Everyone knows that "fresh breath refreshes understanding." And this is not just an advertising slogan. An unpleasant smell or sour taste in the mouth brings discomfort not only to others, but also to the person himself. Why do similar phenomena occur, and what may indicate a sour taste, let's find out.
Why can there be a sour taste?
If you have felt a sour taste in your mouth, then do not be indifferent to this. The fact is that such a symptom, like peculiar smell from the mouth, can talk about a particular problem. For example, about diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or problems with teeth. So, what can provoke such a taste:
- dental problems - a frequently occurring sour taste indicates a disease of the teeth or gums; if a person wears crowns, this may indicate their wear and oxidation. Dentin, caries, periodontitis - all these diseases can develop against the background of such a phenomenon as a sour taste. At the same time, he may be the only one; his state of health remains the same
- gastrointestinal diseases - an unpleasant taste can be a symptom of gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, or gastritis. Against the background of these diseases, this symptom usually appears after waking up or after a short time after eating. Symptom may be accompanied by belching, vomiting, heartburn, abdominal pain, nausea, and impaired stool;
- diseases of the biliary system - these include cholecystitis, gallstone disease and biliary tract dyskinesia. All of them can be accompanied by the presence in the mouth of a bitter or sour taste. All this is also accompanied by a feeling of heaviness, vomiting, nausea, pain in the right hypochondrium after eating, a person can regurgitate sour, taste in the mouth can persist continuously;
- impaired metabolism - in this case, a sour taste in the mouth does not correspond to the fact that when a person eats, he can appear when he eats fruit, sweet or non-acidic foods. This may be a sign of the development of a number of endocrine diseases, in particular, diabetes mellitus;
- dysbacteriosis - acid in the mouth is present on an ongoing basis and is accompanied by a specific odor from the mouth, this may indicate violations of the intestinal microflora. Among other symptoms of dysbacteriosis, appetite decreases, there are problems with the stool, frequent colds, headaches, working capacity decreases and chronic fatigue develops, a person is tormented by mild weak pains;
- catarrhal diseases - here the sour taste in the mouth is a consequence of pharyngitis, tonsillitis and other catarrhal diseases;
- taking certain drugs — some antibiotics, antihypertensives, and other drugs may cause the sensation of bitter, sour, or something metallic in the mouth. The patient will need to change the drug or stop taking it, after which the unpleasant taste in the mouth will disappear.
In addition to these reasons, a sour taste in the mouth for a long time and on an ongoing basis can be associated with the consumption of nicotinic acid, abuse of sugar or sweets, as well as insufficient consumption of pure water.
Why does an unpleasant taste appear during pregnancy?
Sour taste in the mouth along with heartburn, which appear in pregnant women - this is a manifestation of hormonal changes in the body of the future mother. The fact is that at this time, women significantly increase the level of progesterone. This is a sex hormone.which is produced by the corpus luteum. It is required in order to reduce the tone of smooth muscles, to prevent the contraction of the uterine muscles, which can cause an involuntary miscarriage. But along with the uterine muscles, other organs that have a smooth muscle structure relax. Among these bodies are:
- esophageal tube;
- stomach;
- gastric sphincter.
When relaxed, the sphincter skips the contents of the stomach back into the esophagus, so that stomach acid enters the mouth and causes an unpleasant taste.
In addition, a sour taste in the mouth may appear from a progressive increase in the uterus, which after a certain time, squeezes adjacent organs, including the stomach. Under pressure stomach acid can partially get into the esophageal tube, which causes the appearance of a sour taste. The situation may worsen with overeating, or when the woman falls asleep immediately after a meal. However, she may suffer from a sore throat and heartburn.
Do I need to consult a doctor with a sour taste in the mouth?
If you notice an unpleasant unusual taste in the mouth, or if you observe changes in taste sensations when eatingIt is recommended to consult a gastroenterologist. Only after a series of studies will he be able to find out the cause of these phenomena.
And if the sour taste in the mouth is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, indigestion or abdominal pain, then It is recommended to conduct a survey digestive system as soon as possible. Such symptoms may indicate a gastric or duodenal ulcer.
Often, a sour taste in the mouth appears due to inflammation of the gastric walls with high acidity. And so that the disease does not progress, you should follow a strict diet and, if necessary, take medications that your doctor will prescribe.
Why does a sour taste often appear in the mouth in the morning?
Many complain of sour taste in the mouth in the morning. Most likely, this may be due to a hearty dinner. Food for such time does not have time to digest and stagnation occurs, which manifests itself in the morning. More often such a phenomenon occurswhen the dinner was dense and included fatty, fried and smoked dishes, as well as alcohol. Such a combination of products is a tremendous load for the digestive system, and when we fall asleep, the process of digesting food slows down, which provokes stagnation of the food mass in the stomach.
And if, after eating, we go to bed, the contents of the overflowing stomach and gastric juice partially fall into the esophagus, then into the oral cavity. As a result, in the morning a person complains of a sour taste in the mouth.
If this is repeated very often, then this may indicate violations of the human digestive system, such as gastritis or gastroduodenitis, or gastroesophageal reflux.
How can you get rid of the sour taste?
Forget it forever mouthfeel possible only after identifying the causes of this syndrome. Be sure to consult a doctor, and to neutralize the characteristic taste in the mouth, you can use these methods:
- rinse the mouth with a decoction of herbs (chamomile or sage) or a special pharmacy dental solution. Rinse your mouth after every meal, before going to bed and immediately after waking up;
- brush your teeth after every meal or at least twice a day;
- follow a diet - exclude from the diet all fatty, sour, fried, partly meat, coffee, sweets, alcohol, spices and fizzy drinks;
- include oatmeal, wheat bread, bananas, pears, persimmon, beans, spinach and lettuce leaves;
- drink at least 2 liters of water per day;
- use dental floss for good cleaning of food debris between teeth;
- study well the composition of medications taken, vitamin complexes and nutritional supplements. Sometimes a specific taste in the mouth can be triggered by poor quality or inappropriate vitamins or supplements;
- try to practice split meals - it will help get rid of the sour presence in the mouth during pregnancy;
- Special aerosols or chewing gums will not get rid of the problem, but may, if necessary, mask an unpleasant odor and taste.
Some at the first symptoms sour taste in the mouth take a solution of baking soda, but this is not necessary. At first, this may help a little, then it will only aggravate your situation.
If you have tried different methods of getting rid of this phenomenon, but it still does not pass, then contact your gastroenterologist, therapist or dentist.
Upon detection sour taste in the mouth it is necessary to determine the cause of this phenomenon and begin to fight with it. But short-term disguises only for a while save you from the problem. But in any case it is impossible to start this phenomenon, it is recommended to contact a specialist as soon as possible.