Fast and effective toothache remedies

Effective toothache medicationsMany of us often remember folk remedies when a toothache suddenly occurs. Unfortunately, not everything correctly refers to these methods. After all, even if the pain is gone, this does not mean that the disease is over. No matter how effective the method may be, it can only be considered as an auxiliary measure. If you have a serious pathology, then you will definitely need to contact your dentist. Folk remedies can help temporarily relieve you of discomfort, so that you can get to the hospital.

Considering the above, you should remember: even if folk remedies have helped you to stifle a toothache, do not calm down on this and do not refuse to go to the doctor. It is possible that later you will have serious complications, which in some cases can lead to loss of teeth. And this is not the worst outcome possible.

If you still decide to use a folk remedy for toothache, then be sure to follow the recommendations for its preparation and use. Among existing there are such means that can be hazardous to health. But you can get and such recipes, which, though not harm, but do not live up to your expectations.

Causes of toothache and the general principles of anesthesia

How to relieve a toothacheEvery person who suddenly has a toothache should understand the following: if teeth hurt, then there are reasons for this. Usually, this pain indicates certain irregularities in the tooth, periosteum, gum or jaw itself.

It so happens that a toothache bothers a person for a short time and quickly passes without any treatment. This can be caused by irritation of the gums with food, minor inflammation of soft tissues, as well as other causes. And since pain does not cause serious discomfort to a person, he does not even think about looking for a way to reduce pain.

But quite differently, you need to act if the pain is acute and does not bother for more than one hour. Based on this, we can conclude that the reason why it arose is rather serious.

Causes of Toothache

Toothache The following reasons may cause:

  • Deep caries. In this common disease, the pain in the tooth can be associated with the action of chemical, thermal and mechanical stimuli.
  • Pulpitis. The process by which the pulp is inflamed is the dental nerve.
  • Periodontitis The process, which is accompanied by inflammation of tissues located near the root of the tooth. Often during this disease fistulas develop, from which a purulent fluid flows.
  • Periostitis. A disease that causes inflammation of the periosteum. It appears, if during periodontitis was not carried out appropriate treatment.
  • Osteomyelitis. Pathological process in which inflammatory processes affect the bone tissue of the jaw.

Many of the well-known folk remedies are designed only to reduce toothache. But they are not able to completely remove it. If the pain was caused by pulpitis or caries in the early stages, then folk remedies can help greatly reduce pain. If severe purulent inflammations have caused it, then folk remedies that are not always well-proven for toothache will be able to weaken it.Here it is necessary to take into account the neglect of the problem.

The action of all drugs based on general principles pain relief:

  1. Blocking the synthesis of substances that cause irritation of the nerve endings. It is this effect on the tissues of the teeth have Ketanov, Ketorol, Nise, Analgin.
  2. Impaired conduction of nerve impulses in neurons. A similar effect is provided by such popular drugs as Lidocaine and Novocain.

As for folk remedies, they work a little differently: as a result of exposure to the tooth tissue, inflammation decreases, and this makes it possible to ease the pain itself.

Hot toothpastes

Medicines for the treatment of toothacheWhen a tooth suddenly starts to hurt, most people first remember rinsing your mouth with warm liquids. Even doctors often recommend this method to their patients, because it is not only very simple to use, but also completely safe.

Best rinses help with purulent inflammation. This allows you to improve blood circulation at the site of inflammation, which, in turn, accelerates the process of excretion of decay products of cells. Gradually, the area of ​​inflammation decreases, and this reduces the toothache.

Rinsing rules

To achieve the desired effect, you need to know how to properly perform the rinsing at home: the liquid must have a temperature of 50-60 ° C. If it is too hot, you can burn the mucous. Also note that rinsing should be done as often as possible - preferably every 15-20 minutes. They should be done for several hours until the pain disappears.

It helps to relieve toothache gargling with salt water or water with soda. It can also be plain pure water or tea. Folk remedies are much faster in the form of decoctions on a herbal basis.

Keep in mind that during rinsing the liquid should wash the sore spot in the mouth. If you just throw back your head and blow bubbles in the throat, it will not work.

Rinsing the mouth is very effective and safe method treatment of toothache. With it, you can remove the pain for several hours, and sometimes days, and the resulting pause can be used to get to the dentist's office.

