After tooth extraction, the dentist is obliged to give certain tips on what to do in order for the wound to heal better, and how to care for the oral cavity after this. It is necessary to know that after this unpleasant procedure some time after the effect of anesthesia has ended, it will be uncomfortable. Because the removal of a tooth is considered to be a surgical operation, and it takes time for the tissues to recover, especially in cases where the gum had to be cut. Hole torn tooth a little more pain and the pain should soon subside.
To the postoperative period was as easy as possible, and the gum healed quickly, it is recommended rinse your mouth with broths of various herbs For example, chamomile, calendula, sage, which are good for removing inflammation and at the same time destroying harmful bacteria.
Gum disease after tooth extraction
If the gum a few days after the operation is very inflamed, the blood does not stop, and pus appeared, you should immediately go to the doctor. Only in the dental clinic will take all necessary measures to relieve these symptoms.
The gums can become inflamed if the oral cavity is poorly treated after the operation, as a result of a decrease in immunity, or if the wound is damaged. pathogens. Usually, after the tooth is removed, the dentist should make recommendations on how to maintain the body with vitamins and immunomodulating agents.
A slight swelling of the gums and its redness after removal of the tooth is considered to be common. Anxiety should cause inflammation that does not disappear within 5 days, persistent pain, the presence of pus, fever, increased bleeding, bad breath.
Inflammation after removal may also occur for the following reasons:
- Anesthesia if it was picked up incorrectly.
- Damage to the gums during tooth extraction.
- The operation technique is broken.
How long does the gum heal after tooth extraction?
Wound healing after tooth extraction occurs in all different ways. It depends on the following reasons:
- Individual features of a particular person.
- On how the operation was performed and the removal.
- From the place where the hole is located and for many other reasons.
If the operation is by tooth extraction was difficult, for example, with curved roots, if the crown of the tooth is completely destroyed or during the removal of the tooth crumbled, then the doctor has to cut the gum. In this case, the gum will heal longer than with an uncomplicated operation.
As soon as the tooth is removed, the hole begins to fill with blood, as a result of which clot. It is impossible to remove and rinse it in any case, because it protects the wound from infection. If a clot is removed, a complication may develop - alveolitis.
Sometimes on the next day after removal, the gums become yellowish or whitish. It is the effusion of fibrin from the blood and is considered a common occurrence, with no pus in any way connected.
Approximately on the fourth or fifth day, the blood clot slowly passes into the gingival mucosa, and the disturbed gum finally heals completely.
After removal gum swelling may occur. This is a common phenomenon and you should not worry about it, because as a result of the removal, in any case, the gum is injured.And if the operation was complicated by something, then the gum is injured even more and healing takes longer, even the temperature can rise. Natural edema should pass within three days with an uncomplicated operation, and about a week if difficulties arise.
What are the complications after tooth extraction?
The main complications of the gums are:
- Alveolite. With this complication, a hole becomes inflamed after the tooth is removed. This is a very common phenomenon. It occurs if the normal healing of the tooth hole was disturbed by something. The gums in the area of the hole begins to redden and swell, severe pain begins, blood flows without ceasing, the smell of pus appears, general malaise may occur, fever appears, chills, weakness, headache and other symptoms occur. inflammation spreads to other areas. And if the infection gets into other organs, in some cases an osteomyelitis process develops with high fever, migraine and weakness.
- Cyst. This is a small fibrous tumor with fluid inside. In the early stages, she is treated with medication, a later stage requires surgical intervention. In some cases, the cyst may open itself.
- Flux. In this case, the periosteum is inflamed after removal. This complication occurs when the infection gets into the hole of the gum, and then into the periosteum.
As a result of the flux, swelling of the gums occurs, its redness, body temperature rises, severe pain occurs, and swelling occurs in the cheek area. To make an accurate diagnosis, you have to do an x-ray, because this complication is not easy to diagnose.
Thus, for the most part, the gums become inflamed due to infection penetration. To avoid this, you need to properly care for the oral cavity after surgery. Teeth should be brushed in this case with extreme caution so as not to damage the damaged gum tissue.
Folk remedies for gum treatment
To remove gingivitis or speed up the healing of the hole, there are wonderful folk remedies.
In the event of alveolitis, mouth rinse calendula flower solution. For its preparation, two tablespoons of calendula flowers are needed, which are thoroughly ground into powder, poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for about an hour in a closed container. This broth is necessary to rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth and eating.
Also in this case sage helps well. A tablespoon of this herb is poured with a glass of boiling water and simmered on low heat for about 10 minutes.
Chamomile and St. John's wort help prevent inflammation. A tablespoon of chamomile and two tablespoons of Hypericum are poured with boiling water, drawn in a closed container for an hour and a half, filtered and used for rinsing.
The following composition also very well eliminates gum discomfort. Dry grass Hypericum perforatum and pine needles are taken in proportions of four to one, mixed and crushed. From the resulting mixture take four tablespoons, pour boiling water and boil for about two minutes. The resulting decoction is necessary insist hour and a half, then it is necessary to boil again until the initial liquid is reduced by half. This solution is moistened with a gauze pad and treated with a well.