Causes and treatment of bleeding gums

Why do gums bleedDespite the insignificance of the problem, do not ignore the bleeding gums. Very often this is the first sign of onset of inflammation in the mouth. And therefore, if suddenly you notice severe bleeding from the gums while brushing your teeth, please note that it is possible that gingivitis, periodontitis or another gum disease is starting to develop.

Since an ordinary person cannot determine the nature of the processes that arise, he needs to see a dentist for help at the first signs of blood on the dental-toothed areas. The specialist will conduct the necessary diagnostic procedures and make an accurate diagnosis. If this is not done on time, then other, more serious problems may arise. In some cases, this may be limited only to the loss of a tooth, and sometimes it may be necessary to conduct an operation.

Why do gums bleed?

The causes of this phenomenon can be very different. In most patients who go to the doctor with inflammation of the oral cavity, the most common cause of this pathology is an infection that has entered the tooth due to poor hygiene. With further progression of the process, serious damage to the teeth occurs, severe caries develops, etc.

The main symptoms of gingivitis experts call the following:

  • Gums are bleeding - possible causesPlaque and tartar, covering a large area in the area of ​​the dental necks;
  • Discoloration of the edge of the gums between the teeth, which becomes red or bluish;
  • The slightest touch to the gums causes unbearable pain;
  • The appearance of bleeding gums with each brushing.

These symptoms may indicate periodontitis, however, in addition to them, there are often other signs:

  • Tooth mobility;
  • Minor tooth release at the attachment point to the gum;
  • Discharge of pus from periodontal pockets;
  • Exposure of teeth in the area of ​​necks;
  • With further progression of the disease, the teeth begin to diverge like a fan.

Under the bloom and tartar It is common to understand the pathogenic bacteria that release toxins and cause inflammation between the teeth. Gradually, this leads to a weakening of the capillaries in the gums, increases the risk of injury. To prevent the appearance of a soft coating, you must carefully follow the rules of hygiene. And for the prevention of hard stone you will need to visit the dentist's office, where a specialist can solve your problem with the help of ultrasound or specially selected drugs.

Bleeding when brushing your teeth is an unpleasant indicator of gum problems.Often the gums may bleed in children during the appearance of their milk teeth. There are cases when women face the same problem during pregnancy. Expectant mothers should not disregard any pathology that occurs in their body. Even a dental disease can be transmitted to the fetus, and then, after birth, the baby teeth will have to be treated in the baby.

Considering all these risks, it becomes clear that if the gums bleed, it is necessary immediately contact a specialist, because only he will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the most effective measures for treating the disease. Most of the pathologies associated with the teeth, are quite successfully treated, provided that they were identified at the initial stage. But for this you need to exactly follow the recommendations of the doctor.If necessary, you can supplement drug treatment with folk remedies, but you should definitely consult with a dentist about the safety of their use.

Traditional treatment

Traditional treatment is always should be assigned according to the type of bleeding and his degree. If the gums start to ache and bleed, then often this indicates incipient gingivitis. It is mainly those patients who irregularly or improperly care for the oral cavity, which causes problems such as plaque and tartar, due to which teeth are damaged and deteriorate, come into contact with it.

How to treat bleeding gumstherefore main task for the specialist - pick up activities that will help get rid of stone and plaque. For this purpose, anti-inflammatory drugs, rinses and lotions are usually prescribed. In those cases, if the patient is treated with a disease that is at an advanced stage, antibiotics may be included in the treatment program.

Pain in the gums delivers particularly severe discomfort, and for quick removal of it, experts recommend the use of the following drugs:

  • ibuprofen;
  • paracetamol.

If you succeeded identify gingivitis at its inceptionin which inflammatory processes have affected only the gum tissue, and the muscles or bone tissue are still healthy, it is advisable not to pull and to go to the dentist as soon as possible. With the help of special procedures, he will quickly diagnose, establish the cause of the disease, determine the degree of its development, and also prescribe the most effective drugs and procedures in order to relieve pain as soon as possible.

Attempts to treat gingivitis alone or the absence of any measures can lead to extremely negative consequences. This can result in the development of periodontitis, loss of teeth or an abscess. The latter case is the most serious, as it may sometimes be necessary to perform an urgent operation.

Traditional methods of treatment

You can treat gum diseases at home with decoctions of herbs and tinctures.In ancient times, our ancestors had no such problem as curing bleeding gums. Im always folk methods came to the rescuewhich helped not only to effectively deal with this disease, but also to prevent its reappearance. But today you should not rely solely on these methods, they are best used in conjunction with medication.

They can help you only if the attack of pain is so severe that you are not able to get to the hospital. If you use medications with traditional medicines, they will undoubtedly increase the therapeutic effect, but in any case, you must first get approval from a specialist.

