Chronic tonsillitis: causes, methods of treatment, photos

White plugs for chronic tonsillitisTonsillitis is a disease that is manifested by inflammation in the tonsils. The tonsils are located on the sides at the exit of the pharynx, so the problem can easily be seen in the photo. Tonsillitis can occur in two forms: acute and chronic. As a complication of tonsillitis, sore throat appears, it is characterized by more severe and severe symptoms.

Causes of Chronic Tonsillitis

Throat for chronic tonsillitisChronic tonsillitis is a common problem. Children are more exposed to the problem; among children, 14% of the population suffer from the chronic form, among adults - 5-7%.

The causes of primary tonsillitis are as follows:

  • new breathing disorders;
  • minor tissue injury of the tonsils;
  • infectious diseases that violate the integrity of the lymphoid tissue of the pharynx;
  • foci of chronic inflammation in the oral cavity and head area, for example: caries, periodontal disease, sinusitis, adenoids.

In addition, bacteria and viruses enter the oral cavity from the external environment. A weak immune system is unable to protect the body, then a disease occurs. Reduced immunity provokes not only inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, but also the conditions of modern life: malnutrition, polluted air, stress, etc.

The cause of tonsillitis are bacteria, viruses or fungi. The disease can be transmitted by airborne droplets, infection by the fecal-oral route is much less common. With chronic tonsillitis, it is not dangerous to others.

Chronic tonsillitis
White plugs for chronic tonsillitisTreatment of chronic tonsillitisChronic tonsillitis in humansWhite plugs for chronic tonsillitisWhite plugs for chronic tonsillitisThroat in chronic tonsillitis. White plugs in chronic tonsillitis.Treatment of chronic tonsillitisChronic tonsillitis in humans

Symptoms of chronic tonsillitis

Chronic tonsillitis is also divided into two forms: compensated and decompensated. In the first case, only symptoms of a local nature are inherent. The body is more able to cope with inflammation, therefore the person feels only discomfort in the throat. In the second case, there is a general deterioration. Also on the background of the disease can develop:

  • paratonsillite;
  • paratonsillar abscess;
  • angina;
  • diseases of other body systems.

White plugs for chronic tonsillitisDuring the acute form of the disease and during exacerbation of chronic body temperature rises, pain in the joints appears, headache, pain in the throat when swallowing, lymph nodes increase.

The diagnosis takes into account the patient's complaints and indicators of clinical laboratory research. Symptoms are unpleasant sensations in the throat, often painful, sensations can be of a different nature: scratchy, burning, feeling of a lump in the throat. The photo shows that in the throat on the tonsils are curd mass, they are the cause of bad breath.

In the patient's card you can find information about private angina. Most often, an exacerbation occurs after drinking cold or hot drinks, after hypothermia and colds. So the doctor must understand that such factors are not the root cause of the disease, and as a consequence of chronic tonsillitis.

The photo shows that with tonsillitis, yellow dots appear on the tonsils. During the exacerbation of this symptom is not. This means that there is a follicular abscess.

If you press on the amygdala, then it will make purulent contents. This happens when the purulent plugs soften. AT lacunae of tonsils A large number of bacteria accumulate, their type and shape can be analyzed in the laboratory.

Treatment of acute and chronic tonsillitis

Treatment of chronic tonsillitisFirst of all, for treatment in the hospital it is necessary to rinse the lacunae of the tonsils to get rid of bacteria and remove purulent plugs. At home, you will need to continue treatment and gargle with disinfectants and decoctions herbs Miramistin and Chlorhexidine are used. Mandatory appointment of antibiotics, depending on the nature of the bacteria. Many pathogens are sensitive to the drug "Rovamycin." Of the penicillins, Panklava is effective.

It takes into account not only the nature of the pathogen, but also the age of the patient, the frequency of exacerbations and the severity of symptoms. Evaluated methods and effectiveness of previous treatment. After that, further actions are planned: treat conservatively or promptly. The operation is recommended only when decompensated form.

The order of treatment is as follows:

  • removal of purulent plugs and washing the lacunae of the tonsils;
  • gargling with medicines and herbs decoction;
  • antibiotics (with exacerbation);
  • quantum therapy to strengthen the immune system;
  • physiotherapy methods;
  • inhalation;
  • filling of lacunae with antiseptics (according to the method of Yu. N. Tkach).

