Period after tooth extraction: what to do and when to eat?

Tooth removedRemoval procedure tooth carried out only if there is evidence. Recently, such an operation is carried out in rare cases. Most dentists try to treat as much as possible. teethand not delete them. So, the doctor always weighs the pros and cons of any intervention before making a decision. If surgery is really necessary, then you should figure out what to do after tooth extraction.

When the tooth was pulled outIt is important to remember that at the end of the procedure there is pain. It becomes as strong as possible after 3 hours, and then gradually passes, remaining only for 2-4 days. To get rid of unpleasant sensations are often appointed NSAIDs with analgesic effect. Most often it is ketanov. After tooth extraction, a normal symptom is edema, in the place of which a bruise sometimes forms. In some cases, there is deterioration and a slight increase in temperature. Normally, these symptoms completely disappear in a week.


Rinsing furatsilinom

After the tooth extraction procedure is shown mouth rinse. Thanks to this, it is possible to achieve a wound healing and anti-inflammatory action, which facilitates well-being.

Rinsing should be done according to simple rules. So, the solution must be held in the mouth for 20 seconds, and then spit and repeat the procedure again. It is necessary to refrain from vigorous movements, because it can lead to bleeding or microbes getting into the hole where the tooth was, which will cause inflammation.

For rinsing can be used pharmacy or self-prepared solutions. Among the means available for sale is best to choose furatsilin or chlorhexidine. At home, they often make soda or saline, using 1 tsp. powder in a glass of water. A solution of potassium permanganate of a light pink color is also suitable, because a stronger product can cause a chemical burn. For rinsing decoctions of bark of oak, calendula, chamomile, eucalyptus and sage are optimal. In the preparation of the solution used warm drinking water.

If properly perform the procedure, the healing of the wound will pass very quickly. However, no infectious complications will occur. Rinsing should be done for at least 3 days.


Antibiotics after tooth extraction

Some patients who do not know what to do after tooth extraction, start taking antibiotics. In fact, this does not make sense in all cases. Moreover, to prescribe such drugs should only a doctor, who additionally takes into account all possible contraindications.

Antibiotics should be taken in case of wisdom tooth removal or heavy bleeding during surgery. Antibiotic therapy is also indicated for immunocompromised patients. These are people suffering from diabetes, circulatory diseases and oncological diseases.

Take antibiotics should be within a week. In this case, medications are used after a specified period of time, so that a certain concentration of the substance is formed in the blood.

Taking other drugs

If the tooth extraction procedure went well, then minimal treatment would be necessary. Most often, analgesics are prescribed, although patients can often do without them.If pain is constantly felt, it is necessary to take analgesic drugs, but not abuse them, otherwise you can skip the development of complications.

Painkillers may be:

  • Finlepsin photoNSAIDs that remove pain, inflammation and swelling. We are talking about diclofenac, ibuprofen, voltaren and nimesulide. It should be remembered that long-term use of such drugs is contraindicated, because the number of leukocytes in the blood decreases, and the development of complications from the gastrointestinal tract is not excluded. Therefore, in most cases, it is recommended supplementation of omeprazole.
  • Finlepsin. This drug improves the conduct of impulses by trigeminal nerve. It must be remembered that the drug can cause drowsiness and a depressant effect on the central nervous system.
  • In some cases, it is recommended use of local drugs, that is, a solution or tablets that need to be absorbed. Most often appointed tantum verde.

To improve blood clotting and stop bleeding, hemostatic drugs are used, namely tranexam, dicinone or vikasol.

General recommendations

  • In the postoperative period, in order to avoid complications after tooth extraction, refuse to eat for 2-3 hours. During this time, a blood clot will have time to form.
  • 3-4 days to eat as much as possible soft foodso as not to injure the hole. It is also important for the time being to stop eating too hot and cold food. This also applies to alcohol, which weakens local immunity and dilates blood vessels, which often leads to complications.
  • To avoid bleeding, it is recommended several days after tooth extraction. do not visit the bath or solarium.
  • It is also impossible to tinker in the region of the extracted tooth, because it is capable cause injury to the hole and the development of an inflammatory process that can affect adjacent teeth.

What if bleeding starts?

Gauze TamponsIn some cases, after removing a tooth, bleeding may begin after a couple of hours. It is not necessary to be afraid of it. So, you need to twist a piece of gauze or cotton and put it on the hole, then the jaws tightly closed for 20 minutes. If during a given period of time the tampon is not completely soaked with blood, this evidence of blood clot. In this case, you need a few hours not to eat and not disturb the damaged area.

If the aforementioned method did not help, the procedure must be repeated, after having moistened the cotton wool with a solution of peroxide. If the method was ineffective, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor. He will perform electrocoagulation, stitches, and also prescribe drugs that increase clotting.

If the bleeding does not stop for a couple of days, it is necessary emergency hospitalization.

When should you go to the dentist?

  • If after removal all cheek is swollenThis indicates the development of periostitis. In other words, soft tissue swells due to infection. In this case, antibiotic therapy is prescribed.
  • After removal, the gum may hurt. If the pain is too strong and cause concern, then you should visit a doctor. This will help avoid development. alveolitis.
  • In some cases, a couple of hours after the tooth extraction procedure. bleeding continuesthat can lead to anemia. You need to contact your dentist, who will perform electrocoagulation and prescribe the appropriate drugs.
  • An urgent visit to the dental center is worth it if sutures were stitched during the procedure, but there is a suspicion that they broke up.

In order for the procedure of tooth extraction to go as painlessly as possible and not to cause concern, it is necessary to follow all the recommendations of the dentist during the postoperative period.


