Why does the gum hurt for a week after removing a wisdom tooth?

How long the wound heals after the removal of the wisdom toothFor many people, the eruption of the wisdom tooth is accompanied by severe pain, the gum or jaw begins to swell. This condition can last for quite a few days. In this case, it is recommended to make an X-ray photograph, with the help of which the doctor determines the stage of eruption and how well it grows. Usually, a wisdom tooth is inclined or cut horizontally, and it is often covered by a fold of gums, called a “hood.”

Incorrectly growing eight not only causes severe pain, but also injures tongue, cheek, gums or adjacent teeth. Therefore, the dentist recommends removing it so that the person does not suffer from pain. Let us try to figure out in which cases the doctor will be able to pull it out without complications and for how many days will the injured place hurt?

The specifics of the problem

Wisdom tooth hurtsAs it was proved, the organism is finally formed by the age of twenty-five, and wisdom teeth often appear much later, when the bones are already completely strengthened and have lost their elasticity. Because of this, the eights cease to grow and develop normally, and often they do not have enough space to comfortably sit in the dentition. Therefore, their appearance is capable destroy nearby healthy molars. To avoid this, it is recommended to remove wisdom teeth.

But the trouble may not end there. Given the complexity of the location of eights and the high probability of their internal destruction, the removal process turns into a very complex procedure, which can be accompanied by various complications. For example, if you had to remove a wisdom tooth, then after that the gums or adjacent teeth often hurt.

How many days will the damaged area hurt after removal? It depends on how the eights are cut. If they have grown horizontally or at a right angle, then removing them without causing injury to the gums' mucous membrane and adjacent teeth is almost impossible. In addition, with non-compliance with the rehabilitation of the oral cavity may occur purulent inflammatory processes. In this case, it will take three or four days for a slight improvement and the pain to subside.

How many days pain will be felt after the wisdom tooth extraction procedure depends on which site was subject to manipulation. Usually, the upper teeth are much easier to pull out than the lower ones, since the doctor has a better view and can normally approach the desired area.

Deletion effects

Before removing a wisdom tooth, the surgeon directs the patient to jaw x-ray, to determine the nature of the upcoming manipulation. The process will be completed without too much difficulty if:

  • the eight was cut straight, and it is not twisted;
  • lack of soft tissue inflammation;
  • the roots are not curved, and their number is not more than two;
  • crown two thirds or completely protrudes over the gum.

But even after such a simple removal, the damaged area may hurt for several days. It is impossible to unambiguously answer how long the pain will last, since it depends on the ability of the tissues to regenerate. However, on average, discomfort after removing the eight can last about a week.

Since the sensitivity returns immediately after the termination of the anesthesia, in this case for the first few days after removal the doctor prescribes painkillerse. If the healing proceeds without complications, then this time is enough to stop the gums from getting sick.

Complications and treatment after tooth extraction

What can be complications after the removal of the wisdom toothRemoving a wisdom tooth is not so easy. This process can be complicated by the characteristics of its eruption, for example, if it is strongly inclined towards the gums. Usually this is characteristic of the lower eights, because the mandible bone is denser than the upper one and it completely lacks plasticity. After removal for several days, an elevated body temperature may be maintained, which is considered normal. In this case, the doctor prescribes antipyretics.

Also, after the removal of the tooth sometimes occurs purulent pericoronitis and ratified molar. It causes pain in the jaw, the cheek begins to swell. Other complications arise. Usually the discomfort lasts three weeks, until the injured tissue heals.

After I had to pull out the eight, my throat or neighboring teeth often hurt. This pain occurs if during the process the doctor touched the jaw and glossopharyngeal nerves. This may be numbness of the lips, tongue, chin. To reduce neurological pain, analgesics should be taken.

Usually, after a doctor removes a wisdom tooth, he prescribes:

  • antibiotics;
  • analgesics.

