Each girl feels a special joy, waiting for the onset of pregnancy. But at the same time she should not forget that in this exceptional situation she should be especially attentive to her health. And it's not just that it can affect the passage of childbirth.
Any even insignificant ailment can subsequently affect the health of the baby. That is why it is so important during pregnancy every expectant mother to undergo a complete examination of the body.
What is dangerous caries during pregnancy
You should not overlook any specialist, including the dentist. This primarily concerns those girls who had no previous problems with their teeth, since during pregnancy, as never before, the risk of developing dental diseases increases.
Expecting the onset of childbirth, the expectant mother needs to remember that at this moment in the body significant changes occur. The hormonal background is disturbed, the body has to spend more energy, its need for useful microelements increases, changes in the composition and acidity of saliva occur.
All these changes affect all systems of the body, including the teeth. In this regard, experts recommend being especially attentive to pregnant women, because in their position caries can harm not only the expectant mother, but the unborn baby.
Against the background of progressive carious processes in the oral cavity, favorable conditions are created for the development of various diseases in the future mother and her child. Long-term practice testifies that caries can adversely affect fetal health.
If bad care for the oral cavity, then bacteria begin to accumulate in it, and at some point they can enter the gastrointestinal tract. And this can be serious weaken the immune system cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the digestive system.
In the absence of therapeutic measures, intoxication of all organs can occur. It follows from this that it is necessary for every expectant mother to begin to engage in dental treatment already at the moment of the first appearance of symptoms indicating problems with them.
The main reason for the development of caries in the mouth - special bacteria activity. Among them are those due to the presence of which the body can begin to produce cytokines in increased quantities. And when a woman’s blood level reaches a critical level in a woman’s blood, it can lead to dilation of the cervical canal and cause uterine contraction.
At this stage it is important to start dental treatment as soon as possible. Otherwise, you can encounter various serious diseases, such as periodontitis or pulpitis.
Early treatment of caries during pregnancy is also important because it can cause serious discomfort to a woman due to acute pain. It can seriously affect her state of mind, as well as cause injury to the fetus.
What dental diseases can be treated during pregnancy
Before starting dental treatment, the doctor must answer the question whether it is safe to conduct such activities.An experienced specialist knows that it is better not to deal with certain diseases.
- Caries. One of the most common infectious diseases, which is accompanied by damage to the hard tissues of the tooth. Many experts agree that during pregnancy women can carry out therapeutic measures to combat tooth decay, and even put fillings. So you can prevent the occurrence of severe inflammatory processes in the body of the future mother and baby.
- Periodontitis The main symptom of this disease is the formation of gum pockets. It is possible to begin treatment of periodontitis in pregnant women at the first manifestations, regardless of the duration of pregnancy.
- Pulpitis. A condition in which there are inflammatory processes in the pulp - the dental nerve. It is dangerous for women due to severe pain. The main task of prescribed activities during pregnancy is to eliminate the pain caused by inflammation of the nerve.
- Periodontal disease and periodontitis. They are acute inflammatory processes that occur in the tissue that holds the tooth. It is very important to start the treatment of periodontal disease at the initial stage, otherwise it can cause intoxication of the whole organism.
- Gingivitis. The inflammatory process in which there is a lesion of the mucous membranes of the gums.
- Stomatitis. Dental disease, during the course of which there is inflammation of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity.
If you identify any of the above dental diseases you can immediately begin their treatment in pregnant women. But at the same time, there are a number of problems that need to be postponed until the birth of the child. In this case, we are talking about the following procedures:
- bite correction using the instrumental method;
- removal of tartar;
- teeth whitening;
- surgery to remove and treat wisdom teeth;
- installation of implants is unacceptable before delivery to carry out the implantation of the tooth during pregnancy.
When can be treated teeth during pregnancy
According to dentists, dental treatment is not just shown during pregnancy, in most cases it is necessary, as this will reduce the risk of serious pathologies in the body of the future mother and her baby.
Therefore, you need to be attentive to any inflammatory processes - bleeding gums, increased sensitivity of teeth and acute pain. When they are first found it is necessary seek help from a dentist.
Starting dental treatment during pregnancy at an early stage, you thereby increase the chances of a successful cure of the disease. However, depending on the duration of the pregnancy, the measures appointed by the specialist can be adjusted in a certain way.
First trimester
This stage of pregnancy lasts from 1 to 13 weeks of fetal life. At this time, you need to be especially attentive to the female body, since at this stage the likelihood of complications is highest.
This is due to a significant restructuring of the body, which occurs at 5-6 weeks. Against the background of hormonal imbalance, signs of toxicosis are often observed, and emotional disorders are present.
