The trigeminal nerve: treatment by a doctor and at home

Information about the trigeminal nerveThe trigeminal nerve is a knot with three branches, which belongs to the fifth pair of cranial nerves. Its eye branch is located just slightly above the eyebrows, and the maxillary branch is slightly below the eyes in the area of ​​the nose and cheeks. Both branches are composed of sensitive fibers that affect the neck, eyes, teeth, tongue and nose.

And the mandibular branch is located at the level of the lower jaw along the length from the corners of the mouth and to the center of the chin, it contains sensitive fibers, as well as those that control the movement of several muscles, including chewing ones.

With inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, the pulse of sensitive fibers increases, which provokes severe pain. It can be both an independent disease and an accompanying symptom. So why does the trigeminal nerve inflame, what is its treatment with drugs under the supervision of a physician and in home conditionswe will find out in this material.

Why the trigeminal nerve can inflame

The blood supply in the trigeminal nerve may be disrupted due to the reasons:

  • List of causes of trigeminal diseasepost-traumatic conditions, the presence of tumors;
  • artery aneurysm;
  • incorrectly installed seal on the teeth;
  • inflammation in the nasopharynx or jaw;
  • infection and, as a result, oral inflammation, including teeth and gums;
  • injuries during tooth extraction;
  • the presence of cholesterol plaques on blood vessels;
  • hypothermia on the face.

This inflammatory process often develops against the background of such diseases as:

  1. Herpes.
  2. Multiple sclerosis.
  3. Vascular pathologies.
  4. Endocrine diseases.
  5. Disturbed metabolism.
  6. Psychiatric disorders.

Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve: symptoms of the disease

Main symptom, by which you can recognize inflammation - this severe painrepeating after a certain time and lasting for several minutes. Pain begins suddenly and resembles electric shocks.

Most often, the pain spread to the place where the inflamed nerve branches are located, these are the parts of the body:

  • person or his half;
  • head;
  • ears;
  • neck;
  • eyes;
  • chin.

Description of the sites of pain

A common symptom of the disease is metal taste mouth and tearing.

The pain can sometimes appear from touching the inflamed parts of the body when brushing your teeth, shaving, applying makeup, also in case of unsuccessful mimic movement or being hit by sudden gusts of wind. Sometimes there are no prerequisites for the appearance of pain, they appear by themselves suddenly.

All of these symptoms were typical cases of the trigeminal nerve inflammation, and in atypical cases, inflammation spreads. on all face, the pain does not cease, and it is extremely difficult to determine its localization. Often there is a spasm of the muscles and a painful tic in the affected area.

Localization of pain during inflammation depends on which branch of the nerve has succumbed to inflammation. If amazed orbital nerve, the pain is localized in the temples and around the eyes. If the maxillary nerve, then hurt upper teeth, cheeks in the upper part and upper jaw. If a lower jaw nerve is affected, the pain will spread to her and the lower part of the lip.

However, do not rush to determine the diagnosis on your own; only the doctor has the right to do this, too, to self-medicate Not recommended. The fact is that an incorrectly prescribed treatment can not only help the patient, but also aggravate the condition.

Moreover, the symptoms of inflammation of the trigeminal nerve are very similar to the symptoms of diseases such as Ernest's syndrome, neuralgia of the occipital nerve and temporal tendonitis.

Most often, women of fifty years and older are exposed to this disease, but there are exceptions. It usually inflames the nerve unexpectedly and cures it. very hard.

Ways to treat trigeminal inflammation

It is very difficult to treat inflammation, you need a sufficient amount of time and a number of measures that should be followed by the patient.

If the pains characteristic of inflammation do not stop within a day and begin to intensify, the patient needs hospitalization in neurology. Only active therapy can reduce pain. drug treatment.

