Everyone from an early age knows that dental treatment - far from the most pleasant procedure. It's hard to find someone who likes it. Such a dislike and fear of treatment of teeth is that it is extremely unpleasant and painful. To facilitate the fate of the patient during treatment, the dentist uses anesthesia. BUT tooth extraction under anesthesia is a normal practice, since it is impossible to endure this pain.
In some cases, people are so sensitive that it is not possible for their doctor to remove their teeth even with local anesthesia. In such cases, doctors practice tooth extraction under general anesthesia. Sometimes such anesthesia is necessary for dental treatment due to the patient’s health, and not just because he is afraid. We will talk about this in more detail.
The concept of general anesthesia in medicine
General anesthesia is a type of anesthesia in which the patient relaxes, sometimes this concept is also called sedation. With such anesthesia, the patient is in a state of relaxation and cannot prevent the doctor from treating him. Tooth extraction under general anesthesia occurs when the patient does not fall asleep, but is half awake and is capable of performing minimal movements, for example, opening the mouth or turning the head.
Note that tooth extraction under general anesthesia occurs. under the control of an anesthesiologist, who performs the anesthesia procedure, and then the attending physician begins treatment in the form of tooth extraction.
Unlike general anesthesia, which is used in complex operations, general anesthesia in dentistry means only oral anesthesia and depriving him of sensitivity, as well as giving the patient a feeling of relaxation.
However, far from every dentistry upon the request of the patient such a type of treatment is possible. Conditions under which general anesthesia may be used by doctors when removing teethfollowing:
- a license to provide this type of treatment. You can check with your doctor about availability;
- an anesthesiologist should work in the staff of the clinic, and only he can perform this procedure before the treatment;
- the clinic should have the appropriate equipment, in particular, an installation for the supply of anesthesia, a monitor to monitor the patient's condition and X-rays;
- appropriate level of training of the attending physician.
Benefits of removing teeth under general anesthesia
Naturally, the main advantage of such treatment is to create the maximum comfortable conditions for the patient, including the lack of sensitivity when removing teeth. Also among the advantages are the following points:
- the possibility of using different degrees of sedation, that is, for comfortable treatment conditions created for the doctor. There is no need to plunge the patient into a state of deep sleep in order to pull out his tooth;
- strict control of the use of drugs required for surgery;
- the ability to remove teeth, even for children who are very afraid of such a procedure.
Most often, after this treatment, the children no longer fear the dentist and are happy to go to him again in order to remove other milk teeth.And some adults lose their uncontrollable fear acquired in childhood, which is present in many people during dentistry.
In addition to everything else, general anesthesia makes it possible to freely remove several teeth from a patient at once, if necessary. Also, the use of general anesthesia is an indispensable solution when removing the most difficult teeth in this regard, such as wisdom or eights. Sometimes their removal can take more than an hour, and under normal anesthesia, the patient is extremely difficult to make this procedure.
Disadvantages and contraindications of general anesthesia in dentistry
Naturally, the use of general anesthesia during tooth extraction does not always have a positive effect on the general condition of the patient, and this is its main drawback. Among the key drawbacks of using general anesthesia are the following side effects:
- the presence of a feeling of intoxication or a sleepy state, as a result of which doctors do not recommend getting behind the wheel after such an operation;
- nausea;
- dizziness.
Also among the shortcomings of this procedure and the need for fasting 5 hours before it and the prohibition of fluid intake for 2 hours before treatment.
In addition, the price of such a procedure is higher than local anesthesia.
There are and contraindications when removing teeth in this way:
- allergy to one of the components of the anesthetic;
- pregnancy;
- tendency to high blood pressure.
Who better to remove teeth during general anesthesia?
Naturally, the main category of patients in relation to whom such treatment is applied is for those who are terribly afraid of dental treatment, and there are a lot of such people.
And the thing is not only that people are scared, and they inadequately respond to a doctor’s action. The fact is that such people may, from fear of losing consciousness or in the course of treatment, perform an action that can cause harm.
So, general anesthesia is applied. in the following cases:
- in the treatment of children up to three years and older. Not only does the child not feel pain when removing a baby tooth, he does not experience psychological trauma, as a result of which he, even as an adult, will be afraid to treat his teeth;
- with a long procedure;
- when removing multiple or complex teeth;
- if the patient has an increased gag reflex;
- with neurological problems;
- if the patient suffers from some internal disease, in particular, heart or endocrine.
In any case, the decision on the use of an anesthesia during tooth extraction should be made on the basis of questioning the patient about his condition, reaction to treatment and the presence of other diseases or allergies to one or another component. Such a conversation will help avoid a number of complications during the procedure.
Tooth extraction procedure under general anesthesia
To achieve the desired sedation effect, the patient is administered combination drugs for both local and general anesthesia. This should be done by an anesthesiologist, he is also obliged to control the concentration of these drugs in the patient's blood when administered so that there is no overdose.
At the end of the treatment process, the process of administering anesthetics is completed, then the patient begins to return to his normal state.
With the introduction of drugs, children need to drink water along with sedatives, and when the child becomes sleepy, he is given injections with an anesthetic.
Depending on the type of tooth extraction and the duration of the procedure, pain relief can be both facilitated and enhanced more. Typically, the concentration of drug administration reaches a peak in the presence of maximum pain.
Procedure price procedure
Naturally, the price of this procedure under general anesthesia will be higher than conventional anesthesia, but it cannot be called too high. Depending on the type of drug and anesthesia, the price of the procedure ranges from 700 to 25,000 rubles.
There is also a number of factorsaffecting cost.This and the amount of work, for example, the cost of removing five teeth will be higher than the removal of two. Removal of complex teeth will cost the patient more than normal ones.
General anesthesia replacement options
However, with all its benefits, general anesthesia for dental procedures is not all. Often parents, when children remove milk teeth, never decide that this type of anesthesia is applied to their child. Moreover, if the child himself is calm and not afraid of treatment at the dentist, then it is quite possible to do without general anesthesia.
Also, general anesthesia can be replaced in advance. the use of sedatives, in the case of simple removal. Among such funds emit valerian, motherwort. Atarax, Afobazol, Corvalol and other products that can be purchased without a prescription. In addition, some of them can be given to children.
So, you can decide whether to remove a tooth during general anesthesia or after the use of a sedative. But if you have a strong fear if you need treatment at the dentist, it is better to spend money and choose the first option. After all, it will be calmer as you and your doctor.