As with tooth reorganization, arsenic kills a nerve in the root canals.

How arsenic kills a nerveThe development of the dental industry does not stand still, but nonetheless, dentists prefer an agent such as arsenic, due to the patient's allergy to anesthetics of the new generation or in emergency conditions.

Arsenic, in turn, has the consistency of a paste used in healing to kill a nerve. After that, the specialist, without delivering pain to the patient, performs professional cleaning of the tubules, removing the pulp (nerve and blood vessels).

Tooth canal treatment

For an accurate picture of the procedure for the treatment of dental tubules, the first step is to familiarize yourself with its original structure.


  • Enamel.
  • Dentine.
  • Pulp.
  • Internal channels.

Enamel performs protective functions, as its tissues have a high level of density compared to other coatings in the human body.

In cases where it begins to break down, this process speaks of the initial stage of caries. If we start the treatment of the tooth at this stage, the treatment will be easy and painless.

Dentin - the second layer of the tooththat protects the pulp, but in conditions of penetration of caries in the absence of proper treatment is unlikely to resist the negative impact of the bacterial process.

Pulp - the central part of the tooth, having in its composition the nerves with the nourishing blood vessels. It should be understood that in the event of infection of this part of the tooth, a person begins to experience unbearable pain because of what a tumor of the gingival arch (flux) and cheek can develop.

In this situation, you should not think about whether it is painful to remove a nerve from a tooth, but urgently to undergo specialized treatment.

The internal canals of the tooth extend down from the pulp compartment, inside which the nerve passes, which joins the main nerve base.

From this it follows that the channels of the tooth are cavity of the root system of the toothin which the dental nerve is located. In a situation where the inflammatory effect is started up by gravity because of what the pus has spread over the surface of the bone, then, as a rule, in-depth therapy of dental tubules will be required. After that, the depulpation of the tooth is performed (nerve removal).

Depulpation by Arsenic

Tooth reorganizationArsenic is a rather outdated method of nerve removal, but nevertheless it is used in dentistry in some cases.

This procedure is performed for a longer time than when everything is possible. remove inflammation in one step with minimal risk of pain.

The whole process is carried out in stages:

  1. Local anesthesia (if tolerated).
  2. Opening the cavity.
  3. Laying arsenic-containing composition.
  4. Installation of a temporary seal.
  5. Sending the patient home for 2 - 3 days.
  6. Removal of temporary fillings with dead pulp.
  7. Cleaning the tubules.
  8. Installation of a long-term seal.

It should be noted that arsenic is poison. Therefore, during this type of treatment, it is important to strictly follow all the recommendations of the dentist - to come at the appointed time to remove arsenic from the dental cavity. Since this is fraught with the death of healthy cells of the gum coat.

At the same time, people are afraid to go for treatment, doubting that there will be pain at the time of the removal procedure. There is an answer to this - the pain in case of correctly performed actions is not felt, which does not prevent to remove the nerve and put a permanent filling.

Pain syndrome is unlikely to manifest, unless in cases of insufficient volume of arsenic injected, when the temporary filling is worn longer than the allotted time, tissue necrosis around the perimeter of the tooth or a doctor's error.

It is important to complete all the requirements of the dentist upon completion of the temporary filling procedure. Namely, do not drink or eat for the first 2 to 3 hours, as there is a danger of detachment of arsenic particles and their penetration into the human body.

You do not need to think too long about whether or not to remove the nerve, because precious time is being lost. And not timely therapy threatens with having to remove the entire tooth.

Arsenic during pregnancy and pediatric dentistry

There are 3 risk groups that need to think about whether it is dangerous to treat teeth with arsenic.

These include:

  • Pregnant women.
  • Intrauterine fetus.
  • Children.

How is arsenic used in dentistryPregnancy is a special period in the life of a woman, when responsibility comes not only for her life, but also for the life of the unborn child. Therefore, treatment during arsenic-containing medications is extremely discouraged during the carrying of the baby and throughout the entire period of his breastfeeding.

Not paying attention to the fact that the composition is applied in a small dose, there is a negative possibility of toxic arsenic fragments entering the fetus through the placenta. Because of what it is imperative alert the attending dentist about the state of pregnancy.

It should be remembered that modern dentistry has the necessary number of harmless means without harmful arsenic to kill and remove the nerve without causing harm to the mother and child.

Arsenic treatment of children is performed in the same way as adults only when an allergic reaction takes place.

The use of a devitalizing mass is also recommended when the child has a strong fear of anesthetics in an injection form.

At the same time, it is important to note that the paralysis of the nerve with arsenic can be performed. only in conditions of fully established rootsthat is, children of small age are unlikely to carry out this procedure (limit to 1.5 years).

If this condition is violated, the risk of the formation of periodontitis occurs.

Limitations of Arsenic for Children

Many are concerned about the question of whether the time duration of placement of arsenic for an adult and child is different. The answer lies in the fact that children need to remove arsenic after 16 maximum after 24 hours.

If the nerve-killing substance is injected only into the cavity of caries localization, then the duration of the arsenic is reduced to 1 day.

Dying arsenic is produced as white, and other components of the palette. As in the manufacturing process, special dyes are mixed in so that dentists can remove arsenic without error.

Typical mistakes of doctors

In such a difficult case, when it is necessary to remove a nerve from a tooth, dentists make mistakes in the following situations:

  • Low qualification level of the dentist.
  • Exhausted condition of the doctor.
  • Use outdated tools and apparatus.

The use of arsenic in dentistryAs a result, there may be unpleasant consequences, especially for the viability of the tooth.

As a rule, these complications flow into the fracture of the instrument, leaving its fragment in the canal, as well as abundant bleeding from the canal.

For this reason, a large number of specialists do not begin to remove the diseased area with a pulpo extractor. In order to avoid heavy bleeding dentists remove the pulp in small piecesperiodically flushing the channel with antiseptic agents.

Often, a tool fracture is noted due to its unskilled use by excessively rolling it in the tubule cavity or from the use of unsuitable devices.

It should be noted that actions to eliminate the bleeding do not require a long time, whereas in order to extract a fragment of the tool, you will need precise knowledge and skills of a specialist, as well as special equipment.

If for some reason the particle of the fixture could not be removed, and it remains inside the channel, then later faces 100% removal of the entire tooth of the patient.

It is important to monitor the health of your teeth by regularly visiting the dentist and, upon his recommendation, to come to the treatment in a timely manner, which will help save health, nerves and the contents of the wallet.


