Diseases of the throat and larynx: symptoms and treatment of the disease

When your throat hurtsThere are many various diseases of the throat and larynx. These can be both acute inflammatory diseases and chronic diseases of a general nature.

Causes and symptoms of diseases of the throat and larynx

To impact on development of the inflammatory process The following reasons may be:

  • Various viruses, fungi, pathogenic organisms that infect the mucous membranes of the throat and tonsils.
  • Injuries to the throat or the occurrence of tumors.
  • Angina.
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland.
  • Big load on ligaments of the throat.
  • External stimuli, such as smoking, fizzy drinks.

Symptoms of throat diseases are:

  • Tickling and dry mouth.
  • Depending on the type of disease - fever.
  • Pain during swallowing.
  • Headache.
  • Dry cough, tearing throat.
  • When you press the lymph nodes, they give pain.
  • Palatine tonsils are covered on the fly.
  • Throat becomes red, mucous starts to swell.

Only treatment, started in a timely manner, contributes to the speedy recovery. But most people with the slightest signs of relief immediately stop taking the medication, not waiting for the final recovery. It is this that carries the danger of throat diseases. Because the undertreated disease develops into a chronic one, which will be repeated regularly. In addition, many diseases have a negative impact on many organs of the human body.

Common diseases of the throat and larynx

Inflammatory diseases of the throat and larynx, acutely flowing, there are the following types:

Among chronic distinguish the following:

  • Movement Disorders
  • Sensitivity Disorder.
  • Burns and injuries of the throat and larynx.
  • Stenosis of the larynx.

Now consider in more detail each disease.


With angina lymphadenoid tissue of tonsils inflamed. This laryngeal disease is infectious-allergic. As a result, angina can be of three types: primary, secondary and specific.

The most common is primary angina. It is caused by staphylococci, pneumococci, streptococci, adenoviruses, influenza viruses, Candida fungus, anaerobes. The path of transmission from person to person - airborne or household, from the carriers of this disease or sick people. Hypothermia or a weakened immune system can provoke inflammation.

Secondary sore throat smoothly follows from such acute inflammatory diseases as scarlet fever, measles, adenovirus and others.

Specific angina is provoked by certain specific infections, such as fungal tonsillitis or Simanovsky-Plaut-Vincent's sore throat.


This is inflammation laryngeal mucosa. As an independent disease is rare, mainly has an interaction with inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, acute. Its symptoms are: sore throat, pain when swallowing, raids on the mucous membrane in the form of pus.

If you start this disease and do not eliminate the factors that have a negative impact on the mucous membrane, pharyngitis in acute form will develop into a chronic one.This form can contribute to persistent runny nose, dental caries, heart and kidney disease, tonsillitis.


With this disease inflammation of the mucous membrane of the vocal cords. Laryngitis occurs against the background of comorbidities such as acute respiratory infections, whooping cough, flu and others. May occur as a result of hypothermia, inhalation of adverse vapors, from smoking, dust, which is an annoying cause.

The initial symptoms manifest as a sore throat, then a dry cough occurs, which gradually becomes wet, the voice starts to wheeze, pain appears when swallowing. The mucous membranes of the larynx begin to swell, and the vocal cords thicken.


What to do if adenoids are foundIt occurs because of a viral infection that affects the pharyngeal tonsil. Intolerable headaches appear, difficulties with breathing begin, a strong cough begins to pester at night, and the runny nose becomes purulent. Because of the sleepless nights, the person becomes absent-minded, he constantly tends to sleep, and chronic fatigue occurs. If its not to treatthen chronic diseases such as sinusitis, otitis, and tonsillitis occur. Treat adenoiditis by washing the nasopharynx with antiseptic solutions and laser therapy. In severe running cases, surgery is required.

Laryngeal edema

There is no independent disease. Laryngeal edema occurs on the background of phlegmonous laryngitis, laryngeal tonsillitis, purulent processes in the pharynx and peripharyngeal space, and many others.

Laryngeal edema may not be inflammatory. It occurs as an allergic reaction to drugs, cosmetics or food. In addition, laryngeal edema causes diseases of the heart and blood vessels, as well as kidneys. Injuries can easily provoke swelling.

Movement Disorders

Manifested in full or partial suspension of the larynx. Contributes to this inflammation in the muscles of the larynx or in the laryngeal nerves. Brain injuries, multiple sclerosis, intracranial hemorrhage, syphilis provoke respiratory disorders. Speech and breathing become difficult, spasms occur.

Sensitivity disorder

This laryngeal disease occurs due to neuropsychiatric disorders. It is necessary to treat the central nervous system.

Laryngeal stenosis

In this case, the lumen of the larynx closes partially or completely. Stenosis of the larynx is acute and chronic.

Acute stenosis occurs in the laryngeal edema, as a result of injury, in contact with a foreign body, with phlegmonous laryngitis and many other causes. Arises suddenly and develops quickly.

In chronic stenosis, the lumen of the larynx begins to narrow gradually. This disease occurs after injuries or if there are scars in the larynx, as well as as a result of diseases such as syphilis, diphtheria, with a variety of tumors, and can easily become acute.

How to treat diseases of the throat and larynx

Throat Disease Treatment MethodsRegardless of the type of disease of the throat and larynx, treatment should begin immediately when the first symptoms appear. Only in this case it is possible to stop the spread of the infection at the very beginning, not allowing it to pass into the chronic form.

Treatment is prescribed by a doctor. depending on the type of disease, its causes and other parallel diseases. For example, pharyngitis is treated with drugs that have a local effect (lozenges and sprays that need to irrigate the throat). In addition, the patient should gargle and apply compresses of alcohol on him.

In the treatment of laryngitis primarily seek to eliminate the causes of inflammation. Additional measures may include steam inhalation, hot foot baths and heavy drinking.

Antibiotics for treatment of angina should be prescribed only by a doctor. Self-medication can have the opposite effect.In addition, there are a great many antibiotics, and for the treatment of a certain form of inflammatory diseases of the throat and larynx, only a specific type is suitable that only a doctor can know. He must draw up a regimen of medication so that the treatment is as successful as possible.

If diseases of the throat and larynx are caused by a fungal infection, then it is necessary to select the appropriate medications only after laboratory research and diagnosis.

Prevention of throat and larynx diseases

To get sick as little as possible, you must regularly engage in the prevention of diseases. It is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, walk a lot in the fresh air and play sports. When a seasonal epidemic of throat diseases occurs, it is good to use salt solution for gargling and nasal washing for prevention.

If the first symptoms of a cold appear, you should:

  • Preventive methodsStop smoking, at least temporarily.
  • Talk less to keep ligaments of the throat.
  • Get plenty of rest.
  • Drink as much warm water as possible.
  • To find out the correct diagnosis and start treatment, you need to go to the doctor.

If you follow all these rules, you can easily prevent the development of the disease or avoid complications.


