Causes of iron taste in the mouth

Taste of metal in the mouthThe appearance of taste in the mouth, resembling iron, can not appear out of nowhere, for that there are certain reasons, and these reasons are far from the most pleasant. So, if the iron taste in the mouth is of a protracted nature, this indicates the presence of a particular disease.

The constant taste of iron in the mouth in women can be one of the reasons pointing to pregnancy, in other cases it appears as a result of certain changes in the body and even a number of serious diseases that must be addressed as early as possible.

If the iron taste in the mouth bothers you for several days and becomes too intrusive, then do not be lazy and go to the doctor for a consultation to find out what is the matter.

So let's find out what can cause an iron taste in the mouth.

Why does iron taste appear in the mouth?

Among the most common causes The appearance of metal taste in the mouth can be called the following:

  1. chemical poisoning;
  2. drinking high iron content;
  3. bleeding in the gums;
  4. taking iron supplements;
  5. anemia and other pathologies of internal organs;
  6. dysbacteriosis;
  7. hypovitaminosis;
  8. gastric diseases;
  9. diabetes;
  10. urogenital diseases.

As you can see, iron taste in the mouth may indicate a serious illness internal organs, or be the result of abuse of iron or water.

Very often, the reason for the appearance of such taste is the presence of metal in the mouth on an ongoing basis, if the patient wears:

  1. metal dentures;
  2. braces;
  3. crowns.

The fact is that under the action of gastric acids, metal ions, which are contained in dental prostheses, give a characteristic flavor. In this case, there is no need to worry, but to go to the dentist and replace the crowns is probably already time.

Another common case is metallic taste. amid bleeding gums, is the reason that there is a lot of iron in the blood and you should consult a doctor. By the way, to recognize bleeding, if it is insignificant, it is extremely difficult.

Ordinary tap water can be potentially dangerous for consumption, which, passing through a lot of rusty pipes, has a high iron content in itself, as a result of which a characteristic taste appears in the mouth. To avoid this, use water filters or do not eat tap water. By the way, the abuse of iron can occur not only from ordinary water, but from mineral.

Often the taste of metal may be accompanied by certain symptoms, in particular:

  1. sleepiness;
  2. increased fatigue;
  3. weakness;
  4. irritability.

Causes of iron taste

The cause of all these symptoms is avitaminosis. You should consult your doctor, tell him about all these symptoms so that he can prescribe you the most suitable complex of vitamins in your case.

Sometimes the taste of metal appears due to poisoning with harmful chemical compounds or metals, especially for employees of hazardous industries (paint factories, plants for the production of household chemicals, etc.). Employees of such enterprises should undergo a regular medical examination for the content of heavy metals in the body and treatment.

As already mentioned above, some diseases of internal organs and not only, as well as medicine range, which contain in their composition metals and can give a similar side effect. If you have this present, you must inform your doctor.

There are quite unusual cases that cause the appearance of iron taste. In particular, it is wearing a metal watch on hands or jewelry, when removed, the taste disappears.

The reason is simple: in some cases, metal objects with prolonged contact with the skin provoke the penetration of small particles into the skin, this gives a characteristic taste. By the way, many patients who suffer from iron deficiency are recommended to wear metal bracelets to replenish it.

How to deal with a metallic taste in your mouth

If the taste of metal does not go away after a couple of days and becomes too intrusive, it is advisable to consult a doctor and do a blood test. This technique in some cases will help identify the cause of this phenomenon.

Sometimes it is possible to identify the cause of a symptom only in the course of a more thorough diagnosis of the whole organism and visiting a number of doctors, including a dentist, a gastroenterologist, and others.

But, there are a number of tipswhich can help get rid of the characteristic taste, if it is caused by one or other reasons:

  1. with a decrease in the acidity of gastric juice, it is necessary to use an infusion based on oil, lemon and garlic;
  2. if a gums are bleeding on the background of metallic taste, then change the paste, enrich the diet with vitamins and regularly massage the gums with the help of folk remedies, including lemon juice, soda, hydrogen peroxide and propolis;
  3. in case of poisoning, all measures to neutralize hazardous substances from the body should be observed.

The appearance of taste during pregnancy

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, the metallic taste in the mouth can often cause pregnancy, especially in early periods during dramatic changes in the body of pregnant women against the backdrop of a drop in hemoglobin level.

To get rid of the taste, a pregnant woman should enrich her body with iron at the expense of certain products, in particular, such as:

  1. Healthy foodapples;
  2. liver;
  3. Garnet;
  4. sea ​​kale;
  5. buckwheat;
  6. dried mushrooms (if there is no rejection).

In some cases, the doctor may prescribe iron-rich dietary supplements for pregnant women, if necessary.

Regardless of the cause of the metallic taste in the mouth, by no means can not self-medicateEspecially it concerns the use of medicines and vitamins. Any drug or vitamin can be prescribed only by a doctor after a diagnosis.