Fast enough gums stop hurting and bleed, if you use decoctions and infusions of chamomile, oak bark, burnet and others. The effect of these funds is due to the high content of special substances in them, which have a strengthening and wound healing effect.

So that you can better imagine what kind of decoctions and infusions you can use to treat bleeding gums, here are some effective recipes.

  • Traditional medicine knows many recipes against bleeding gums.You need to take 20 grams of sage herbs and pour one glass of boiling water. Let the mixture stand for 15 minutes, filter and let cool. Means is used for rinsing every 2–3 hours.
  • This tool will require 20 g of chamomile, which you need to fill with one glass of boiling water. When the infusion has cooled to room temperature, they rinse their mouth up to 5 times a day.
  • To treat bleeding gums can be using oak bark. You need to take 50 grams of raw materials and pour one glass of warm boiled water. Next, this mixture should be put on the stove and boiled in a water bath for 10 minutes. After this, the broth must be cooled to room temperature. Used in the form of rinsing after each meal.
  • Well helps to stop calendula bleeding.You need to take 20 grams of grass and pour 1 cup boiling water. Next, this herbal mixture insist 10-15 minutes. For treatment, you need to take a cotton swab, moisten the infusion and rub the sore spots of the gums. This tool can be used in the form of lotions. Relief occurs in 3-5 days.

Any of the above decoctions and infusions Goes well with traditional treatments.. However, keep in mind that they can relieve you of unpleasant feelings only if you started treatment at the very beginning of the development of the disease. If your gums bleed long enough, you can only count on the help of a dentist.

Pharmacy Treatment

As effective pharmacy drug A dentist may recommend gels to treat bleeding gums. They are perfectly kept on the oral mucosa, and the beneficial substances contained in them are perfectly absorbed into the gums. Thus, they bring quick relief.

Coming from from the experience of treatment bleeding gums, we can recommend the following gels for the treatment of bleeding:

  • Holisal. Pharmaceutical preparation with antiseptic properties. Relieves pain by affecting gum tissue with cold.
  • Metragil Dent. The therapeutic effect is due to the presence in the antibiotic metronidazole, which acts on the surface of the gum, without penetrating inside.
  • Kamistad. Represents a category of anti-inflammatory drugs, has analgesic properties.
  • Effective remedies for the treatment of gums - traditional and folk.Asepta. Most often recommended for prophylactic purposes.

Regardless of what drug you decide to treat bleeding gums, you must first consult with a specialist so that he can correct your treatment and give valuable recommendations if necessary. After examining the gums, the doctor will prescribe a medical toothpaste to clean your teeth, as well as a complex of therapeutic procedures. All these activities in the complex will help stop the development of the disease, as well as prevent its recurrence.

Diet for bleeding gums

Among the simple and affordable ways that can help cure bleeding gums, you should pay attention to the diet. It is very effective and does not require much effort on the part of the patient. It is based on the transition to a balanced diet, in which products that are the source of animal and vegetable proteins should prevail. If you follow this recommendation, you can speed up the healing process of the gums and periodontal mucosa.

Diet for bleeding gums recommends switching to the following products:

  • Foods rich in vitamin C. The main benefit is to strengthen the immune system. Red pepper, citrus fruits, currants, fresh cabbage, raspberries, tomatoes, etc. have this effect. To obtain the maximum effect, products must be consumed fresh and without sugar. For a variety of menus allowed to cook vegetables for a couple. Then they will lose a minimum of their useful qualities.
  • Foods rich in vitamin B. They are recommended to be included in the diet because of their ability to accelerate wound healing. This should include such products as chicken eggs, apples, rye flour, dairy products, buckwheat and oatmeal, lamb and beef, etc.
  • Foods high in vitamin K. They help maintain normal blood clotting. Vitamin K is rich in bananas, dairy products, soybeans, cucumbers, and spinach.
  • Products with vitamin E. Their presence on the table when bleeding gums is recommended due to the fact that they contribute to the restoration of the mucosa and reduce its sensitivity. The highest content of vitamin E in corn, beet and carrot juice, dairy products, peas, cod, wheat.

During the diet, try to add to the dishes as much as possible spices. They will make your gum vessels stronger.In addition, the benefits of spices is in their antiseptic effect, with their help, you can remove plaque from your teeth.


Not always people with signs of bleeding gums find the strength to visit the dentist. Many people think that this problem is not worth it, and everything will go away by itself. But often it leads to the development of more serious diseases. Given this, you should be as attentive as possible to your teeth and any changes related to them in one way or another. Bleeding of the gums is the first sign that pathology has arisen in your mouth, and it needs to be healed as soon as possible. And for this you need to visit the dentist, because only he can make an accurate diagnosis and find the most effective interventions for treatment.


