How to quickly get rid of toothache at home?

Get rid of toothache at homeToothache is one of the most unbearable pains a person faces during life. The causes of this pain can be many, but when it suddenly appears, everyone wonders how you can get rid of toothache yourself, home conditions.

What can a toothache do at homeEach of us knows that it is necessary to consult a doctor with any pain. But there are situations in which a bad tooth makes itself felt at the wrong time, for example, on the road, at night, or at that moment when there is simply no way to see a doctor. In this situation, almost everyone starts taking strong analgesics or recall old recipes of traditional medicine. At such moments, the person is ready for anything, just to get rid of the unbearable pain in the tooth.

Causes of toothache

The exact and final reason why toothache arose can only be determined by a doctor. There are several common problems that lead to pain in the tooth. These include:

  • exacerbation of various dental diseases (for example, pulpitis, nerve neuralgia, periodontitis, etc.);
  • mechanical cracks on the tooth surface;
  • caries (problems brings both the initial and already progressive stage of the disease);
  • high sensitivity of enamel;
  • damage to dentin (or enamel), which is very often observed after teeth whitening;
  • periosteum inflammation;
  • tooth cyst or gums.

Analgesics for toothache

Ways to get rid of toothacheOne of the most reliable ways to quickly remove any, including toothache, is to take painkillers. You can use the home first aid kit and find the right medicine there or will contact the nearest pharmacy and purchase the necessary drug. Below are already proven and really fast-acting pain pills:

  • ketones;
  • nurofen;
  • ibuprofen.

These drugs are used quite often, so how to get rid of toothache with their help, you can really quickly. In the absence of the above drugs, you can take a simple, not so strong analgesic. It may be:

  • analgin;
  • aspirin;
  • spazmolgon.

It must be remembered that the action of all the above drugs is temporaryand in a few hours the problem may come back.

If the pain becomes truly unbearable and there is no strength to endure it - you can open it ampoule liquid lidocaine, moisten a cotton swab with a solution and apply pain to the nidus. Lidocaine will freeze all the sensations in the place where it was put. But using this method, in no case do not forget about allergic reactions and possible individual intolerance.

Rinses for toothache relief

Many of those who have tried various ways to get rid of toothache at home, recommend rinsing. This procedure is considered one of the safest and is recommended even by doctors. It is important to know that any rinses are carried out only with warm infusions, decoctions or solutions. No matter how much you want to cool a baking or shooting tooth, you should not do this.Rinsing with cold formulations can cause flux and further suppuration.

The basis for rinsing can be varied, the following are the most commonly used methods.

Soda Rinses

  • warm, previously boiled water is taken (1 table glass);
  • it diluted with ordinary soda (1 large spoon);
  • if desired, you can add 1 drop of iodine (it well disinfects the inflamed area);
  • It is necessary to rinse every hour.

Salt rinses

  • How to get rid of a toothachetake previously boiled water (1 table glass);
  • it dissolves edible salt (1 small spoon);
  • all mix and rinse a tooth often enough until the pain subsides.

The analgesic effect is due to the fact that salt significantly reduces the fluid pressure on the dentinal tubules. This, in turn, leads to the fact that the sensitivity of the dentin tissues decreases and the pain subsides.

Rinse and lotion decoctions and herbal infusions

Quite often, with inflammation of the tooth recommend using sage, since it has not only an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, but also has a sedative effect on the aching tooth. Prepare the infusion for rinsing as follows:

  • Sage herb is taken (1 big spoon);
  • poured boiling water (1 table glasses);
  • the resulting mixture is infused (1 hour);
  • rinse your mouth about 3 times a day.

From the same infusion, you can cook and lotion. A piece of fleece must be moistened in the infusion and attached to the problem tooth. If the house is not sage, instead boldly you can use chamomileby brewing it in the same way as above.

With inflamed pulpitis, you can make another herbal decoction for lotions. For this you need:

  • take the plantain, sage, thyme and chamomile (1 large spoon);
  • everything is filled with warm ode (1 table glass);
  • put in a closed container in a water bath (15 min).

Next, the resulting broth is cooled, filtered through a convenient method and applied to the affected area several times during the day.

Traditional medicine for relieving toothache

There are long-proven methods by which you can temporarily calm a suddenly felt tooth. It so happens that there were no necessary pills at home, there is no possibility to go to the pharmacy, and rinsing does not bring the desired effect. In such extreme cases, you can remember about traditional medicinewhich offers many ways to get rid of a toothache. The means to be used are most likely to be found in everyone’s house.

How to soothe a sore tooth with fat?

Many argue that using this method you can soothe a sore tooth for 15 minutes. To do this, take a piece of lard and put it between the cheek and the tooth, causing trouble. This will bring temporary relief. And in order to freeze the sharp pain, you can not take fresh fat, and frozen from the refrigerator.

But, in case of visible damage to the tooth (if it broke off or a mechanical crack formed), it is not worth putting fat inside the damage, this can only aggravate the situation.

Soothe pain with garlic

How can you quickly get rid of toothache at homeDue to a very large number of natural phytoncides, garlic has long been recognized as a powerful antimicrobial and antibacterial agent. In cases of toothache, it is recommended to use it in a variety of ways. Here are some of them:

  • one piece of garlic is taken;
  • cleaned and cut in half;
  • applied to aching tooth cut side.

Next way:

  • take a grated onion (1 small spoon);
  • grated garlic (1 small spoon);
  • salt (1 small spoon);
  • all ingredients are mixed to the state of a kind of porridge;
  • The mixture thus obtained is applied to the sore spot and pressed down with a swab (held for 15 minutes).

It must be remembered that the composition of garlic is very concentrated, and since the mucous membrane of the internal cavity of the mouth is sensitive enough, you can burn with garlic. Use methods to eliminate toothache with the help of this plant should be very careful.

Other unconventional methods

There are other methods offered by alternative medicine using garlic. For example, with severe pain, it is necessary to cut the tooth of the plant. Grab their wrists (where the pulse is groped). Then, the garlic is applied to the place of the pulse with a bandage. It is believed that the pain should subside in a very fast time.

It is also possible to try a light massage.

  1. Within 10 minutes you need to massage the ear, which is located on the same side as the aching tooth. Massage the upper part and the lobe until visible redness.
  2. On the hand, which is on the opposite side of the patient's tooth, you need to rub a place in the middle of the thumb and index finger. It is necessary to grind about 10 minutes (circular motions).

Even if the above methods could help and relieve aching or even sharp pain, you need to understand that this effect will be temporary. If the problem has already arisen, it will surely make itself known again. For this reason, as soon as possible, it is necessary to consult a doctor. He will establish the true causes of pain and will be able to eliminate them effectively.