Less traditional folk recipes

Although to relieve toothache most often apply rinsingbesides them, there are other folk remedies, which are also often resorted to:

  • How to eliminate toothache medicationsFir oil. It is necessary to take a tampon, dip it in a bottle with fir oil and attach it to the aching tooth. Although fir oil has certain anti-inflammatory properties, it does not always help.
  • Salted lard. Take a slice of bacon and apply to the diseased tooth. To drown out the pain, lard should be kept for about 20 minutes. Experience shows that this method has helped little to help, even taking into account the fact that salt has the property of pulling pus from the inflamed area.
  • Propolis. It can be used in different ways: put a small amount on a tooth or directly into the carious cavity and walk with it for a couple of days. The first option almost never works, however, and it does not bring harm. As for the second, here everything is just the opposite - it won't be any easier for you, but you definitely harm your body. By creating a pseudo-seal from propolis, you will provide nourishment for carious bacteria, and as a result, the tooth will collapse much faster. There are cases when the blockage of the carious cavity helped to ease the pain, provided it was caused by the consumption of sweet, salty or sour.
  • Water solution mumiyo. It is necessary to take a tampon, dip into this product of alternative medicine and attach it to the aching tooth. Very often, this tool is used to treat toothache in children.People who have had the opportunity to use this tool, claim that it works, but the effect is mild, so often the toothache is not completely removed.
  • Warm decoction of strawberries. Used in the form of mouthwash. A positive effect is not even due to strawberries, but as a result of washing the sore spot with a warm liquid.
  • Tincture of propolis. Propolis is taken, 70% alcohol is added to it, everything is thoroughly mixed, and then this mass is drawn for 10 days. Finished tincture must be filtered with cheesecloth. The tool brings relief only if you need to remove a slight pain in the gums. The effect is due to the vasodilator and antiseptic properties of ethyl alcohol. In many books on the treatment of folk remedies, this method is indicated for pregnant women.
  • Tincture of wine alcohol. You need to take 50 ml of the product, add 15 g of myrrh to it, as many leaves of raspberry, orchid and mint. After stirring the mixture, let it brew for 3 days. The finished tincture is used for rinsing or a tampon is moistened in it and applied to a diseased tooth or gum. Experience shows that this method has a weak effect. Therefore, to help the person who is worried about acute toothache, he can not.
  • Garlic. A piece of garlic is taken, the top layer is cut from it and the cut side is applied to the hand in the place where the pulse rate is checked. Then it must be wrapped with a bandage. It is believed that the method works due to the placebo effect. The garlic itself does not affect the inflammatory processes in the tooth, but the person’s belief that it will help relieve pain brings the desired result.

Don't hope too much the fact that any of the above folk remedies will help you relieve a sharp toothache. But learn that alternative medicine adherents will convince you otherwise.

Anti-Inflammatory Recipes

How to deal with a toothacheAmong the known anti-inflammatory decoctions there are those that can help reduce inflammatory processes in soft tissues. They work just like regular or salty hot water. However, the effect is stronger due to antiseptic and anti-inflammatory propertieswhich possess biological active vegetable components. Here are some popular folk recipes that you can use to relieve toothache:

  1. For cooking means you need to take 25 g of oregano and the same peppermint. This mixture of herbs you need to pour 0.5 liters of water, put on the stove and boil for 2-3 minutes. Next, you need to wait until the decoction has cooled, after which it should be drained.
  2. Take 40 g of the series, 100 g of black currant leaves and the same amount of chamomile flowers. This mixture is poured over 1 liter of boiling water. Then it is drawn for an hour and filtered.
  3. This tool is made from the leaves of the plantain, immortelle flower and yarrow grass - each you need to take 50 g. To the herbal mixture you need to add 1 liter of boiling water, then it is drawn and filtered.

Keep in mind that in most cases the tools listed above help due to the temperature of the solutionused for rinsing. Therefore, you should always keep this in mind and before use heat the solution to a temperature of 60 ° C.

Folk remedies and today are popular due to the fact that they can be easily prepared at home. If a person suddenly felt a sharp pain in a tooth, then it is enough for him to spend an hour and a half to prepare a decoction that can weaken it.

But if the cause of pain is acute pulpitis, then not always these tools can help to remove it. Sometimes you can achieve a completely opposite effect, acting with hot liquid on the aching tooth, as a result of which the pain will only intensify.


Toothache and treatment methodsNo one is immune from the appearance of a toothache at the most unexpected moment. Sometimes it can be so acute that it is even difficult to decide to go to the hospital to see a dentist. In such cases, many people remember the folk remedies for the treatment of toothache. Abandon them is not worth it, because among them there are fairly effective, which can help to cope with pain literally in one day.

But it must be remembered that with the help of folk remedies can not be completely cured teeth. All these recipes are designed to ease the manifestation of pain. Therefore, after you manage to achieve the desired effect, be sure to make an appointment with the dentist.


