How and what can be treated flux at home

How to deal with fluxMost people have problems with their teeth, but they don’t always rush to the dentist. However, there are some diseases in which there is no reason to postpone a visit to the doctor. If everything is allowed to take its course, then the likelihood of complications such as inflammation with the formation of pus is high. One of these complications is flux. How to treat flux on the gums? Try to figure it out.

What is flux?

This disease is dentists called periostitis. It occurs because of under-treated teeth, which are easily penetrated by the infection, causing an inflammatory process. The accumulation of pus provokes swelling of the gums and cheeks, due to which the symmetry of the face is broken. This is a very serious disease, so it is urgently necessary to consult a doctor so that he can prescribe a proper treatment. But there are situations when going to a specialist causes difficulties and you have to be treated at home.

Why can flux occur

Mostly flux occurs due to infection, which occurs for the following reasons:

  • Launched tooth caries.
  • The inflammatory process between the gum and the tooth.
  • Infection due to poor treatment.
  • If the roots of the channel are not completely sealed.
  • Installing temporary fillings on teeth with caries.
  • If the body has foci of chronic infection.
  • Injury or injury.

How is flux formed

  • Why flux is formedIf there is caries, then pathogenic bacteria easily penetrate into the pulp. Pulp is a tissue that fills the cavity of a tooth, and has blood vessels and nerve fibers.
  • Once the bacteria have penetrated the pulp, pain occurs. As soon as healthy pulp tissue dies off, it disappears. This is what stops the patient from visiting the dentist.
  • Inflammation gradually becomes chronic. All this time, the infection multiplies rapidly, reaching the root of the tooth, inflaming the periosteum tissue at its base.
  • Pus begins to accumulate, causing a red gum to swell.

Useful tips for treating flux

In the process of treating flux strictly prohibited use the following methods:

  • With an open wound, which is also bleeding, it is not recommended to apply gauze bandages. With it, you can easily infect another infection, and the wound will swell even more.
  • The pain may be of varying intensity. Especially hard to bear her children. They are contraindicated treatment with antibiotics. In this case, parents should use herbal-based drugs. It may be sage, chamomile, oak bark. They are used to prepare the solution for rinsing.
  • Do not use aspirin during treatment. It can trigger bleeding.
  • Too hot or cold food can increase pain.

How to treat flux at home

Flux CompressesThere are situations when there is absolutely not enough time to visit the dentist, and the pain is very annoying. You can try to cure flux at home. This, of course, is risky, because it is quite a serious disease, but it is suitable as a temporary relief. After that, it still costs as quickly as possible. see a doctor. So how to get rid of flux at home?

  • Flux treatment by rinsing.

The following ingredients are needed to make a decoction: oak bark, sage and St. John's wort. Everything is taken at 60 grams and diluted in one liter of boiling water. Cool it, you can use it.

Rinse the mouth should be at least 8 times a day.Well helps decoction of sage and green tea. Brew in the same proportions and insist. Strain, add a small amount of salt. It must be used in the form of heat. The pain will disappear soon enough.

You can make an infusion for rinsing from birch buds, peppermint, periwinkle and angelica. A very powerful effect arises if you pour this mixture with vodka. Instead of one of the ingredients you can use chamomile, lemon balm, elder or rue.

Alcoholic tincture of calendula (5 drops) is diluted in a glass of warm water. Rinse your mouth is necessary during the day. Calendula well relieves inflammation.

For rinsing use a decoction of red elderberry. 50 grams of berries are taken and half a liter of boiling water is poured. It is put on a slow fire and boiled for 15 minutes. Then removed from heat and infused for two hours. Filter and rinse the resulting broth 3 times a day. It should be warm.

Relieve inflammation and reduce pain will help chlorophyllipt solutionwith antiseptic properties. This is an inexpensive drug that is sold in any pharmacy. One tablespoon diluted in a glass of warm water and during the day rinse your mouth with this solution as often as possible.

Even doctors recommend such a composition for rinsing: salt and soda. They are mixed and rinsed mouth every half hour. It helps to quickly remove swelling, inflammation and eliminates toothache.

  • Treatment of flux compresses.

Flux treatment methodsWhen the flux helps compresses very well. Most importantly, they were cold. If hot compresses are used, they significantly relieve pain, but the zone of inflammation heats up, causing the bacteria to multiply rapidly. This leads to the formation of a large amount of pus, and inflammation only increases.

As a compress, you can use the solution after rinsing the mouth. It moistened with a piece of gauze or bandage and applied to the sore spot. Gauze has a good effect. salt water swab. It must be laid between the cheek and gum for several hours. In the same way, you can use cabbage leaves, which must be boiled and cooled at room temperature.

It has long been known that onions are an excellent antiseptic, therefore they are used to treat many diseases. The juice is squeezed out of the bulb, moistened with a gauze pad and applied to the sore gum. You can add egg yolk to the onion, which is ground with sugar. A little poured sunflower oil.

Well removes swelling and inflammation a piece of iceattached to the gum.

  • Flux treatment ointments.

There is a rather risky method of treating flux. It is necessary to heat a rusty nail and immerse it in honey. As a result, the rust goes into honey. It is with this that it is necessary to lubricate the flux so that it breaks through. After that, rinse your mouth with calendula alcohol tincture.

For the following recipe is needed a piece of propoliswhich is mixed in a cup of hot vegetable oil. The resulting ointment smeared gums.

  • Flux treatment by other means.

Remarkably relieves inflammation products such as honey, lemon and strawberries. Berries must be fresh. They must be mixed with finely chopped lemon, then add honey. The resulting cocktail contains a large amount of vitamins. It is necessary to use it every day.

Can do chamomile trays. 2 teaspoons of these flowers are taken and poured with a glass of boiling water. Insist 20 minutes. The resulting liquid should be warm, this achieves a greater effect. A hot bath can cause severe pain.


To avoid the occurrence of caries and flux, follow simple rules:

  • Oral CareDaily oral hygiene. Teeth need to be cleaned twice a day, this will prevent the formation of caries, which can lead to severe inflammation.To remove food debris, you can use a dental floss that is more effective than a brush. After cleaning the oral cavity, it is advisable to rinse it with special solutions.
  • You must regularly visit the dentist for a routine examination. This will identify the disease at the very beginning of its development.
  • It should be included in your diet plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, especially carrots and apples. They are not only rich in vitamins, but also well clean the surface of the teeth.
  • It is necessary to limit the use of sweet, which is bad for tooth enamel.
  • Toothbrushes should be changed every three months.

To cure flux at home with various ointments and rinses can not. They are just for a while relieve symptoms but do not cure. You need to choose a time to visit a doctor who will prescribe an effective treatment. Untreated flux leads to severe complications.


