Teeth hurt in almost all children. Therefore, every parent will sooner or later have to take their child with a sick tooth to the dentist. In this case, the treatment will be prescribed depending on the complexity of the problem: one child will have enough of a routine examination, the second will remove a loose milk tooth, and the third may need serious treatment.
What unites all these cases? The need to persuade the child to be treated by a dentist. It is not difficult to do this if the parents themselves will not be afraid of visiting the dental office, because children are keenly aware of the mood of the parents.
Features of dental treatment for children
In order for children not to be afraid of dental treatment at the dentist, you need to follow a few simple rules:
- Small children are afraid of little, because they have no negative experience. Therefore, the sooner the parents take the baby to the doctor, the easier it will be in the future for the child to visit the dental office.
- The first visit to the dentist should be preventive. Let the doctor only examine the child's teeth and talk about proper care for them.
- Parents before visiting the dental office should psychologically prepare children. Kids should understand that they need to go to the dentist regularly. If the tooth hurts, the doctor will definitely help.
- Parents should encourage the baby after the first communication with the doctor. This will allow the child to form the right associative connection.
- You can also go to an adult dentist. In this case, using the example of parents, the child will see that there is nothing wrong with dental treatment.
It should be understood that all these tips are of little use if the tooth disease in a child has passed into the acute phase. But in this case you should not panic. In modern dentistry, there are tools that allow treating sick teeth in children. completely painless.
What anesthesia is used in pediatric dentistry
Professional dental clinics that specialize in working with children must have several anesthesiologists on staff who ensure the safety of pain relief, resuscitation and intensive care if necessary.
Anesthesiological service can have only those clinics that could receive from the state special licensepermitting anesthetic and intensive care. At the same time, the state strictly checks the availability of the necessary equipment, drugs, and consumables in the clinic.
Most thoroughly qualification of anaesthesiologists. A license is issued only if the regulatory authorities have no complaints about the fact of verification.
Pain relief does not have to be medication. In dentistry, non-drug anesthesia methods can be used:
- audio analgesia;
- electroanalgesia;
- hypnotic techniques.
Unfortunately, non-drug anesthesia requires special training, which requires extra time, and the effect is not so significant, so these methods could not get wide distribution. But to completely abandon them in dental clinics are not going to.
What methods of medical anesthesia are most often used by pediatric dentistry? Under general anesthesia, complex operations are performed. Under local anesthesia carried out simple operations. To better understand which type of anesthesia is better to give preference in dentistry in children, each of the species should be considered separately.
Local anesthesia
Local anesthesia in pediatric dentistry is carried out in two stages. The first stage involves local anesthesia of tissues in a small area. For this is best suited "tasty gel". A few minutes later, when the "freeze" will work, comes the second stage.
is he is injected local anesthetic. The injection is made in the area of tissue anesthetized at the first stage. Thus, the child does not feel pain at all.
As a local anesthetic in pediatric dentistry, the most commonly used drugs in dentistry are articaine based. This substance is 5 times more powerful than novocaine, but at the same time it has less toxicity and practically does not cause allergies. In addition, artikain very quickly excreted from the body: in just 25 minutes.
Russian dentists can use articaine in the treatment of teeth in children who have reached the age of four, which in itself speaks of the safety of this drug.
If necessary, articaine can be mixed with other substances to enhance and prolong the action of the anesthetic. The most common are the following artikain-based combination products: Ubutesine, Alfacaine, Septanest, INIBSA.
Combined anesthetics can be used to treat teeth in children who have reached the age of five.
In order to relieve pain, as well as to eliminate the possible side effects of dentistry, use before anesthesia. several drugs. Their use is called premedication.
Premedication can neutralize the following components of pain:
- The sensory component of pain is eliminated with the help of local anesthetics: Lidocaine, Benzocaine and Artikain.
- With the psycho-emotional component, and more simply by fear, cope with the help of persuasion or suggestion. However, if the child has: epilepsy, asthma, diabetes, thyroid problems, increased emotional stress, then dentists give the baby sedatives 20 minutes before the start of treatment. Most often it is Elenium, Valium, Diazepam, Radepur 10, etc.
- With the motor component can cope with decoctions of valerian and motherwort. These broths need to start giving the child a few days before going to the doctor. In this case, it is necessary to follow the instructions for use on the packaging with the collection.
And it will also be useful to prevent a possible allergic reaction. This can be done with the help of the fourth generation antihistamine: cetrizine, loratidine or cyprohepatidine.
