How to quickly remove the tartar at home?

How to deal with tartarA large number of people are faced with the problem of tartar. The fact that it appeared on the teeth is indicated by brown stains located on the inside and outside of the tooth row. They are located near the gums. Many do not pay attention to him and do not even try to delete. But the fight with tartar is necessary even in the initial stages, otherwise various problems with teeth and gums may appear.

Causes of tartar

Tartar is mineralized sedimentIn which the accumulated enamel accumulates over time. After eating and drinking, a soft thin film consisting of bacteria and food molecules appears on the teeth. It does not affect the health of the teeth and is removed during oral hygiene according to the rules. But if you often take tea, coffee, various sweets and at the same time brush your teeth irregularly, then the plaque will gradually thicken, it will become fatter and eventually will turn into tartar.

In addition to poor oral hygiene, causes of hard deposits teeth can be:

  1. Why do tartar appearSmoking. Nicotine is a sticky substance that sticks to the enamel, leaving a yellow color on it. Over time, it mineralizes.
  2. Abuse of fatty foods and sweets. If, after taking these products, do not brush your teeth, their remains will remain in the oral cavity, which is an excellent condition for the development of bacteria deposited on the enamel in the form of plaque.
  3. Drinking black, tea, coffee and other staining drinks and foods leave pigment on the teeth.
  4. Alcohol. Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages contributes to the formation of raids, which eventually turn into tartar.
  5. Disruption of the chewing process. On the teeth, which do not take part in the process of chewing, a raid forms much faster, which is rather difficult to remove.
  6. The lack of fresh fruits and vegetables and the predominantly soft food supply is one of the reasons for the appearance of plaque on the enamel.
  7. The use of low-quality toothbrushes and pastes. Oral care products must be of high quality. Otherwise, even the most careful care will not bring the desired results.
  8. Diseases of the internal organs. Metabolic disorders, pathologies of the digestive tract and other diseases can provoke the growth of tartar. They cause changes in the normal microflora of the oral cavity, which lead to the growth and development of tartar.

Symptoms and types of tartar

The appearance on the teeth of the stone may indicate:

  • dark spots on enamel;
  • bad breath;
  • redness or cyanosis of the gums;
  • bleeding when brushing teeth;
  • inflammations of the gums that begin to show itching and pain.

At the initial stage of the calculus formed around the neck of the tooth, and looks like a brown or yellow bezel, which eventually spreads to the crown and paradont pocket. There are:

  1. Supragingival dental calculus. It has a clayy consistency and is clearly visible. It can be easily removed with dental tools.
  2. Poddesnevoy. Outwardly invisible and is detected only after dissection of the gums. It feels dense and firm to the touch.

Ignoring the problem can lead to inflammatory diseases of the oral mucosa and the development of caries. The bacteria formed under the stone release toxins that are absorbed into the bloodstream and spread throughout the body, which contributes to the exacerbation of various chronic diseases.

Removal of tartar using dental tools

At home, you can remove a solid plaque from the teeth with the help of special toothbrushes and toothpastes.

Special pastes

To remove pigment, solid and dense plaque, there are special pastes. In them contains substanceswhich are much more effective to clean off dirt and education from the teeth:

  • Remove the stones on the teeth at homepyrophosphates and zinc compounds slow down the hardening process and prevent the development of bacteria;
  • abrasive and grinding components;
  • plant enzymes bromelain and papain soften hard formations, which simplifies their removal.

PRESIDENT White Plus. The composition includes abrasive components and calcium glycerophosphate. With their help, you can easily and quickly get rid of tartar in the initial stages of its formation. It is enough to apply the paste once a week. Daily use of the product is not recommended.

LACALUT White. The tool contains polishing and abrasive components in the form of hydrated silicon dioxide and titanium dioxide, as well as pyrophosphates. Since the constant impact on the enamel of abrasives is not very useful, it is recommended to alternate LACALUT White with other pastes.


In the presence of hard plaque on the teeth, the choice of a toothbrush must be taken responsibly. She must have the following options:

  1. It is advisable to choose a multibutton brush with rounded ends.
  2. The length of the scrub head should not exceed 30 ml. Using a small nozzle makes it easier to reach inaccessible places.
  3. It is recommended to use a bristle brush with medium hardness. People with problematic gums should consult a dentist before applying.
  4. It is better to choose a bristle with artificial fibers. They are not saturated with moisture and do not create an environment suitable for the development of bacteria.

In addition to traditional toothbrushes, at home for the removal of tartar and pigment can be used electrical and ultrasonic brush types.

Electric toothbrushing units have a working head with bristles, which performs a large number of pulsating and reciprocating movements per minute. The pulsation partially breaks the mineralized plaque, and the rotational movements remove it.

