What to do if bleeding gums

What is bleeding gumsGingival bleeding is a fairly common problem that not only causes aesthetic inconvenience, but can be a symptom of serious diseases of the oral cavity. Some patients blame the bleeding on a hard toothbrush, coarse food and try to solve this issue on their own. However, the symptom is already a good reason to turn to the dentist, as it indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the oral cavity.

Why do gums bleed?

How to eliminate bleeding gumsPatient who has causes gums to bleed should bother first. Indeed, only after their removal can you get rid of the unpleasant problem. Bleeding gums when brushing your teeth is one of the first signs of diseases such as periodontitis and gingivitis. The main reason for the development of these states is hiding. inadequate oral hygiene, then a symptom appears - gums begin to bleed. What to do first? Why there is a problem, how to deal with it and restore the health of the oral cavity?

First you need to examine the teeth, gums and the entire mucous membrane and assess their condition. Perhaps the patient does not even suspect that the inflammatory process has begun in the oral cavity and a serious disease develops.

Gingivitis can be recognized by the following features:

  • the color of the near-toothed marginal gingiva becomes bright red with light blueness;
  • on the interdental papillae and marginal gingiva appear puffiness and tenderness when affected;
  • in the area of ​​the dental necks accumulates soft microbial plaque and hard stone;
  • gums bleed when brushing your teeth.

The initial stage of periodontitis is characterized by the same symptoms as gingivitis. The overall clinical picture is complemented by the loss of attachment of the gums, the mobility of the teeth, the exposure of the necks, suppuration from the periodontal pockets.

The accumulation of mild microbial dental plaque is the result of poor oral hygiene. If you do not remove the deposits completely from the surface of the teeth for 1-2 days, they are impregnated with calcium salts contained in saliva, and turn into a hard stone. Soft touch can be removed with a brush and paste, dental floss, but if a stone has already formed, you need to contact your dentist and remove the deposits in a professional way.

The structure of a soft plaque on the teeth, and hard stone includes pathogenic microorganisms. They are trying to food residues between the teeth, emit toxic substances that contribute to the development of the inflammatory process. Blood vessels of the gums against inflammation become susceptible to injury as a result of minor mechanical stress, for example, when brushing your teeth.

Treatment of bleeding gums

Medications for the treatment of bleeding gumsWhat to do if your gums bleed is one of the most important questions asked by patients. You shouldn’t delay a visit to the dentist, because only he can assess the condition of the oral cavity, find the cause of the problem and prescribe an adequate and correct treatment. Do not use any medications yourself. Anti-inflammatory pastes, gels, ointments can reduce the symptom, but they cannot cope with the cause. Self-medication in most cases leads to tooth mobility, and this is an irreversible change.

To get rid of bleeding gums is possible only with the help of complex treatment, which consists of several stages.

  1. Removal of dental deposits.The procedure is carried out only in the dental office. You should not try to do it at home, as there are no folk remedies or drugs that can qualitatively cope with tartar. Doctor cleaning with ultrasoundgently removing all deposits. You can not skip this stage, as it is the most important.
  2. After removing the deposits from the teeth, you can start the course of anti-inflammatory therapy. To strengthen the gums and relieve the symptoms of inflammation will help various applications and rinses. First, rinse your mouth with Chlorhexidine (0.05%), and then treat with Holisal gel. Before applying the drug you need to dry the oral cavity with a gauze pad, so it is better to fix.
  3. Removal of deposits and anti-inflammatory therapy for periodontitis is complemented by antibiotics.

An important step towards complete recovery is proper oral hygiene. If you do not follow the basic rules and continue to care for the oral cavity at the same level, then soon deposits and inflammation may appear again, and the diseases will turn into a chronic sluggish form.

During the treatment of bleeding gums it is recommended to use special toothpastesthat will help relieve pain. Popular pastes include Lacalut and Parodontax. You should also pay attention to the toothbrush. During the first two weeks it is advisable to use brushes with soft bristles, so the gums will be much less injured and, accordingly, bleed.

Folk methods

How to prevent bleeding gumsTraditional medicine offers many recipes that help to cope with bleeding gums and problems with teeth. It is important to note that fully rely on unconventional methods and only use them undesirable and even dangerous. They are effective only in combination with dental treatment.

One of the most famous folk remedies used to treat problems of the oral cavity, is a decoction of oak bark. Preparing a medicine is quite simple - you will need a glass of chopped oak bark for two liters of water. Blend the mixture to a boil, infuse, strain, dilute with boiled water and rinse your mouth after eating and bedtime. In addition to oak bark, plantain, chamomile, sage herbs are also effective, which are used to make infusions. If your gums bleed, you need to take food that acts gently and envelops the affected areas. It is recommended to eat bananas, strawberries, drink carrot juice.

Very often, women, during pregnancy, face the problem of bleeding gums when brushing their teeth. In this case, as a rule, the solution comes by itself and the problem may disappear after the birth of the child. Sometimes the condition does not go away, the teeth begin to ache, and the inflammatory process becomes more acute.

In this case, a special toothpaste will help. For its preparation you will need sea salt, banana skin and olive oil. Salt need grind to sand in a coffee grinder. Dry the banana peel, grind into a powder and mix with salt, add a little olive oil to make a mixture that is sour cream in consistency. Paste needs to be rubbed into the gums, hold for 10 minutes and rinse your mouth with warm water. As a result, the teeth will stop aching and the gums will bleed.


Grandmothers treatment of bleeding gumsIn order for the teeth and gums to maintain their health over the years, they need to provide the right care. Sure to morning and evening you need to brush your teethusing a quality toothbrush and a good paste. Do not forget to clean the tongue and the inner surface of the cheeks. Then you should rinse your mouth with rinse, if necessary, use dental floss and toothpicks. After recovery, efforts should be made not to face the problem of bleeding gums again.To reduce the formation of tartar on the teeth can be achieved by eating lemon, black radish, carrots.

The development of inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, including periodontitis and gingivitis, occurs against the background of reduced immunity, therefore, it does not hurt to strengthen it. It is necessary to revise the daily ration, exclude from it solid, hard food, replacing it with fresh fruits, vegetables, cereals, first courses. For the purpose of prophylaxis, you can take a vitamin complex, which will not only ensure a successful recovery, but also improve the condition of the whole organism.


