Pregnancy is the most beautiful and long-awaited condition of every woman. Only from this one word breathes something incredibly fragile, feminine and tender. During pregnancy, the body of a young mother is double the load, and this is understandable, because each body works for two: for the mother and for the baby.
Being still inside the mom's tummy, the baby already requires heightened attention and more and more various micro and macronutrients, which are so necessary for him for further proper development. Against this background, various hormonal changes occur that leads to various changes in the body women. Also, due to various troubles accompanying pregnancy, such as vomiting and toxicosis, absorption and calcium, in the first trimester of pregnancy is greatly reduced. Most often, as a result of these processes and suffer teeth. Various inflammatory processes begin, which are sometimes accompanied by unbearable pain.
The causes of acute tooth pain during pregnancy can be completely different. In general, a tooth always hurts because of its destruction, and the tissues that surround it start to inflame because of this. If it is a strong pain that focuses only on one tooth, maybe it is caries. And in time, untreated caries leads to various unpleasant complications, one of which is pulpitis when the infection reaches the very middle of the tooth. Having reached the nerve, it manifests itself in the pain of incredible strength that can occur at any time of the day. Therefore so it is important to have a dental treatment before you decide to get pregnant.
Not for nothing, when a pregnant woman is registered, she is sent for examination to various doctors, including a dentist.
What to do when a tooth hurts during pregnancy and if there is no way to see a doctor in the near future. It is worth considering that during this period, a woman You can not take any potent drugsthat would help reduce or alleviate the pain. In such cases, many women resort to traditional medicine and advice from moms and grandmothers to reduce pain.
Folk anesthesia methods
The first thing you should not panic, but rather try to determine exactly what kind of tooth you have. If there is a cavity in the tooth that worries you, then with a toothpick, carefully check whether food remains there. Then it would not hurt rinse the tooth with warm water, to accurately remove all the pieces of food from there. Rinsing with different solutions will help alleviate the pain that is worrying you.
- You can add some salt or soda to the water, it does not hurt you. Try this solution as much as possible. gently rinse your teeth, you can even just hold the solution on a bad tooth, then it will fall even into the most hard-to-reach places and the pain will subside. But rinsing with this solution is just a preventive measure. Soda-saline solution, in fact, is not a panacea for toothache and you, the next day, still have to ask for help from a dentist.
- A plant that possesses the strongest medicinal propertiesalways considered sage. It has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antimicrobial and many other beneficial qualities.The recipe is quite simple: take 1 tablespoon of sage herbs, pour it with 1 cup of boiled water, then boil for another 10-15 minutes. Ready decoction to cool and rinse a tooth until the pain subsides \
- Propolis helps very well for toothache. You can take a small piece, the size is not larger than the peas and put in the cavity of the tooth. However, it is worth noting that the use of propolis during pregnancy may cause allergiesbut subject to certain conditions. Therefore it is worth treating him very carefully. The supplier’s manual states that it is acceptable for pregnant women to use it, if the risk of using propolis is lower than the risk that the disease carries.
- You can use a decoction of onion peel. The recipe is also very simple. You can take the husks from one onion and pour 250 ml of boiling water over it, let the solution stand, cool and rinse for 10-15 minutes with short breaks.
- Using lemon balm as an analgesic, possibly during pregnancy. To do this, pour 2 tablespoons of dry, chopped herbs with two cups of boiling water, let the solution stand for about 45 minutes, then strain it and rinse the aching tooth, only the broth should be warm. Melissa grass during pregnancy helps not only to combat toothache, but also due to the content of a huge amount of copper in it has a soothing and mild hypnotic effect on the body of a woman.
Painkillers during pregnancy
In addition to folk remedies, toothache during pregnancy can be removed with the help of painkillers for pregnant women, which can be applied without fear of harming the baby. It is good when the pain is not very strong and the folk remedies have helped to eliminate it, but if the pain is so strong that there is no strength to endure, then it is better, of course, to use pain medication than to endure this pain. There are drugs that officially authorized as painkillersduring pregnancy, these include:
- no-shpa;
- nurofen;
- paracetomol;
- analgin
Paracetamol and preparations based on it, such as Ferwex and Efferalgun, on the recommendation of the World Health Organization are recognized as the most harmless painkillers during pregnancy. As a result of many studies with this drug, there have been proved his complete absence of negative impact on the developing fetus. It has analgesic and antipyretic properties, so it is recommended to use it at high temperature, dental, headache and ear pain. Contraindications to the use of paracetamol can be considered individual intolerance and hypersensitivity to the components included in its composition.
Ferwex and Efferalgan allowed to receive pregnant women in the second trimester of pregnancy, they can also be used for colds, headaches, sore throat.
It is an anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic agent. You can take it pregnant, but with caution. In the instructions of the supplier, it is indicated that taking the drug is possible when the benefit to the mother exceeds the reasonable risk for the baby. And that, it is only in the first two trimesters, in the third, its reception is strictly prohibited. Such a warning is due to the fact that nurofen contains drugs that can cause uterine contractile activity and, as a result, premature labor.
Often in the pharmacy you can find more Nurofen Plus, it can not be taken in any case. The instructions say so - contraindicated during pregnancy, but it can be prescribed during breastfeeding, and then only with caution.
Drotaverinum is used as an active ingredient in Nosh-ne. It helps relieve spasms of any nature. It is often prescribed to remove the tone in the uterus. Many studies conducted with this medicine have shown that he no bad effect on the child. The instructions, however, still indicate that when it is appointed it is necessary to compare the benefits for the mother with the risk to the baby.
It is used most often with toothache, as it has a strong analgesic effect and with short-term use during pregnancy. does not have time to have a harmful effect on the baby. Taking one pill is enough for you to relieve a lot of pain and come to the dentist for an appointment.
Despite the fact that the instructions do not have direct contraindications, you should not self-medicate, since you risk not only your health, but also the future health of your child. Therefore, before doing anything, consult a gynecologist who observes you. Knowing all the features of your body, he will prescribe you a medicine that will not harm you or the baby.