A special generator is built into the ultrasonic brushes, with the help of which the oscillating waves of the ultrasonic range are formed. With their help, plaque and small hard deposits are destroyed.

Folk recipes

At home, you can use the popular recipes that will help get rid of plaque and stone on the teeth.

Hydrogen peroxide

Peroxide can be used in several ways:

  1. Folk methods of dealing with tartarMix peroxide and baking soda in a 1: 3 ratio and apply on a cotton pad or tampon. The mixture should be rubbed enamel no more than two minutes, after which the oral cavity is thoroughly rinsed.
  2. The mask for the teeth is prepared from five drops of lemon juice and twenty drops of peroxide, which are added to a teaspoon of baking soda. The mixture is applied to the teeth and washed off after two minutes. Often, such a mask can not be used, because the acid corrodes the enamel.
  3. Lotions of 3% peroxide will help soften the plaque, which is then easily removed with a brush without paste. Attached lotions to the teeth for 2-3 minutes.

Hydrogen peroxide treatments can not be carried out more than once a week.


How to remove stone with saltA full course of cleaning enamel from solid plaque can last several months. At home, using table salt to clean the teeth, and massage the gums within three minutes.To do this, use a brush with not too stiff bristles. Brush pre-wetted with water. This will help the salt on it to hold better.

In the first two weeks, you should brush your teeth with salt every day in the morning and evening. Then seven days the procedure is performed three times a week. In the fourth week - twice. Next month or two cleaning salt spend once every seven days.

This method will not only help remove the stone, but also contribute to the preservation of teeth and strengthen the gums.


Soda can be used instead of toothpaste. But since it is an abrasive that can damage the tooth enamel, cleaning with soda is recommended not more than once a week.

Rinse honey

In parallel with the usual procedures for caring for the oral cavity, rinsing with honey can be used to soften the plaque. To do this, one tablespoon of natural honey is added to a glass of warm water and stirred well. Rinsing is carried out every evening during the month.

Medicinal plants

All popular methods at home are used to dissolve the mineral structure of the stone, which, as it softens, is removed with a toothbrush. You can use the following recipes:

  1. Drugs for tartarA decoction of horsetail is used with the active formation of hard plaque on the teeth. To prepare it, 3 tablespoons of dried plants are poured with a glass of boiling water. Capacity with broth must be well warmed. As soon as the solution has cooled, it should be drained. Rinsing is recommended using ½ cup of broth in the morning and evening.
  2. Beans and burdock. The broth is prepared from several dry pods of beans and a tablespoon of burdock root, which should be chopped beforehand. Raw materials are filled with water and boiled for two hours. After the broth is filtered and 4 times a day is used to rinse the mouth.
  3. Beans and burdock. Burdock root and bean rind are mixed in equal parts and poured a glass of boiling water. Twelve hours later, the infusion is filtered, divided into three parts and used for oral administration three times a day. This infusion prevents the formation of plaque and fixes the effect after the removal of tartar.
  4. The bark of walnut branches. Two spoons of dry raw materials are poured with cold water and heated for 15 minutes over low heat. The resulting mixture brushes your teeth for 3-5 minutes twice a week. Already from the first days of the procedure, the tartar will begin to soften, and with time it will peel off completely.
  5. Celandine. Half a tablespoon of raw material is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused until it cools completely. It is recommended to rinse your teeth with the filtered liquid twice a day. In no case can you swallow it.
  6. Black radish with lemon juice. Vegetable juice contains substances with which you can soften hard formations on enamel. To do this, use grated radish, mixed with lemon juice. According to a popular recipe, the mixture must be chewed twice a day for two minutes after meals. After the procedure, you need to thoroughly brush your teeth, and rinse the mouth.
  7. Black radish mask. The radish rubbed on a fine grater is applied to the teeth on which a hard coating has formed. Keep the mask should be 10 minutes. After that the mouth is rinsed.
  8. Tea tree oil. It is used together with toothpaste to clean the teeth once a day. It is enough to squeeze 2–3 drops of oil onto the brush, and the usual paste on top. This cleaning is used to whiten teeth and disinfect the oral cavity.
  9. Oily rinses. You can soften the solid with the help of olive, sunflower, sesame or flaxseed oil. The procedure is performed on an empty stomach. For its implementation, one dessert spoon of the selected oil should be taken by mouth and moved from time to time. After 10-15 minutes, the oil spits out.

For the prevention of tartar in your daily diet you must enter more solid food in the form of salads from hard vegetables, nuts, apples and other fruits.

In order to keep the teeth clean and to avoid the formation of hard patina, daily hygienic procedures with the use of toothbrushes, pastes and threads should be carried out at home.


