Remove wisdom tooth: cost of service

Dentistry tips and tricksHealth is the most important thing in life. Everyone strives to be healthy, but not everyone can achieve this. Of course, no one is immune from disease, but still, in most cases they are easier to prevent than to cure. And prevention in this case is the main method. It is necessary to undergo various kinds of medical examinations several times a year. This will help to ensure that there are no diseases or to detect them in time and begin treatment.

The body, as a single mechanism, if an organ is out of order, problems can spread quickly and lead to failure in everything. Teeth are no exception. Visits to the dentist should be included in the examination of the body in order to comply with all recommendations. The aesthetic as well as the functional state of the whole organism often depends on the condition of the teeth.

Dental diseases

List of reasons for contacting a dentistThe reasons for the visit to the doctor may be different, someone needs treatment, and someone wants to remove a tooth that does not give rest. Toothache not one that can be tolerated for a long time. Painkillers of course will help. But if the infection process is gaining momentum, you can get big complications. Most frequent reasons for visiting a dentist are:

  1. Caries.
  2. Bleeding gums.
  3. Complete or partial destruction of teeth.
  4. Pulpitis.
  5. Not carious lesions.

Description of the necessary conditions for staff and dental clinics

Each stage of the disease involves your treatmentwhich the doctor chooses during the examination. It is important in this matter to trust proven professionals. Poor treatment can cause various complications and additional costs. The cost of dental services and so high enough to do it several times.

The clinic must have good qualified doctors, whose work is confirmed by relevant testimonies and positive customer reviews. In addition, the use of modern equipment for various operations and treatment, and anesthesia means plays a fairly large role in choosing a clinic.

Also an important role is played by the clinic staff, because friendly appeal to the patient, will allow the patient to relax and trust the doctors. This is important because not all people can, without fear of agreeing to tooth extraction. The price of such services will depend on the complexity of the procedure.

Treatment methods

Depending on the cause of the pain symptoms, the dentist uses certain tools and waysWith which you can remove a tooth or cure it.

This may be an integrated approach that combines medication, external use - for example, rinsing or more complex options - surgery and tooth extraction. This procedure is quite complicated, but very common.

As a rule, this is due to the late referral to the doctor. Although the situations are different. In any case, it is the process of tooth extraction that cannot be restored.

When tooth extraction is necessary

Before prescribing the procedure, the doctor conducts a local examination of the oral cavity and, if necessary, an x-ray. This will make the right decision and most accurately select the best method of extraction.

  • destroyed by caries or due to any injuries;
  • teeth that interfere with orthodontic treatment - with methods of leveling the bite;
  • movable teeth;
  • misplaced wisdom teeth should be removed.

The method of tooth extraction and the reasons for thisToday, tooth extraction can be done at any dental clinic. Modern technologies used in medicine, can do this without any problems, and most importantly painlessly and without consequences. Of course, any doctor tries to avoid this procedure as much as possible. But if it is impossible to save in full or in part, it is necessary to remove the tooth, and this is inevitable.

After the operation, there are a number of symptoms that will pass rather quickly if follow all recommendations:

  1. Inflammation and redness of the gums due to soft tissue injury. Go
  2. Pain at the wound site.

If these signs do not pass in the allotted time, it is necessary to apply painkillers and disinfectants facilities. Severe swelling of the gums or cheeks can be the result of infection and more severe inflammation. Although often it all depends on the individual tolerance of certain drugs. Drug allergy or anesthesia is common.

If removal is necessary, remember this process can be simple or complex. Such intervention involves the use of more complex additional tools. Most often this occurs with the progression of tooth disease and a strong degree of destruction.

Stronger and longer-lasting anesthesia, cutting of the gums, drilling and postoperative treatment may be necessary. Depending on the removal process teeth cost may vary quite strongly.

Wisdom teeth removal

Symptoms of wisdom teeth disease

Besides all the manifestations of dental anxiety described, wisdom teeth are also quite common causes trip to the dentist. Normally healthy wisdom teeth are a specific support for neighboring teeth and are involved in the process of chewing. If it develops correctly, full access is provided for its cleaning and treatment of caries, problems in this case should not arise.

But in practice it turns out most often that they bring a lot of inconvenience and can serve as causes of the spread numerous diseases oral cavities, the most common of which are caries and various infections of the eights and neighboring teeth.

The most frequent way out is the removal of wisdom teeth. If tooth extraction is required, price of such a procedure will depend on the degree of complexity and the necessary tools and material costs. Sometimes it happens that the removal is carried out immediately after their eruption. The reasons for the removal of wisdom teeth can be:

  • caries development;
  • shifting and deformation of the dentition;
  • partial teething;
  • infection of the oral mucosa.

In addition, it may be necessary to remove wisdom teeth that have not erupted yet. It's related at risk of developing diseases bone and jaw parts, which cause a lot of inconvenience - inflammation of the lymph, pain in the ears, fever. In this case, only the doctor will be able to make the appropriate decision, remove or not.

X-ray - a prerequisite for this. It will help to investigate the development and location of a tooth that has not appeared, in order to determine all possible risks and progress. Removing wisdom teeth is a completely painless procedure. Different types of anesthesia are used for this. The price of such a service, depends on the degree of complexity of the operation carried out to remove the wisdom tooth.

Postoperative care

Surgical intervention involves the occurrence of minor complications. Doctors always give recommendations that must be carefully followed. This will allow him to pass less painful, as well as accelerate the process of wound healing. Basic measures suggest:

  1. After tooth extraction, attach ice. The method is effective in the first few hours after surgery.
  2. The use of painkillers.After loosening the anesthesia, the pain intensifies, and doctors allow them to be used.

In addition, there are a number of procedures that are strictly prohibited after the extraction of teeth:

  • Description of the correct action after the removal of teethIn the first 2-3 hours, eating is not recommended. If there is medicine in the wound, it may affect its properties. In addition, food particles can infect a fresh wound. Hot drinking or food is also prohibited.
  • Do not rinse your mouth often. Drug leaching may occur.
  • It is forbidden to warm the mouth or the place of removal outside. This will inevitably lead to festering wounds.
  • To conduct hygiene procedures of the oral cavity, do not stay before the next day.
  • Further treatment should occur no earlier than a week.

As a rule, the removal of teeth occurs under local anesthesia. Although there are cases when using general anesthesia, especially if you want to remove several units at once.

Many patients try to delay their visit to the dentist even with prolonged and severe pains. This is big mistake. The condition of the oral cavity must be constantly monitored to avoid serious problems later on.


