Treatment of chronic tonsillitis at home

Chronic TonzellitisProbably there is no such person who at least once did not have tonsillitis and did not feel all the manifestations of the disease: a runny nose, cough and many other unpleasant symptoms. In this case, people often suffer from the disease on their feet, and this can lead to serious complications.

It should be noted that under the acute form of tonsillitis implied to all familiar angina, which manifests itself aggravated initial stage. The patient may have a high fever, a headache, chills, a feeling of weakness and inflammation of the throat, and lymph nodes may increase greatly. In children, the acute form of the disease is often accompanied by abdominal pain and emetic urge.

Therefore, if the first symptoms of the disease were detected, it is important to seek qualified medical assistance. This is due to the fact that certain forms of tonsillitis are cured only by antibiotics under the constant supervision of doctors. If, for good reasons, treatment in a medical facility is impossible, then it is important to consider the main points of the fight against tonsillitis in home conditions.

Symptoms of the disease

Acute manifestations of human angina are swelling of the throat and inflammation of the tonsils, and this can lead to blockage of the respiratory tract, which has quite serious consequences. There are also the following symptoms of tonsillitis:

  • Signs of a disease in the throattickling and pain in the throat;
  • redness on the tonsils and an increase in the latter in size, as well as their loose structure;
  • education flying on tonsils with a yellowish or white tinge;
  • the appearance of ulcers and blisters on the pharyngeal mucosa;
  • hoarseness and even loss of voice;
  • Strong headache;
  • complete lack of desire to eat;
  • difficulty breathing in the mouth;
  • swelling of glands in the cervical region;
  • chills or fever;
  • bad breath.

In children, acute tonsillitis is slightly different from the disease in adults and may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • abdominal pain;
  • emetic urge;
  • nausea and vomiting.

In the case of very young children who are not yet able to describe the pain, it is important for parents to concentrate special attention on the following signsaccompanying the disease:

  • increased saliva secretion caused by problems with swallowing;
  • refusal to eat;
  • not quite the usual behavior of the child.

Chronic tonsillitis occurs in children due to frequent diseases of the tonsillitis (more than 1 time per year), with prolonged high temperatures (up to 37.5 ° C), which cannot be reduced for a long time (sometimes up to 30 days), as well as traffic jams in the tonsils, which are accompanied by bad breath.

It should be noted that in the case of angina, the symptoms accompanying the disease are pronounced. In turn, chronic tonsillitis is almost unnoticeable and many simply do not seek help from doctors. However, it is absolutely impossible to leave the disease on its own, as this can lead to problems with the heart, kidneys and many other complications.

Also for the reason that the tonsils are in close proximity to the thyroid gland and they have a common lymphatic system, chronic inflammatory processes have a detrimental effect on the thyroid gland and lead to serious problems with it.

Methods of dealing with chronic tonsillitis

Depending on what stage of progression the disease is, use certain traditional methods treatment:

  1. Treatment of tonzellitsurgery - removal of tonsils, is used in case of failure of other methods;
  2. drug treatment - a course using an antibiotic;
  3. local treatment - sanitation of the tonsils, which removes the foci of infection;
  4. physiotherapy treatment.

And some of the above methods of treatment of chronic tonsillitis are quite applicable in home conditions together with traditional medicine.

Combating tonsillitis folk remedies

Conventionally, all means used in traditional medicine for ingestion in the treatment of tonsillitis are divided into two main categories - tinctures or herbal teas. If we talk about the first option, it includes herbal tinctures with or without the use of alcohol. In the case of the second option, this is herbal tea based on herbal preparations.

The composition of herbal decoctions for the treatment of chronic tonsillitis includes medicinal fees, most of which are sold in any pharmacy. Herbal decoction helps to remove inflammation, acting as an antiseptic, and also helps strengthen the body's immunity. This effect is achieved thanks to medicinal substanceswhich are contained in plants:

  1. essential oil;
  2. phytoncide and tannins;
  3. various vitamin complexes;
  4. alkaloid and useful resins.

In this case, it is advisable to use only the fees compiled by experienced herbalists and time-tested, as well as recommended by your doctor. The interaction of the various components of the herbal collection is a question that is little studied and not fully understood, so this method of treating tonsillitis should be approached very carefully and in compliance with all the recommendations of specialists. However, depending on the components included in the herbal tea, it can produce various effects on the human body.

