What to do if the gums swell near the tooth

Why gum swelledSometimes, even in case of problems with the teeth, we try to postpone the visit to the doctor, fearing pain, discomfort, and even the dental office itself, and what can we say about the gums ...

Many do not consider gum disease to be anything serious, hoping that everything will resolve itself, but swelling of the gums, if left untreated, can cause serious consequences.

Why the gums are swollen near the tooth: causes and what to do

There are many factors that cause swelling of the gums, so for proper and effective treatment is necessary find out the exact reason the problem occurred.

According to the type of sources, two types of swelling are distinguished: general and localized, each of which has its own reasons.

If the edema is caused by improper oral hygiene, it is necessary to change the instruments used and / or select the appropriate toothpaste. Often, hard toothbrushes and irritating chemical components that make up detergents and rinses become the cause of gum injury. As a result of their use, there is a general swelling, which can also indicate the presence of allergic reactions in the body.

In addition, trauma to the gums can be caused by a mechanical impact on the affected area. For example, an incorrectly installed denture or filling, as well as a chipped tooth, can injure the gums, resulting in a swelling.

In addition, a seal (even if it is installed according to all the rules) may provoke an allergic reactionthat also needs to be considered.

There are situations when the gums swell after the removal of a diseased tooth. This happens in the following cases:

  • The body's natural reaction to tissue damage (disappears in 2-3 days).
  • Infection of the gums due to non-compliance of the patient with the rules of oral hygiene during the postoperative period or due to insufficient treatment of medical instruments in the dental clinic.

Swollen gums around toothA tumor, coupled with bleeding, indicates the development of gingivitis. Patients note the pain of the inflamed areas, try to avoid exposure to them. Soreness and local swelling may be a sign of development. flux or cyst.

General edema can be caused by the development of such a pathology as scurvy, which occurs due to an acute deficiency of vitamin C. In this case, you should consult with a physician about the definition of an appropriate diet.

Teething (including the wisdom tooth) can also cause swelling. In this case (in the absence of other unpleasant sensations) you should not show excessive concern, it is enough just to observe the hygiene of the oral cavity and minimize any impact on the inflamed gums.

However, swelling around the erupting wisdom tooth, accompanied by pain and discomfort, should be a reason to go to a dental clinic.

Swelling can also be caused abscess or exacerbation of periodontitis. According to statistics, about 90% of the cases of going to the dentist about swelling of the gums are caused by these reasons.

The appearance of a gum tumor may be preceded by pain in the tooth, but in some cases, the pain may not be.In addition, the aching tooth is slightly mobile, and any contact with it or bite causes increased pain.

What to do if gum is swollen?

The treatment of the swollen area is carried out in accordance with the detected cause of the edema. If the tumor originated on the background of periodontitis or gingivitis, first of all, the inflammatory process is stopped, after which the tooth is treated.

The treatment of pathological processes in the gums consists of a series of dental procedures (cleaning of tartar, etc.), as well as antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy.

In no case should not warm the swollen gums! This may provoke further spread of the tumor to the facial bone. In addition, there is a huge risk of purulent processes, which greatly complicates treatment.

Treatment of swollen gums near the tooth

How to treat swelling of the gumsIf the reason was the development of pathological processes in the oral cavity, what would the dentist do in this case?

First of all, he will carry out the necessary procedures that will save you from the problem that has appeared. It may be tooth closure (if the inflammatory process develops inside the root canal), after which a thorough cleansing and treatment with antibacterial preparations is carried out, then a new filling is installed. In particularly difficult cases, an operation is performed to remove the diseased tooth.

What to do with inflammation of the gums: first aid

At home, it is quite difficult to determine what needs to be done to relieve the inflammatory process. But most people who experience this problem prefer to do without the help of a dentist (provided that nothing else bothers).

In order to avoid more serious consequences, you should not resort to radical methods of self-treatment.

In order to prevent the spread of the inflammatory process, it is recommended to use infusions with antibacterial action. Among the highly effective drugs sold in a pharmacy without a prescription, it can be noted Givalex, Mevaleks, Stomatilin. These preparations should be used according to the instructions enclosed in the package.

To alleviate the condition of the patient, it is allowed to use special antiseptic preparations that can be prepared on their own or purchased at a pharmacy.

For home treatment, you can use the following drugs:

  • Digran;
  • lincomycin;
  • chlorhexin;
  • cephalexin.