And also at this stage the formation of the embryo begins, therefore any slightest shock can provoke the development of serious complications. In the first months of pregnancy, the fetus is particularly sensitive to toxins and mechanical effects.
Given this, it is necessary to minimize surgical intervention, otherwise the risk of unplanned abortion increases. At this stage of pregnancy to conduct dental treatment is not recommendedand if such a decision is made by the doctor, then there should be good reasons for this - acute pulpitis or periodontitis.
Second trimester
This stage of pregnancy lasts from 14 to 27 weeks of fetal development. Special shocks for the mother and the fetus is not observed.Therefore, this stage is ideal for dental treatment.
In the second trimester, the process of placenta development is completed, the child has already fully formed all internal organs, at the same time the fetus becomes more resistant to the effects of bacteria and toxins.
When dentistry at this stage of pregnancy anesthesia is permitted. But when choosing drugs for dental treatment, the doctor should pay attention to their toxic properties. And also this stage of pregnancy is suitable for the extraction of teeth with the use of anesthesia.
Third trimester
This gestation period lasts from 28 to 40 weeks of the fetus. The development of the cerebral cortex and sense organs in the child is still going on. By about 38–40 weeks, the respiratory organs are finished forming. But at this stage of pregnancy major changes occur in a psychoemotional and physical condition of the woman.
Often, future mothers complain of sudden pressure jumps, headaches and heart palpitations. Especially careful to be with the use of anesthesia and attentive to stress, as this may provoke early childbirth.
Given the above risks, the doctor can decide on dental treatment in the third semester only if there are no other options.
Can pregnant women treat teeth with anesthesia?
The essence of anesthesia is pain relief with the help of special preparations. For the treatment of teeth is usually used an injection of adrenaline. To get started is to find out exactly how painkillers work. An anesthetic injection is made to relieve pain in the gums.
The drug begins to act approximately 2-3 minutes after it enters the body, and the pain immediately disappears, which allows the doctor to perform the necessary manipulations on the treatment of teeth. Usually in the early stages of caries, the pain is not so acute, and therefore anesthesia is not required. But there are a number of diseases when anesthetic is indispensable.
For dental treatment in pregnant women allowed to use painkillers. Thereby it is possible to prevent stress, which can adversely affect the health of the mother and baby.
But the choice of painkiller must be approached very carefully, because there are drugs that are unacceptable to use during gestation.
Anesthesia during pregnancy
During pregnancy, anesthesia may be used to treat the teeth. But here there are some nuances - the doctor should be very pick carefully painkiller, taking into account the peculiarities of the state of a woman.
You can select a number of drugs that are prohibited to use during pregnancy:
- Medicines containing adrenaline. When ingested, this component causes vasoconstriction, and this is fraught with increased pressure. During pregnancy, high blood pressure creates a great danger to the health of expectant mothers. Given this, it is unacceptable to use for the treatment of teeth during pregnancy pain relieving injections, in which the main active ingredient is adrenaline.
- Lidocaine. You also need to be very careful with this drug because of its side effects. If it is applied, unpleasant symptoms can occur that can have a negative impact on the process of carrying a child.
- Stopangin. This drug is not recommended for use in pregnancy for dental treatment due to the presence of the substance methyl salicylate in its composition, since, if it enters the body of the woman, it can cause disturbances in the development of the fetus.
- Mepivacaine. This medicine is forbidden to use during pregnancy for the treatment of teeth due to the fact that it can freely pass the transplacental barrier and cause a slowdown of heart contractions in a child.
Taking into account the above risks, most often doctors for the treatment of teeth during pregnancy use drugs that do not contain adrenaline. Usually treatment is carried out with the help of drugs containing ultracain and primacain. The first component is not able to overcome the placenta, and this excludes any negative effects on the fetus.
Drugs containing ultracain are considered relatively safe and can be given to pregnant women even while breastfeeding, because they are not able to penetrate into breast milk.
Not a big health hazard and primakain even in the light of the fact that he is able to pass through the placenta in a small amount. However, its negative impact is minimal, as it quickly disintegrates.
During pregnancy, the expectant mother should be especially attentive to her health. This is important not only to maintain well-being, but also to avoid complications in a child. Therefore, any disease that occurs at the stage of pregnancy, need to be treated promptly.
This also applies to problems with teeth. But here specialist's help is needed, since only he can tell if a particular disease can be treated during pregnancy. And also it is necessary to take into account that in order to minimize harm during dental treatment during pregnancy it is necessary to choose the right moment.
It's up to do only specialisttaking into account the condition of the parturient woman to choose the most fast-acting drugs and tell whether they are safe for the pregnant woman.