  • Broth with antibacterial effects. In equal parts the medicinal collection of St. John's wort, coltsfoot, wormwood, dill, thyme, sage, crushed calamus root and peony, pharmacy chamomile and calendula are mixed. It is also possible to add shredded eucalyptus foliage to the composition, although this is not necessary. Dried and well-mixed mixture is poured with boiling water in proportion to a glass of liquid per teaspoon of herbal composition. The resulting decoction is infused for 4 hours, after which it is brought to a boil and used as an ordinary pharmacy herbal tea.
  • Herbal tea that stimulates the immune system. In this broth includes wild rosemary, St. John's wort, horsetail, as well as shredded calamus root and licorice. All components are available at any pharmacy in the form of ready-made herbal tea. Optionally, you can add chopped rosehip, which contains large amounts of vitamin C. To prepare the herbal mixture is poured a glass of boiling water on a teaspoon of herbal. To taste in herbal tea you can add honey.

How to treat tonsillitis folk remedies

Treatment of angina with the help of folk remedies is difficult to imagine without herbal infusions and rinses. At the same time, microorganisms that form a characteristic deposit on the surface of the tonsils are washed out with the help of a rich rinse. By flushing them, the patient removes the underlying cause of the inflammatory process. Also very good if rinsing is done. with the addition of traditional medicine with antibacterial, sedative and anti-inflammatory effects.

  • Broths and tinctures for the throatTo a glass of water at room temperature is added. teaspoon table salt, the same amount of soda and from 5 to 10 drops of iodine and everything is thoroughly mixed. Rinsing procedure is carried out with a frequency of 3-4 hours.
  • Two large garlic cloves are crushed and left until the juice appears, then poured with hot milk in the volume of one cup. The resulting composition is filtered and after cooling, rinsing is performed twice a day.
  • Shredded flowers and leaves of celandine in a volume of 1 tablespoon filled with a glass of boiling water and infused for 15 minutes. The throat rinses, up to 3 times a day with a solution slightly warmer than room temperature. If the tincture was prepared for three procedures, then it is advisable to warm it slightly before rinsing.
  • Also good help in the fight against chronic tonsillitis decoctions of sage and chamomile. At the same time such a solution for rinsing is effective both when mixing the ingredients, and when using them separately. The collection of chamomile and sage has an antiseptic, soothing, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.

I would like to consider and recipes infusions for the treatment of chronic tonsillitis:

  • Fresh squeezed juice of pure grass coltsfoot in equal proportions mixed with red table wine. Onion juice is added to the resulting composition, and everything is infused for one night. The resulting infusion is taken three times a day.
  • The juice of the usual beet in a ratio of 5: 1: 3 is mixed with the juice of lemon and wild rose, respectively. The resulting mixture is infused for 24 hours in the refrigerator. The infusion is used three times a day and 1 teaspoon field of food.
  • Two garlic heads crushed and left until the juice. Next, the juice of an average lemon is added, and everything is filled with a glass of warm water. Tincture is used 2-3 times a day, 1 tablespoon, depending on the stage of tonsillitis.
  • Eleutherococcus infusion, which is sold in a pharmacy, is also considered effective in the fight against angina. Despite the fact that this tincture is not even necessary to prepare, it is quite effective in the treatment of tonsillitis. Components included in the drug, enhance immunity and have an antiseptic effect. Tincture is taken twice a day, 15-20 drops, diluted in water.

Treatment with inhalation, honey and its products

I would also like to recall such a useful product as honey, which has long been used by folk doctors in the fight against most colds. Also familiar to everyone grandmothers inhalationwhich have recently become more modern and efficient.

  • A way to cure a sore throatIn hot water, diluted with eucalyptus alcohol tincture in proportion to 1 tablespoon of the drug per liter of boiling water. You need to breathe steam for 15–20 minutes through an inhaler.
  • Also a great effect is produced by inhalation from aloe alcohol tincture or ordinary pharmaceutical chamomile added to boiling water.

Use of honey and products from it in the prevention and control of chronic tonsillitis:

  • 60 minutes before a meal you need to use 10 grams of propolis mixed with butter.
  • Honey is also effective in the treatment of tonsillitis as additives in any decoctions and tinctures taken orally. It has a positive effect on the immune system and makes any decoction much tastier.

Opinion of doctors about folk methods

Sore throat in a child

Very often, doctors engaged in official medicine are categorically against the use of folk methods of dealing with chronic tonsillitis in the home. Although in reality, doctors often prescribe a number of home events with the use of traditional medicine as an auxiliary medicine.

The main thing that almost all doctors usually focus on is the treatment of chronic forms of tonsillitis with the help of traditional medicine prescribed as an addition to the main course taking medicines, not as a substitute.In this case, the use of traditional medicines can be prescribed only in consultation with the doctor.

Also fighting angina in home conditions recommended for children whose body is unable to fully accept the drugs. Excess chemical additives in antibiotics can harm the immature children's body. A special category of persons also includes people who are allergic to drugs.

Most modern doctors do not mind the use of folk decoctions as a supplement to the main course of treatment of angina, especially in case of exacerbation of the disease in pregnant women who are not recommended to take medication or surgery.


