An abscess on the gum: photo, recommendations for the treatment of abscess

Medical description of purulent inflammation of the gumsPurulent inflammation of the gums usually does not manifest itself at an early stage. In some cases, a sensation of pressure is possible. There is also pain while eating, and when brushing your teeth you may experience minor bleeding. If nothing is done, the abscess will increase. It can bleed and break, causing the infection to gradually spread. As a result, the child complains of severe pain, and his gums swell. This will lead to the formation of flux. To avoid such complications, you must immediately visit a doctor.

Causes of disease

The most common causes of an abscess on the gumsAn abscess on medicine is called an abscess. This is a purulent infectious disease that can be observed even in a young child. Externally, an abscess resembles a small bag with a purulent mass. Ulcers on the gums are a particular danger, because if left untreated, the infection spreads, which can lead to blood infection.

There are many reasons for the formation of ulcers. Most often this presence of harmful bacteria in the periodontal pocket. Usually conditionally pathogenic microflora accumulates in the oral cavity of those patients who have crowns or dentures.

A baby’s gums on the gums often appear due to poor quality sealing. So, microbes remain under the filling. They actively multiply, which leads to the formation of an abscess.

Possible cause of boils considered periodontitis. With this disease, bacteria from a pocket get into small wounds on the gums. Due to their waste products, the development of an abscess begins.

Other reasons may be:

  • tartar;
  • non-compliance with the rules of hygiene;
  • undertreated caries;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • improper nutrition.

Signs and symptoms

The main symptoms of an abscess are bleeding gums while eating and brushing teeth, as well as the reaction to cold and warm food. With bacterial infection, the shade of the gums in a child becomes bluish. Over time, a small bump is formed here, where pus accumulates.

Symptoms of an abscess on the gums
The list of the main symptoms of purulent inflammation of the gumsDescription of the signs of bacterial infection of the gums in childrenThe main causes of infectious inflammation of the gumsAdvice and advice for dentists in detecting an abscessPossible deterioration of health in self-treatment of abscess

This leads to pain and swelling of the gums, as well as an unpleasant smell. Enamel may slightly darken. Other features include deterioration of health and fever.

If a person finds an abscess on his gum, he should seek medical attention immediately. If for some reason this is not possible, simple measures should be taken to ease the pain and alleviate the condition.

First of all, not recommended to warm the abscesshoping that he will break through. Because of this, pus actively spreads, which worsens the condition.

It is necessary to rinse the mouth with antiseptic solutions. For these purposes, chlorhexidine, miramistin or furatsilin. You can also attach a piece of aloe to the affected area.

Some people recommend piercing an abscess with a disinfected needle. You can not do this, otherwise the infection will get into the blood. Doing an autopsy abscess must experienced doctor using a special sterile instrument.

Abscess treatment

Description of the treatment of the disease

If an abscess is found in a child or an adult, it is necessary to consult a dentist who knows exactly how to treat it. If you delay a visit to a specialist, an urgent surgical intervention is required. So, the doctor will be engaged in opening an abscess and washing the cavity from accumulated pus.

In addition, the dentist will prescribe rinsing with special solutions, taking antibiotics and using local anti-inflammatory ointments. In general, chamomile decoction, solution of potassium permanganate, furatsilina or soda is optimal for rinsing. Such fluids will help alleviate the condition of both the adult and the child.

To speed up the healing process is necessary go through several procedures using infrared radiation or laser.

The treatment of abscess is carried out differently depending on the individual characteristics:

  1. If an abscess on the gum was detected at an early stage, it is opened, cleansing the cavity of pus and disinfect with antiseptic preparations. In addition, a course of antibiotics is prescribed to help eradicate the infection.
  2. In advanced cases, tooth extraction is required. This procedure is prescribed for severe inflammation of the tissues.
  3. If an abscess has arisen due to a poorly placed seal, then a second sealing is performed.


The list of possible complications in the absence of treatment of an abscess of the gum

If the patient did not pay special attention to the abscess and did not ask the doctor how to treat it, there is a high probability that certain complications will develop. The most common is pus formation.

So, in the root of the tooth appears purulent cyst, which is growing all the time. Fistulous channels are formed to bring its contents out. Only a doctor should open a lump.

Another possible complication is a build-up on the gum, that is, a dense formation with a liquid reddish content. This is a very serious problem that often leads to osteomyelitis. Such inflammation accompanied by fever, swollen lymph nodes and general weakness. In a child, these symptoms are especially pronounced.


To avoid the formation of an abscess, it is necessary to perform simple preventive measures:

  • Description of preventive measures to prevent infectious diseasesIt is very important to properly care for the oral cavity. You need to brush your teeth twice a day: after getting up and before going to bed. To clean the interdental space you need to use dental floss. If this is not done, the development of caries and the formation of an abscess.
  • After each snack you need to rinse your mouth. For this purpose, suitable ordinary water or a special solution. The use of gum is also allowed.
  • Patients who are shown wearing a bracket system or prostheses should report possible unpleasant sensations during the fitting of the structure. If you do not eliminate the shortcomings of the product, injury to the gums may occur, followed by the formation of an abscess.
  • Once every 6 months you should visit the dentist for a thorough examination of the oral cavity, detection of diseases and their timely treatment.

It must be remembered that the abscess on the gums can not be harmless. Thus, in advanced cases, an abscess leads to the development of cellulitis or osteomyelitis. It must be borne in mind that infectious diseases of the oral cavity often cause brain damage due to its proximity. To avoid such serious complications, it is necessary visit the dentist regularly and follow all his recommendations.