Surgical treatment is advisable to carry out with frequent exacerbations and painful symptoms. The tonsils are removed, which in medicine is called tonsillectomy. Doctors try not to carry out such operations, since this leads to a decrease in local immunity.

Operative intervention

Chronic tonsillitis is an unsafe disease. If we postpone her treatment to a distant box, then complications can spread to the heart and joints, endocarditis, pyelonephritis can develop.

Tonsils are removed if the following problems occur:

  • exacerbation occurs more than 2 times a year;
  • aggravations are accompanied by painful symptoms;
  • complications of the heart or joints appeared.

How to beat chronic tonsillitisTreatment methods are effective: laser removal of the tonsils or cryosurgery when the tonsils are frozen.

The operation is not performed if there is cardiovascular or renal failure, diabetes mellitus, hemophilia, infectious diseases, pregnancy, menstruation. The treatment is carried out three weeks after the exacerbation.

It is possible to talk about a completely cured chronic form of tonsillitis, when the exacerbation does not happen within two years.

The treatment of children is different from the treatment of adults. In childhood, lymphocytes are actively produced, in the process of which the tonsils with the entire lymphatic system are involved. therefore Do not start the disease, because the tonsils must be healthy and complete.

Chronic sore throat

Chronic sore throat occurs as a result of chronic tonsillitis. In the lymphoid tissue of the tonsils and throat infection is constantly. For any external or internal adverse effects, an exacerbation occurs and a sore throat appears.

When the pathogen acts on the tonsils for a long time, they stop performing their protective function, weakens local immunity. Chronic sore throat is the cause of persistent pharyngitis, bronchitis and other diseases of the throat and upper respiratory tract, if the infection goes down.

As complications appear heart disease, the disease adversely affects the gastrointestinal tract. With the latter deal more difficult. The patient will have to carefully monitor your health and conduct preventive activities throughout life.

The symptoms of aggravated tonsillitis are closely intertwined with the symptoms of sore throat. The patient complains of:

  • discomfort in the throat;
  • fever and chills;
  • intoxication;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • The photo shows a white patina on the tonsils.

During the course of the chronic form of angina, the symptoms are not pronounced. The patient feels weakness, discomfort in the throat, when swallowing, a lump in the throat is felt. Such symptoms may be several days, and then disappear without medical influence. In this case, the infection is constantly in the body and adversely affects health.

In children, chronic angina is more pronounced. There are always colds. The tissue of the tonsils undergoes changes, it swells, becomes loose, palate ducks condense. From mouth a foul odor emanatescaused by traffic jams in the gaps.

Treatment of tonsillitis by folk methods

Traditional methods of treating chronic tonsillitisWhen treating, do not neglect the methods of traditional medicine. In the period without exacerbation, morning and evening, rinse the throat with herbal decoction and saline, this will help reduce the risk of exacerbation. Whenever possible neck massage is done and chest. To raise the immunity are used: ginseng, echinacea, chamomile, garlic, propolis.

For rinsing treatment, a lot of herbs are used, for example: chamomile, horsetail, marshmallow, linden, oregano, oak bark, sage, black elderberry, peppermint, fennel fruits.

You can independently prepare infusions for rinsing and inhalation. There are several effective recipes for treating sore throats.

The first is prepared as follows: crushed aloe leaves are filled with sugar and infused for three days. Then a mixture of leaves is filled with 40% alcohol in the ratio of 1: 1 and insist another 3 days. The tincture is applied every day, 50 drops of tincture are used for a glass of water.

Hypericum flowers (20 g) are poured on 100 ml of 70% alcohol, in this state the mixture is left for 2 weeks. In a glass of water 40 drops of tincture is diluted and taken every day.

A strong remedy for chronic sore throat and other diseases is eucalyptus tincture, it is sold in a pharmacy. In a glass of water is diluted with one spoonful of tincture.

For treatment, you can apply sea buckthorn and fir oil. They are applied directly to the tonsils with a cotton swab for 1-2 weeks.