Folk remedies

Means in Borbie with gumsHow to treat swollen gums using folk methods? There is no unequivocal answer to this question, since at home only slowing or stopping the development pathological process. Many will disagree with this, claiming that they completely got rid of the problem on their own, without resorting to the help of a specialist. However, this is a premature joy, since it is possible that the pathology has not disappeared, but simply flowed into a latent phase with a smooth transition to a chronic form.

But there are cases when an illness overtakes a person at an inappropriate moment, when visiting dentistry is impossible, but it is necessary to help yourself. And here means of traditional medicine will come to the rescue.

So, if gum swelling is not accompanied by a toothache, you should first consider the question about oral hygiene, as the cause of the development of the inflammatory process can be harmful microorganisms. Mouth disinfection can be performed with the help of medicinal plants such as sage, chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula, etc. Aloe has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect.

Among the main advantages of medicinal herbs are the following:

  • Causes of Gum InflammationNo contraindications;
  • safety (suitable for use for pregnant women and children);
  • possessing excellent disinfecting and antimicrobial properties, as well as anti-inflammatory effect.

There are many popular recipes for treating swollen gums.

Calendula Rinse. Dilute the calendula alcohol tincture with water in the ratio of 1:10. Rinse the mouth 2-3 times / day.

Vegetable oils. Inflamed gums (or the inner surface of the cheeks) can be lubricated with fir oil or soaked with a bandage (cotton wool) and applied to the swollen gums for 15 minutes. Wipe gums with heated olive oil with a soft toothbrush. If, in addition to edema, soreness of the gums is observed, you can rinse the mouth with the same oil. Repeat the treatment daily after sleep. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes.

Cabbage Pickle. If gums are loosened, rinse the mouth with sauerkraut pickle.

Aloe. The juice of this plant is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. It is necessary to wipe the gums with the pulp of aloe leaf 3 times / day.

Infusion of lemon balm. Melissa herb (2 tablespoons) pour boiling water (1 tbsp.), Leave for 4 hours. Infusion strain and rinse the inflamed gums.

Propolis and Apple Cider Vinegar. Dilute vinegar with water in the ratio 1: 5, rinse the gums. Then take propolis tincture (40%) and keep in the mouth for a while.

Lemon oil. Fresh lemon peel rubbed on a grater or finely chopped, pour vegetable oil (any) and insist in a dark dish for 3 days, then sweat in a water bath. The resulting oil lubricate the inflamed gums.

Lemon juice. In the case of loosening of the gums and the appearance of ulcers on them, it is recommended to treat problem areas with lemon juice diluted with water. The procedure is carried out with a soft brush or cotton wound on a stick. Lubricate only the gums, without touching the teeth.

Hydrogen peroxide and propolis. Hydrogen peroxide (3%) diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1 and the resulting solution, rinse the mouth. Drain the problematic gums with warm air and lubricate them with propolis alcohol tincture (40%), previously diluted with water (to avoid burns), then dry again. The procedure is repeated daily for 10 days.

Honey and salt. Dissolve sea or table salt in a small amount of honey. To rub the mixture in the gums with a soft brush or fingers, conducting simultaneous massage of tissues.

Hypericum. Hypericum herb pour vodka (1: 5) and insist. The tincture is diluted with water at the rate of 30 drops to 1/2 cup and rinse the oral cavity with the resulting solution. You can also make an infusion of herb St. John's wort (1 tbsp. L.) And boiling water (1 tbsp.), After complete cooling, strain. Use for rinsing the mouth. Hypericum has anti-inflammatory and astringent effects.

Celandine. Mix refined olive oil and tincture of celandine (30%) in a 1: 1 ratio. The resulting emulsion to lubricate swollen gums 1-2 times / day.

the Rose. Flowers roses insist on vodka. The resulting tincture is used for rinsing inflamed and swollen gums.

Plantain. Rinse fresh leaves of the plant, mince. Squeeze the juice out of the resulting slurry and lubricate their gums.

Baked gumsElderberry infusion. If there is pain, itching and swelling of the gums (it happens with gingivitis), you can use a hot extract of Siberian or red elderberry to rinse the mouth. In addition, you must contact the dental clinic to remove tartar.

All the above recipes of traditional medicine can be used both in combination with medical preparations for the treatment of teeth and gums, and as maintenance therapy after undergoing the main treatment.

Now you know why gums swell and what to do in such cases. In general, inflammation is easier to prevent than to cure. Therefore, observe oral hygiene, try to balance your diet as much as possible, including all the necessary vitamins and minerals, and visit your dentist at least once every 6-7 months for prevention. And then your teeth and gums will always be healthy and beautiful.