They are necessary to reduce pain and prevent the spread of infection. But you should know that rinsing of the mouth cavity is contraindicated in this case, otherwise the blood clot of the operated hole will be destroyed. If a blood clot is well formed, then it helps protect the wound. from getting bacteria into itthat allows the patient to recover faster. It must be remembered that the temperature, pain and swelling should be no more than three days. If the state of health begins to worsen, and the pain does not go away, you should seek medical help.

What if, after removing a wisdom tooth, the gums and cheek hurt for a week and this pain is accompanied by fever and the appearance of an unpleasant smell from the hole? In this case, the help of a physician is urgently needed, as this indicates that there may be remnants of molar debris in the hole, or they have entered the sinus.

How long will the wound hurt?

Is it necessary to remove a wisdom toothMany people are interested in the question: if you had to remove a wisdom tooth, would your gums ache after that and how many days or weeks would you have to endure it? If such a process went without complications, then relief should come on the third day. Of course, such an injury will hurt for a long time (about a week), if the doctor, starting to remove a tooth, made a gum dissection or gouged the tooth piece by piece, after which it stitched. At the same time, self-absorbing threads are used, and the gum completely heals in four weeks, but it ceases to hurt, usually seven days after the wisdom tooth is removed.

How can pain be reduced?

If you had to remove a tooth, the correct behavior of the patient after that will speed up the regeneration of mucosal tissues. This will reduce pain and eliminate the chance of infection of the injured area. So how can you get rid of pain after wisdom tooth is removed so that this condition does not last for weeks? Usually, the doctor prescribes analgesics and makes a clear prescription.

In order not to accidentally damage a blood clot, it is necessary adhere to the following rules:

  • after the manipulation can not eat and drink for two hours;
  • do not touch the tongue or fingers with the hole, as this may damage the clot and cause various complications;
  • Do not cover the wound with your own hand-made dressing, especially with the drug;
  • It is forbidden to rinse the mouth until the hole is completely healed;
  • heating pads and warming compresses, which some patients put on the outside of the cheek to reduce pain, are strictly contraindicated;
  • it is necessary to refuse physical activities;
  • if the pain is very severe, you should take painkillers.

However, if on the second day increased body temperature, there was swelling of the face, gums ache and the jaw does not open - be sure to re-visit the attending physician.

When does a wisdom tooth be removed?

There are such conditions when it is dangerous to remove a tooth because of the high risk of complications. These include:

  • acute infectious disease (pneumonia, meningitis, influenza, etc.);
  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, and it is also forbidden to extract a tooth if the patient suffered a heart attack 6 months before the operation;
  • exacerbation of mental illness;
  • insufficient blood supply to the brain (stroke, ischemic attack).

For diseases that are associated with bleeding disorders (von Willebrand disease, hemophilia, Verlgoff disease), teeth can be removed. But in this case, one condition must be met: remove the molar should in the hematology department of a hospitalso that you can stop uncontrolled bleeding.

Doctor's recommendations

Wisdom tooth extractionAs already mentioned, it is impossible to drink and eat food in the first two hours after the removal of a wisdom tooth. After that, you can eat a little snack, but you can not eat anything hot. Solid products should be chewed opposite side of the operated. First day liquid food is better not to eatso as not to destroy the blood clot in the hole. If the gum hurts for a week after tooth extraction, it means that some recommendations of the doctor were not followed.

If you had to remove the eight, then you should brush your teeth 24 hours after the manipulation, and only if there is no bleeding. During cleaning, you should try not to hurt the hole and the nearest area to it. If the situation requires it, you can do the bath.

Often, after having to remove a wisdom tooth, dentists recommend decoctions of oak bark, chamomile, calendula, as well as baking soda and salt. In addition, to speed healing and sanitize the oral cavity, you can buy finished product - "Furacilin". But do not forget that such procedures should be carried out only after a blood clot is fixed, and after consulting with your doctor.

Thus, a wisdom tooth during its eruption can cause severe discomfort, so doctors recommend removing it. However, if after removing a wisdom tooth, the injured gum hurts for a week or more, and there is an increase in body temperature, you should visit your doctor as soon as possible. Such symptoms may indicate the development of complications requiring immediate treatment.


