What to do if loose front teeth and how to strengthen them

Causes of loose teethChildren’s teeth often have loose teeth, but for an adult this can be a problem. Loose teeth do not constitute anything good, this trouble must be eliminated as soon as possible, because by postponing the visit to the dentist for later, it is possible to completely lose them. It is very unpleasant if the problem has touched front teethbecause no denture will replace a natural smile. So what to do if teeth are loose?

Causes of teeth shakiness

A loose tooth for several reasons:

  • gum disease;
  • pregnancy;
  • chronic diseases;
  • injuries.

Gum disease

The most common cause of staggering is gum disease. The soft tissue of the gums begins to inflame, the tooth loses its firm support, and the front and side teeth begin to walk.

Gum disease are as follows:

Preventing teeth loosening

Gingivitis is considered the most frequent disease gum. Children and youth are subject to it. This disease is caused by many causes, ranging from allergies and infections, to cardiovascular diseases.

In addition, gingivitis has the following signs: swelling, inflammation, gums are bleeding and sore very much. In most cases, the oral cavity is prone to caries.

If you start this disease, it can turn into a more serious, called periodontitis.

Periodontitis occurs as a result of neglected gingivitis, is a process of destruction of the tissues surrounding the tooth. Mostly the older generation is affected by this disease, but lately it has become common among young people.

Periodontitis has all the symptoms of gingivitis. More pain is added to them, shakiness becomes even stronger, body temperature rises, and headaches occur. It is not recommended to start this disease, as well as to treat it yourself.

In addition to all of these causes, the gums become inflamed by improper removal of tartar or weakened immunity.

Chronic diseases

The reel is caused by the following chronic diseases:

  • psoriasis;
  • diabetes;
  • thyroid disease;
  • arthritis;
  • heart diseases.

If the front or molars are loose as a result of these diseases, then Be sure to contact not only the dentist, but also to the attending physician.


The teeth may begin to lurch after any injury, therefore, in order to make sure that there is no fracture, it is necessary to go to the doctor and do an orthopantomogram.


As a result of pregnancy, the unborn baby begins to draw calcium from the mother's body. It destroys dental tissue and makes them moveable. In order to avoid this, expectant mother must necessarily include in her diet containing calcium products.

How to strengthen teeth?

How to cure loose teeth

An urgent need to contact a dentist. Timely treatment helps preserve them. The doctor will recommend to strengthen the gum to treat special anti-inflammatory drugs, and also need to very thoroughly clean the gums. Good help folk remedies in the form of medicinal herbal tinctures, compresses, tinctures for rinsing.

If periodontitis has already acquired a moderate or severe form, carry out a thorough diagnosis. With her help, the dentist determines the cause of the precariousness. May require treatment of the underlying disease. Only after this is a decision made how to treat the teeth in order to avoid their loss.

In any case, regardless of the reason, it is urgent to take action. At present, they are well strengthened by such a technique as gingival capacity.

If, due to an injury, the molar began to stagger, dentists in this case set a special removable denture from wire. This tire secures it, and the gum tissue itself can recover after a certain time.

Strengthen the gum can ordinary salt. It must be rubbed into the gums every day with a small amount. They are also well strengthened with special pastes, the composition of which contains oak bark extract and other beneficial substances. There are special strengthening preparations, but they should be used only after consulting a doctor.

Front teeth may stagger off the wrong bite. In this case, orthodontic treatment will help strengthen them. It redistributes the load on them and leads to a stable state.

If the front teeth began to loose because of their night gnash, the “night watchman” plate helps well. The plate is worn on them, which helps prevent their erasure and movement.

For the prevention of shakiness it is not recommended to nibble nuts or other hard objects. You need to eat more foods containing calcium, eat garlic and onions, and you should also give up bad habits.


