What if teeth crumble, what is the reason?

Strong healthy teethStrong, healthy and beautiful teeth - everyone aspires to this. After all, not only the charm of a smile, but also the full chewing of food depends on them, which is directly related to the correct operation of the whole organism.

Toothache makes us go to the dentist immediately. But in addition to it, there may be other problems with the teeth, which are not accompanied by severe pain, but rather unpleasant, and sometimes even dangerous.

One such problem is that the teeth are crumbling. The reasons may be different.. Moreover, this problem may be associated not only with dentistry, but as a result of certain processes occurring in the body. That is why it is important to identify these problems in order to eliminate them correctly.

Why teeth crumble: causes and their elimination

  1. Heredity. If the parents are fragile teeth this can be inherited by children. Proper care, nutrition, regular dental check-ups will significantly reduce this process, but the gene factor will still have an impact.
  2. Allergic, endocrine and autoimmune diseases. One of the consequences of these diseases is a violation in the body's acid-base balance, and, in particular, the occurrence of an acidic environment in the oral cavity. This leads to the fact that saliva loses its protective properties, and the acidic environment has a detrimental effect on the tooth enamel, making it porous. People prone to such diseases should constantly undergo preventive examinations and follow all the recommendations of the dentist.
  3. Pregnancy, puberty and menopause. These processes cause a change in the hormonal background in the body, and as a result, the teeth crumble first. What to do to prevent this? The main rule is a balanced diet rich in essential vitamins and minerals, and as a supplement to it is the intake of vitamin complexes.
  4. Lack of vitamins. As a rule, the teeth begin to crumble with a lack of calcium and vitamin D. And they can not enter the body due to improper diet, or, in doing, simply can not digest. The doctor, with the help of special tests, can determine the reason and prescribe a special diet, vitamin complexes or drugs that contribute to the absorption of calcium in the body.
  5. Improper care of the oral cavity. Late and insufficient care, which consists in the fact that teeth should be cleaned in the morning and evening, and after eating to rinse your mouth, especially after sugary foods, leads to the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria in the mouth. As a result, enamel deteriorates, tooth decay forms, and teeth become fragile.
  6. Diseases. These include, above all, caries. Not only should it be disposed of in time, but also completely cured, preventing it from spreading further. Doing a semi-routine checkup at the dentist, you will successfully cope with this problem.
  7. Malocclusion. In this case, the load is distributed unevenly - some less, and more on the other, which leads to the destruction of the latter. Now this problem is eliminated without difficulty with the help of braces.
  8. Mechanical damage. The habit of opening the bottle with your teeth, cracking the nuts causes microcracks to appear in them. Further, the damaged tooth easily begins to crumble.That is why you should get rid of bad habits.

Teeth can crumble not only in adults, but also in children, and dairy, when before the appearance of constants is still quite far away. What to do if crumble teeth baby? First of all, identify the causes of this and try to eliminate them further.

Teeth crumble in children: causes and elimination

  1. Problems with tooth crumblingAbnormal intrauterine development. This is due to the fact that the fetus did not receive in sufficient quantities the elements necessary for the formation of teeth. This could have been caused by the fact that a pregnant woman didn’t eat foods containing these elements, strong toxicosis in early pregnancy prevented food digestion, or because the cord was overwhelmed, nutrients were not good for the fetus.
  2. Heredity. The poor quality of the parents' teeth formed the basis for the formation of the child’s mouth and was already evident on the milky incisors, which began to crumble.
  3. Improper nutrition of the infant. Breastfeeding provides the child with the necessary nutrients best, but sometimes you have to feed the child with artificial baby food. Such feeding, especially at night, because it contains sugar, contributes to the formation of caries. After a year from such feeding should be abandoned.
  4. Hygiene failure. Parents often lick a pacifier before giving it to the child, or feed the child with the same spoon, which they ate themselves. As a result, the bacteria from the parents oral cavity get into the child’s mouth, which can cause tooth decay and other dental diseases. The child has there should be only separate dishes and cutlery.
  5. Wrong teeth care. A child should be taught from early childhood to brush their teeth thoroughly and rinse their mouth after eating. Dairy are destroyed, as well as permanent, and they should be preserved until the natural moment of their loss.
  6. Malnutrition. Grown up baby should receive with food all the nutrients for normal development, including vitamins and minerals that ensure the normal condition of the teeth. Consult with a pediatrician on these issues, which will help to balance the daily diet of the child or prescribe the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Dentist help

Visit to the dental clinicKnowing why teeth crumble, many reasons for this process can be prevented. But if it already takes place and has gone quite far, then you cannot do without the help of a dentist.

If it is associated with destructive processes, such as caries, then it eliminate and seal the tooth.

For other diseases, due to which they begin to crumble, they will prescribe a special treatment.

Now there are new technologies for the protection of tooth enamel - this is a coating that includes silver or a special protective varnish.

Help with chipped tooth at home

Very often, tooth crumbling accompanied by pain. If you can’t get an appointment with a dentist right away, you can at home alleviate the condition somewhat:

  • pain relievers should be taken to reduce pain;
  • To prevent infection, rinse mouth with saline;
  • if during cleavage soft tissues were touched and bleeding started, then it should be stopped by applying a gauze swab to the wound for 10 minutes;
  • the cleavage can be covered with chewing gum to reduce sensitivity.

Preventive measures

How to eliminate a toothacheMany Problems can be preventedif you are constantly engaged in prevention. Compliance with these simple activities is a guarantee that your teeth will be healthy and strong.

  1. Eat right. In the weekly diet, there must be products containing calcium and vitamin D. These are fish, egg yolk, legumes, cheese, milk and lactic acid products.
  2. Oral hygiene. Teeth should be cleaned in the morning and at bedtime for at least two minutes.After eating your mouth is recommended to rinse, and several times a week to rinse with decoction of herbs.