Treatment of inflammation with medication and surgery

Inpatient treatment will be directed to pain blocking and reducing its intensity. For this purpose, drugs such as can be prescribed:

  1. List of drugs for pain relief of trigeminal diseaseMedicines with antidepressant and sedative effects.
  2. Diazepam or Pimozide.
  3. Pain medications such as Trimecain and Lidocaine.
  4. Anticonvulsants on carbamezipine, hepabentin, clonazepam, or oxcarbezipine. All drugs are effective, but have a number of strong side effects, it is recommended to take them strictly according to the given schemes and under the supervision of the attending physician.
  5. Anticonvulsant drugs with a more benign effect on the body (Depakine, Difenin and others).
  6. Baclofen-based antispasmodics, taken alone or with carmbamezipine.
  7. Trental and Coventon, subject to changes in the brain vessels.

If the medication does not have any effect, then you should assign surgical decisionwhich is aimed at eliminating damage to the nerve or compression of the nerve by a blood vessel. Surgical intervention is usually performed under local anesthesia.

As a result of the operation, the blood vessels that come in contact with the trigeminal nerve and hurt, are removed or moved. In cases where they do not put pressure on the nerve, but inflammation is present, it is necessary to remove part of the inflamed nerve, after which the pain disappears or becomes less intense. In some cases, there is a resumption of pain in patients even after surgery.

The safest and most effective treatment of trigeminal inflammation is considered radiosurgery method, as a result of which the nerve root is destroyed by a small radiation, as a result of which the pains cease within a few weeks and no longer return.

A rhizotomy can also be applied, in which the sensory nerve fibers are destroyed and the pain ceases. It can be carried out in the following ways:

  • using radiofrequency destruction of the nerve root through the conduction of current through the tissues in small doses;
  • by injection of glycerol into the nerve cavity;
  • compression using a balloon.

How to treat the trigeminal nerve at home

Description of methods for treating trigeminal nerve disease at homeTreat trigeminal inflammation at home can only be when the pain is not too intense and not frequent. To do this, apply all sorts of decoctions and tincturesAs well as practicing attachment of plant leaves to the place of pain. The duration of such therapy depends on how often the patient is tormented by attacks.

Among the most effective folk recipes are the following:

take room geranium leaves and attach to the place of pain, then cover the place with a piece of cloth and bandage, then cover it with a handkerchief. Repeat the procedure several times a day, the duration of the procedure - until it becomes easier.

If the inflammation is due to a cold or hypothermia, then take infusion on the basis of St. John's wort, mint leaves, birch leaves, angelica root and valerian. All herbs are crushed, poured boiling water, insist and drink three times a day for half a glass before a meal.

It helps a lot aloe juicewhich has anti-inflammatory action. To make it, you will need the leaves of the lower row of aloe, skin should be removed from them, then squeezed using gauze. Keep the juice can not be taken it should be immediately after cooking. The recommended dose - a tablespoon three times a day for half an hour before meals.

Daisy flowers have an anticonvulsant and sedative effect. You need to take three spoons of flowers and pour a glass of boiling water, then let the tincture stand for about 20 minutes. Take one third of glasses three times a day.

However, decoctions and juices do not always give the expected effect, because the pain is too painful. Sometimes alternative methods will help to cope with the pain, including physical therapy. Among these methods of treatment:

  1. Description of methods of treatment in medical institutions of the trigeminal nerveAcupuncture.
  2. Electrostimulation of the nerves.
  3. Electrophoresis.
  4. Acupuncture.
  5. Magnetotherapy.
  6. Laser puncture
  7. Vitamin therapy.
  8. Reception of medical nutrition.

However, such treatment methods apply categorically impossible without prior consultation with your doctor. Since not all of these procedures can be combined with the intake of certain drugs for the treatment of inflammation.

As you can see, the inflammation of the trigeminal nerve is not a simple disease, accompanied by severe pain. Its treatment is also not easy, but you can protect yourself from the disease by observing simple preventive rules: do not overcool, lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right. You also need to regularly visit the dentist and consult a doctor if there is any suspicion of this type of inflammation.


