperature may rise, a strong salivation appears, the baby becomes moody, and sleep is disturbed. How to help the child? We will try to find out, as well as analyze when and in what sequence the first teeth begin to erupt.

When do baby teeth start to climb?

The appearance of the first teeth is an important stage in the life of a child under one year, meaning that he begins to grow up. Usually teething occurs at 6 months., but for some children it occurs earlier (in 3 - 4 months) or much later (in 8 - 10 months).

How to understand that soon the child will have the first teeth? The following symptoms eloquently indicate this:

  • redness of the gums and their swelling;
  • the desire of the child to keep something constantly in his mouth, to bite and gnaw toys;
  • vomiting;
  • temperature rise;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • diathesis;
  • increased salivation;
  • loss of appetite;
  • tearfulness;
  • restless sleep;
  • cough, nasal congestion.

The appearance of the first teeth may be accompanied by various symptoms.All children suffer from this period differently, some are painful, and some are quite easy. There is no single scheme according to which one can judge the time of the appearance of teeth, since this is all individually. However, according to current regulations, the first teeth should appear closer to 6 months, and by the year there should be 6 - 8. But this does not always happen. Some children, even in a year, have no signs of eruption, and this is considered a variant of the norm, unless it is a question of reasons that prevent the beginning of the process (developmental anomalies, diseases, etc.). Therefore, it is impossible to establish the exact time when the first teeth will cut through.

Factors affecting the timing of eruption

To know with certainty when to expect the appearance of the first teeth, it is necessary to take into account external and internal factors, such as:

  • genetic features;
  • food of the child, and also quality of the water used by him;
  • living climate;
  • endocrinological diseases.

When it becomes clear that the teeth will not appear soon, it can be assumed that there are pathologies associated with congenital anomalies or developmental disorders. These may be the following illnesses:

  • Adentia, congenital abnormalitycharacterized by the complete absence of tooth rudiments. That is why they have nowhere to appear. Edentia is determined by X-ray or radiovisiograph.
  • Rickets is mainly a childhood disease., the development of which occurs due to the inability of the body to absorb vitamin D in the required amount. As a result, the body loses calcium salts, which are necessary for the growth and development of tissues. Such a violation can lead to late appearance of teeth.

Teething sequence

In what sequence do teeth erupt in children?In what order do the baby’s first teeth begin to crawl — laid by nature itself. Usually first appear lower front teeth, then the upper. Fangs grow hard enough the complete formation of the milky dentition ends by three years. The central incisors of the lower dentition, appearing first, can grow both simultaneously and in turn. Next on the principle of pairing, the upper incisors erupt.

After this, the lateral incisors appear: first two lower, and then two upper teeth. At one year old, a child usually has all the incisors: four below and above. Then fangs erupt, and then all other teeth.

So, the scheme of teething milk teeth in a child is presented as follows:

  • Central incisors. The lower ones appear in 6 - 10 months, and the upper ones - in 7 - 12.
  • Side cutters. The first begin to climb the top in 9 - 11 months, and then the bottom - in 11 - 13 months.
  • Small molars. Usually first appear lower in 12 - 18 months, and then upper - in 13 - 19 months.
  • Fangs The lower ones erupt at 18-20 months, and the upper at 16-18 months.
  • Big molars. The bottom climb at 20 - 31 months, the top - at 25 - 33 months.

It should be remembered that this scheme is approximate and this sequence may vary. Dentists say that recently quite often first start to climb the lower side incisorsand then the top. It also happens that fangs appear first and only then small molars.

By the age of three, a child has 20 teeth. But it may be that such an amount is cut through much earlier, for example, at 2 years. They fall out in six - seven years, giving way to permanent.

Dangerous complications when teething milk teeth

When a child begins to crawl its first teeth, then it develops a digestive upset, the temperature rises, it lays down its nose and a cough appears. But such symptoms are characteristic of many diseases. So how to determine that it is teething, and not pathology manifests itself in this way?

Moist cough

Teething - how to help the child?

When the first teeth begin to appear, symptoms such as excessive saliva and a slight cough are considered normal. Saliva accumulates in the throat, so the lying baby wants to get rid of it. and coughing. In a sitting position, a wet cough may also appear, but this occurs much less frequently. It usually takes 2–3 days without special treatment.

It is quite another thing when a child’s cough is very strong and frequent, with abundant sputum. If it lasts more than two days and is accompanied by shortness of breath and wheezing, then it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.

Runny nose

When teeth appear in children, the amount of mucus secreted in the nose increases. It is usually liquid and transparent. Such a runny nose is mild and takes 3 to 4 days. It is treated by simple washing of the nose from the accumulated mucus.

But parents should be on their guard if plentiful rhinitis, with greenish or dull white mucus. If he does not pass after three days, then you should consult with the pediatrician.

Elevated temperature

The temperature due to the teeth in babies is a frequent phenomenon.When teeth erupt, the baby’s gums begin to produce bioactive substances. Such the process causes an increase in body temperature to 37 - 38 degreeswhich lasts 1 - 2 days. After this, the baby’s condition is normalized. To bring down the temperature by using antipyretics, which are harmless to young children.

But when the baby’s well-being does not improve, and the temperature lasts for more than two days, this is a serious reason for going to a doctor. You should also immediately contact a pediatrician when the temperature rises in a child more than 39 degrees.


When children have teeth, the body begins to increase the activity of salivation. As a result of this, the infant swallows saliva all the time, which contributes to the acceleration of intestinal motility. Because of this, diarrhea appears with watery stools.. The act of defecation does not occur so often, only 2-3 times a day and usually passes after two to three days.

A doctor should be consulted if diarrhea lasts a long time, is frequent and intense, which can cause dehydration in the child. Parents should also alert the blood in the feces or the presence of an impurity of mucus. Sometimes the opposite can be observed - constipation, which should not last more than 3 - 4 days. The doctor must give recommendations on how to help your baby clean the intestines.

How to help the child?

To make the baby easier to tolerate the period of teething, you can use the following methods:

  • Teether DevicesIn which there is a gel or liquid filler. With them, the child satisfies the need for chewing. They should be used chilled, which reduces itching and burning. The disadvantage of this device is the need for their constant cooling.
  • Bottles, nippleswhich are also designed to meet the needs of children in chewing. Choosing a nipple, you must take into account its shape, because if it is wrong, it will lead to the wrong bite in the future. It is best to use special orthodontic nipples made of latex or silicone.
  • Gum Massage. To do this, use gauze swabs dipped in water. This allows not only to eliminate discomfort in the oral cavity, but also to implement its hygiene. It is important to observe accuracy and smoothness of movements.
  • Use fingertip. With the help of such a brush, care is taken for the infant's oral cavity, at the same time calming the teething sites.

Thus, during the eruption of the first teeth in a child, he very much needs maternal attention and care. Therefore, do not be afraid to pamper him, but as often as possible to put the baby to the chest and spend with him as much time as possible. That is what will help him to more easily survive such a difficult time.


