The cyst on the gum is a cavity filled with liquid contents. Such a formation is often compared with a balloon, but people call it a purulent bag, because it really looks like this. Most often, a similar cavity filled with pus appears near the root of the tooth. If, during the formation of a cyst, no treatment is started, then serious complications and even tooth loss can develop. It must be remembered that such a cavity on the gum appears not only in adults but also in children.
The reasons
The most common cause of cyst formation is infection in the root canal or trauma to the tooth.
In general, there are several causes of inflammation:
- Run pulpit and caries. Due to the late treatment of such diseases, periodontitis occurs, which is accompanied by the formation of purulent inflammation. Since the contents of the abscess can not go outside, it gradually shifts under the mucous membrane, because of which a cyst forms on the gum. A sign of this disease is weak pain, which gradually increases and becomes pulsating.
- Poor channel filling. According to statistics, in approximately 70% of cases, various mistakes are made when filling, which is why the inflammatory process develops. In particular, this applies to treatment in which the apex of the tooth root is left unclosed. Here is the active development of infection, which affects the channel itself and the surrounding tissue. This is a periodontal abscess with purulent contents. If there is a lot of pus in the cavity, a cyst is formed.
- Tooth perforation. When filling the canals, an inexperienced dentist can make a hole in the soft tissue. Also, the cause of the mentioned phenomenon is jaw injury or chronic sinusitis. In both cases, the infection gets into the tissue.
- Periodontitis. This disease is often accompanied by periodontal abscess. So, pockets are filled with purulent contents. With its poor outflow, a cyst is formed.
In most cases, cyst development proceeds. without symptoms. At first, the gum swells a little, but there is no pain, so the person usually does not attach importance to such changes. As a rule, a cyst is detected at the next dental examination.
Sometimes patients feel discomfort and pain when chewing. Other symptoms are also possible, namely headache, fatigue and a slight fever. With the subsequent formation of the flux, a swelling of the jaw occurs and a facial asymmetry appears.
The presence of the mentioned symptoms depends on certain features of the organism, therefore, to confirm the diagnosis, an x-ray must be taken.
Cyst in children
A gum cyst may form in a child. due to decay or poor treatment teeth. In some cases, cyst formation occurs 2-4 weeks before the eruption of the tooth. Thus, a small bump with a clear liquid forms on the gum. This phenomenon is considered very rare. It does not cause discomfort and pain. The bump passes with time itself.
Sometimes there are situations when the opening of education on the gum occurs by itself. The cause of this phenomenon is considered to be too much pressure of purulent contents, which is why the pus erupts and periodically leaves the fistula. In this case, an urgent need to visit a doctor.
Literally 5-10 years ago, the tooth with the cyst formed on the gum was not saved. However, now you can try to apply a therapeutic method of treatment.
Dentist performs several procedures when a cyst is found in a patient:
- Incision of the mucosa, that is, an autopsy. Due to this, outflow of pus is carried out, which helps to get rid of pain and other symptoms.
- Tooth treatment. If periodontitis has led to the formation of a cyst, pulp removal and subsequent treatment, as well as canal filling, are indicated. In some cases, re-treatment is required.
In modern dentistry is used several methods for treating cysts:
- Therapeutic method. In this case, the crown, along with the seal, is carefully removed, and the canal is unsealed. The doctor then pumps out the pus, re-seals the dental canal and sets the filling.
- Surgical method. If the roots were not properly filled, a resection is required. In other words, a part of the root is carefully cut off, which helps to avoid re-filling of the canals and reinstalling the crown.
- Combination therapeutic and surgical methods. This is a tooth extraction. This is the fastest and most effective way to get rid of cysts on the gums. The dentist uses this solution on the condition that the tooth is seriously damaged.
Folk remedies
In the formation of cysts, some patients prefer folk treatment. However, it should be understood that such home remedies eliminate pain and reduce inflammation near the tooth for a short time.
When the cyst is shown rinsing with salt solution. You can also use decoctions of chamomile, calendula, eucalyptus and sage. Such infusions have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.
In the presence of cysts on the gums it is strictly forbidden to perform hot compresses, because they contribute to the spread of infection.
Treatment of children
If a baby has a gum cyst formed near a permanent tooth, the treatment is carried out using the same methods as in adults.
If a baby tooth is affected, it is removed. If this is not done, the germ of the permanent tooth will be destroyed. Other effects include:
- infection of lymph nodes, which will lead to severe inflammation;
- the spread of pus in the mouth and tonsils, contributing to the development chronic tonsillitis;
- penetration of toxins into the blood, which will cause bronchial asthma or allergies.
Due to timely treatment to the doctor and proper treatment, you can feel better and reduce the duration of treatment. First of all, need to do an x-raythat will facilitate the diagnosis. It is important to understand that folk remedies will not help get rid of cysts and save the tooth. They are practically useless and sometimes dangerous.