Anesthesia method - sedation
Unfortunately, in case of acute pain, premedication may not have the desired effect, and sometimes there is simply no time for it. In this case, dentists in pediatric dentistry resort to sedation. This method of pain relief implies immersing a child in a state of sleep.
Sedation is deep and superficial. In the first case, the baby baby falls asleep deeply, and his breathing is depressed. In the second case, the child is in a half-nap and is even able to talk with a dentist. Baby's breath does not change. It is for this reason that children's dentists give away preference for superficial sedation in the treatment of teeth.
Similar anesthesia is done. using an inhalation mask and mixtures of nitrous oxide with oxygen. First, through the mask, the child is allowed to breathe pure oxygen. Then for fifteen minutes, oxygen is mixed with nitrous oxide.
The ratio of oxide and oxygen in the mixture is as follows: 30% is oxide, 70% is oxygen. If necessary, an increase in the concentration of nitrous oxide in anesthesia is allowed up to 70%, but dentists use this opportunity very rarely.
By and large, to say that sedation - a full anesthesia, it is impossible. The fact is that a child with similar anesthesia remains consciousbut experiencing a good mood and calm. Mild drowsiness may occur. The baby is not afraid of anything, because it sees its parents.
The mixture is supplied to the mask and exhaled gases are withdrawn by special equipment in the automatic mode. When the work of the dentist comes to an end, the concentration of nitrous oxide in the mixture begins to decrease. The mask is removed from the face of the baby after the oxygen concentration in the feed mixture reaches 100%.
It is important to understand that sedation alone is not capable of providing an adequate level of pain relief. Therefore, in pediatric dentistry, sedation is mandatory combined with local anesthesia.
Sedation is allowed to apply to children who have reached the age of 4 years. The biggest difficulty in sedation is to persuade the baby to allow the mask to be applied to the face. In order to make the procedure more attractive for the child, dentists use special masks with pleasant smells.
Do not believe stories about the danger of sedation. She is much safer than general anesthesia. Not without reason, this anesthesia in Europe is used in 80% of cases. Children's clinics in Moscow have also been using sedation for quite some time.
General anesthesia in pediatric dentistry
General anesthesia refers to anesthesia technology, fully disabling human consciousness due to the inhibition of all processes taking place in the cerebral cortex. It doesn’t sound very attractive, but in reality it’s not a bad thing.
The fact is that modern drugs for general anesthesia are practically have no side effects. In addition, if there is a likelihood of the child getting a mental injury, then there is simply no alternative to general anesthesia during dentistry.
General anesthesia in pediatric dentistry is used in the following cases:
- At one time, the dentist has a lot of work to do. For example, you need to treat more than seven teeth at a time.
- The child has certain mental or neurological diseases: Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, etc. Without general anesthesia, doctors cannot provide adequate assistance to such young patients.
- The dentist fails to establish contact with the baby: persuasion, deception and promises cannot make the child sit still and not interfere.
- Local anesthesia was ineffective.
- Anesthesia is necessary if the child is allergic to a local anesthetic.
General anesthesia inhalation and non-inhalation. Pediatric dentists use only the first type of general anesthesia. In general anesthesia with a child, besides a dentist, an anesthesiology team works. They have the following duties:
- providing the necessary level of anesthesia;
- relieving potential stress;
- control over all vital parameters during the supply of anesthesia;
- ensuring the purity of the oral cavity and preventing mucus, blood and other liquids from entering the baby’s lungs;
- correct selection of drugs for general anesthesia;
- removing the child from anesthesia and eliminating possible side effects.
As you can see, general anesthesia will be safe only if anesthesiologists know what they are doing and use with this safe medication.
Today in children's dental clinics in Moscow, most often for general inhalation anesthesia used drug Sevofluran. It is also known in the market under the names of Sevoran and Supran.
Prices for pediatric anesthesia in dentistry
In children's dental clinics in Moscow, the average price for dental treatment under anesthesia is at the level of 25 000 rubles for 1 hour procedures with the use of the drug Sevoran.
If the treatment procedure takes more than two and a half hours, then the clinics offer a discount. In this case, the total price of anesthesia in Moscow will be 46 000 rubles.
When using the drug Foran, the price of anesthesia with one and a half hours of dental treatment in Moscow will be equal to on average 16 000 rubles. Despite the lower price, the anesthesia based on the Foran is not inferior to the anesthesia based on Sevoran.
Attention should be paid to the fact that anesthesia for dental treatment in children in the regions will cost less than in Moscow.