Root cyst: symptoms, treatment, photo

Oral educationSometimes it happens that a healthy tooth seems to start to hurt, food intake brings a certain discomfort, gums ulcers begin to appear. In the course are drugs from the pain and herbal decoctions for rinsing the mouth based on folk recipes. If the cause is a cyst on tooth root, it is necessary to consult a doctor, otherwise the consequences will be extremely negative.

What is a tooth cyst?

Cyst on the tooth root is a dense capsulethat occurs as a reaction of the body to the infection that has appeared, preventing it from going further. Its formation is a serious danger, because it contributes to the emergence of various complications, and if it is not treated, it is likely that it will degenerate into a cancerous tumor.

This formation contains inside the liquid from dead bacteria and epithelial cells. Its size can reach several centimeters, and if it is launched and not treated, it will quickly begin to increase in size.

This disease occurs gradually, and it is easy to identify the cavity with a regular examination by a dentist. Early treatment helps to avoid complications.

Reasons for education

The cyst is formed for various reasons. Here is most common:

  • Infection of the teeth.
  • Injury.
  • Untreated dental canals.
  • Infection of the nasopharynx.
  • Incorrect crowns.
  • Malformations of teeth.

If the tooth was improperly treated or there was any injury, then this is an open way for the infection to penetrate. If the crown is placed poorly, and food gets under it, microorganisms begin to form there. Also, as a result of infectious diseases, microbes in the bloodstream penetrate into gum, contributing to the formation of cysts.


Causes of cystAs soon as a cyst begins to form, no signs indicate this. To diagnose it at this time is quite difficult. She can see only on x-ray tooth in the form of a dark spot oval.

The first signs begin to appear only at the late stage of the formation of a tooth cyst. Symptoms of its presence are the following:

  • Pain. Sometimes it is pulling or aching, which is becoming stronger every day. Remove it can not be anything. At the very beginning of its development, pain may occur in the process of chewing.
  • Edema. When a cyst develops on the gum, this area begins to inflame, blush and swell. In severe cases, such a cyst passes to the face.
  • High body temperature. Due to the fact that inside the cavity contains pathogenic microbes that poison the body, often the body temperature rises. The patient is experiencing general malaise. After its removal, these symptoms may not go away, so the doctor prescribes antibiotics to eliminate the infection.
  • Swollen lymph nodes. The cyst promotes the spread of infection throughout the body along with blood. It penetrates the lymph nodes, which are beginning to increase in size.
  • Headaches. If the cavity reaches a large size, headaches begin.
  • Flux, fistulous course, suppuration - all these are external manifestations of an enlarging cyst.

Colds can cause the growth of a tooth cyst. With angina or SARS, the body weakens, and a person can feel the symptoms of the cavity formed.

Course of the disease

How the disease proceedsAt the very beginning of the cavity formation periodontitis begins to inflame. It is such a thin layer, located between the jaw bone and the dental root. Along with the inflammation of the root, the tissues begin to grow. At this stage, the tumor size is only 5 millimeters and is called granuloma.

Untreated granuloma increases in size, becomes covered and becomes a cyst. At its independent opening the fistular course is formed. This is the canal connecting the cyst cavity and the oral cavity.

As it worsens and progresses, all the listed symptoms appear.


Untreated cyst gradually increasing more and more, because of which bone tissue begins to break down and instead, formations of connective tissue appear. If complications arise, they usually lead to tooth loss.

Complications of cysts can be:

  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes.
  • The chronic form of sinusitis begins to develop, because the cyst penetrates the maxillary sinuses.
  • The maxillary bone tissue begins to melt due to an increase in the cavity.
  • Due to prolonged purulent inflammation, neck phlegmon appears.
  • Inflamed cavity becomes purulent.
  • Due to purulent inflammation, an abscess begins to form on the cheek or gum.
  • Against the background of chronic inflammation, periostitis or osteomyelitis begins to develop.
  • Sepsis may develop.
  • If the cyst grows to an impressive size, a fracture of the jaw can occur spontaneously, if at the same time the bones in the base of the jaw become thinner.

Thus, some complications are quite dangerous. Therefore, if a tooth cyst begins to hurt, you must go to the doctor, because the pain signals the presence of pus. If there is a pus smell in the nose, then, most likely, a purulent inflammatory process has begun in the maxillary sinuses.


Cyst treatment methodsThe most reliable method for identifying this cavity is radiographic examination. The cyst in the picture has an oval or oblong shape; it has the appearance of a dark spot with clear boundaries. It usually forms on the top of the tooth, so it can be seen immediately.

There are situations when the cavity is not visible in the image, but this happens only in those cases if the tooth root is not fully entered into the image. If there is suspicion of a cyst, an x-ray is repeated.


Treat tooth cyst long and hard. There are only two ways to treat it:

  • Surgical
  • Therapeutic.

Therapeutic treatment

Therapeutic treatment is prescribed. early detection cystic cavity, while in size it should not exceed 8 millimeters. First, open the aching tooth and expand the channels. Then they disinfect the root canals with disinfectants and block the source of inflammation. With the help of drugs corroded tissue cysts. After that, the cavity is filled with special preparations that restore bone tissue and then the tooth is sealed.

To avoid re-formation of the cystic cavity, it is necessary to periodically check the cured canals.

Therapeutic treatment includes the use of depophoresis. Treatment for them includes the following procedures:

  • Copper-calcium hydroxide suspensions are injected into the canal of the diseased tooth.
  • The tooth is affected by a weak discharge of electric current, under the action of which the suspension destroys the cystic cavity.
  • The tooth is sealed after three depophoresis sessions.

You need to know that treating a cyst without removing a tooth does not give an absolutely positive result. It happens that after treatment it continues to grow. In this case, only surgery will help.


In many cases, the removal of this formation is the only treatment that yields a result. The thing is that the growth and development of a dental cyst is asymptomatic and is diagnosed only when it reaches a considerable size.In this case, therapeutic treatment is already useless and only the surgical method remains.

Tooth is removed only in two cases:

  • If the root of the tooth is fully penetrated into the cyst cavity.
  • If the tooth is completely destroyed to the roots.

Removal of a dental cyst occurs with a scalpel and a laser.

Surgical removal with a scalpel is of three types:

  • Cystectomy.
  • Hemisection.
  • Cystotomy.

Scalpel removalScalpel removal is a simple operation. A small incision is made in the gum, through which the surgeon pulls out a cyst and then treats the damaged tissue with an antiseptic. To block the pain, local anesthesia is used. After the operation, some swelling of the gums remains, which in the absence of complications passes after two or three days. During this period, the doctor prescribes her antibiotics and mouth rinsing with antiseptic solutions.

Surgical removal of a tooth cyst by a laser is a high-tech operation, and only a highly qualified dentist should perform it. This method of treatment allows you to fully save the tooth.

Laser treatment includes the following steps:

  • First, the doctor removes the filling, opens and expands the channels.
  • Then a laser is introduced into these channels.
  • With the help of a cyst, all microbes are killed and it disappears.

Thus, the timely detected and cured cyst allows you to keep the tooth whole and healthy.

What a tooth cyst looks like and what it is
Cyst on the gum near the toothTooth cyst painHow to eliminate a tooth cystTooth cyst formationHow to eliminate a cystDiscomfort from cysts of the toothHow to treat a tooth cystHow to eliminate the pain of a tooth cyst


