Glands and tonsils, sore throat - photo

GlandsSometimes the categorical nature of doctors reached the highest degree of arrogance, and they began to correct nature: some human organs were declared obsolete and were subject to write-off. When from 1900 to 1920 the surgeon, Sir Lane, eliminated the usual constipation in hundreds of Englishmen along with the large intestine, the cavalier's determination of the famous doctor did not immediately alert his colleagues, and even more so ordinary citizens. The magic word rudimentum (primordial) emerged later, when American doctors convinced the public that it was necessary to get rid of the appendix, as a relic of the past (rudiment), from infancy.

And again it turned out: if the doctors do not understand the function of some organ, this does not mean that it is useless. The same thing happens with the glands - they prefer not to bother with them for a long time and immediately delete them. Do I need to do this?

Body's immune system

The simplest, mechanical part of the body is the skeleton, and that is very intricate, even for the theory of machines and mechanisms. Everything else is much more complicated. The immune system - it is a highly developed body security service: numerous detachments of agents (lymphocytes of different types), a school of learning (thymus gland), a system of recognition of a foreign, diverse chemical arsenal. If all this is not enough, then martial law is introduced - the temperature in the human body rises to the level that is destructive for viruses, and the body itself works at the limit of forces.

In the immune system are involved:

  • Red blood cellsSpleen - produces lymphocytes, filters the blood.
  • Lymphocytes are all sorts of "security agents."
  • Bone marrow - produces blood cells: red blood cells, platelets, white blood cells. In the photo from left to right.
  • Thymus (thymus gland) - lymphoid cells multiply and train.
  • Lymph nodes - the formation of soft tissue with a large number of lymphocytes.
  • Lymphatic vessels.
  • Tonsils - accumulations of lymphoid tissue on both sides of the pharynx.
  • Peyer's patches - lymphoid tissue in the intestinal walls.

Life is a struggle for existence. The battle inside the body goes every second. The scheme of a person, with organs in a cut, with skin off, with a device for blood circulation and digestion may even look disgusting to many. But on another scale, when the direct participants are visible: microbes, cells, blood cells and other small fragments, the picture goes to another level and this war takes on even a different aesthetics.

Many millions of red blood cells (red blood cells), as soldiers of the rear and transport they bring oxygen and take away the waste - carbon dioxide, and they move first along a wide road, and at the end of the path it narrows as a slit, they have to change shape, flatten out, in order to penetrate into the capillaries 2-3 times smaller in diameter than they themselves.


Platelets monitor traffic and in the event of an accident block the road and help the wounded cells. White blood cells, like security service soldiers, have separate specialized units. They have signals of one-to-one and when a foreign saboteur (for example, a virus) is detected, they declare alarm and pounce on the enemy. Some continue to fight, others take the bodies of dead enemies and comrades. Lymphocytes are a division of leukocytes and, in turn, are divided into independent special units.

The human body for a simple lymphocyte is the Motherland, but a photo of one of the heroes.Born in Selezen, in Thymus he completed advanced training courses in the specialty of acquired immunity. Received an appointment - in the department of B-lymphocytes. Further service was held in the first guards palatine tonsil.

Clearly interacting with a separate group of macrophages, destroyed up to 12 streptococci. who tried by airborne penetration into the body. Being in an ambush in the deepening of the amygdala, entered into an unequal battle with the superior forces of staphylococci and went missing. We, without thinking or even suspecting, spit millions of such dead fighters.

Autoimmune diseases

Immune system and glands

At the microscopic level, analogies with the state are quite visible. Introduced into germs and viruses, immune cells recognize and begin to destroy. But sometimes stories happen when the lymphocytes get their own perfectly healthy cells under the hot arm.

As in Stalin's time, an innocent victim is accused of having links with foreigners and sentenced to the highest degree. It is possible that contact with an outsider leaves some kind of sign on the cell, such as finding a forbidden leaflet and an expense, but the massive use of a harsh sentence is strong weakens the body and the work of the immune system.

In the case when the watchful NKVD declares pancreatic cells to be the enemies of the people, diabetes of the first degree occurs. An imbalance caused by infection in one organ sometimes leads to unexpected changes in a completely different part of the body: an inflamed throat can affect the organization of connective tissue and lead to heart and joint diseases.

It would seem where the throat and where the knees. Direct connection is not visible. And, in general, a person is mistaken, feeling himself the master of his body. When, for example, he says: "I want to sleep," then, in fact, just voiced the order of small particleswhich his actions interfere with normal operation.


Problematic tonsils

Protective cells, grouped into follicles (sacs), with different densities are scattered throughout the body. At the very entrance, in the area of ​​the pharynx, the first line of defense is located: the Pirogov-Valdeyer ring. These are six tonsils, in which the follicles are closed into dense rows and the lymphoid tissue of the posterior surface of the pharynx, with a less dense arrangement of such protection.

Anyone who opens his mouth in front of a mirror can see two palatine tonsils, which are often called the glands. They differ from the rest of the tonsils in that they have channels of a tree-like structure - lacunae, which go inwards and branch out further into crypts. Crypt (a) means a hidden place.

Each gland can have about a dozen lacunae. The photo shows purulent plugs at the mouth of these canals near the sore throat. On the other hand, the tongue, a little higher, is pharyngeal tonsilthrough which air passes from the nose to the lungs. The glands are the first protective organs that meet pathogenic microbes. A special group of lymphocytes recognizes strangers, and a complex, multi-step system for the destruction of aliens is launched in the body.

At the same time, their infected cells can be destroyed, and the tonsil lymphocytes first of all die. A white patina that appears on the inflamed glands is bodies of dead rivals.

Angina (tonsillitis)

That and the other name of the disease indicates sore throat, as a result of infection. Angina, translated from Latin, is associated with the word choke, squeeze; tonsillitis - with the word tonsil.

Types of sore throats:

  • Catarrhal
  • Follicular
  • Lacunar
  • Fibrinous
  • Herpetic
  • Ulcerative-membranous
Tonsils and tonsillitisWhat does tonicity look like?Tonsillitis

Symptoms and first aid

Tonsilitis, tonsils

Fever, sore throat when swallowing, redness or pustules on the tonsils are fairly obvious signs of illness. High temperature is detrimental to germs and mobilizes the body to fight, so you should not use antipyretic drugs, if it is below 38.5. Rinse with warm, salty water make it easier for tonsils to fight inflammation. Plentiful hot drink with chamomile extract helps to get rid of toxins, and since the glands are compressed when swallowing, it helps to release the small channels of the tonsils from suppuration.

At the very beginning of the disease and for prevention it makes a lot of sense to practice a lion's pose. The yoga school of health is the most consistent centuries-old practice tested by many generations. The benefits of this exercise are quite scientific: the blood flow to the throat increases, the amygdala shrinks. Combined with rinsing and hot drinking is great way to deal with sore throat at the very beginning of the disease. For a small child who already understands speech, with the pose of a lion, it is easy to come up with a game that will frighten the disease, and she will be frightened and run away.

In chronic tonsillitis, close attention should be paid to prevention in order to prevent extreme manifestations of the disease. Nature did not create unnecessary organs - and the appendix, and glands perform useful functions. Remote tonsils are a sin more like parents than doctors.


