Sour taste in the mouth after eating - causes?

What to escape from the sour tasteQuite often we feel an unpleasant taste in the mouth, and it can be salty, bitter and sour. It should be noted that the latter appears more often than others. When this unpleasant phenomenon occurs periodically and soon disappears, there is no reason for concern.

Sour taste in mouth after eating, it can occur when a lot of meat or acidic vegetables have been eaten and, as a rule, passes after 2 hours, as the food is digested in the gastrointestinal tract.

If this taste appears in the morning and is accompanied by dry mouth, then this is probably due to an imbalance in the body's water and a lack of daily water intake.

But if it pursues you constantly, it can be due to serious diseases. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Moreover, such a sensation does not pose a threat to life, but it is still necessary to get rid of it, and for this it is necessary to figure out why this unpleasant phenomenon appears - acid in the mouth. The reasons are completely different.

The main causes of the sour taste

  1. What are the reasons for a sour taste?Diseases of the teeth and bacterial infections oral cavity. The basis of the occurrence of many diseases of the oral cavity is caries. Affected teeth are gradually destroyed, which leads to the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria that produce acidic products of metabolic processes. At the same time arising sour taste in mouth may be accompanied by an unpleasant smell. In addition, diseases such as periodontal disease, in which soft tissues are inflamed around the tooth, and gingivitis associated with inflammation of the gums also contribute to the appearance of this unpleasant sensation.
  2. Dental crowns and dentures. Metal bridges and crowns, depending on the metal from which they are made, often lead to what is sour in the mouth. This is due to the fact that some alloys react with a certain food, and sometimes even with saliva.
  3. Throat diseases. Viral infections cause various inflammations of the nasopharynx, such as sore throat, laryngitis and pharyngitis. Inflamed oral mucosa on the background of reduced immunity in this case also contributes to the formation of an unpleasant taste in the mouth.
  4. Diseases of the digestive tract. This is one of the most common causes of discomfort in the mouth. Sour taste in the mouth almost always accompanies such diseases. It is a consequence of the appearance of gastric ulcer or gastritis, which lead to disruption of acid-base balance, as well as an increase in gastric acidity. Violation of the valve, located between the paths through which food passes and the stomach also leads to such a sensation, because acid from the stomach through the esophagus easily gets into the oral cavity and mixes with saliva.
  5. Antihistamines and antibiotics. Such drugs often disrupt the gastrointestinal tract, cause intestinal dysbiosis and increased acidity of the stomach. Moreover, in these cases not only a sour taste is formed in the mouth, but also a specific coating on the tongue.
  6. Stress. It is well known that stressful situations lead to a change in the hormonal background of the body. As a consequence, receptors in the mouth can change the normal perception of food. But such phenomena quickly pass after the release of stress and the normalization of the general state of the body.
  7. Pregnancy. Unfortunately, the phenomenon of sour mouth often annoys pregnant women.It is usually not associated with any serious illness and of course, disappears after childbirth. The fact is that the increasing in size of the fetus, located in the uterus, begins to put pressure on nearby organs in the abdomen. As a result, gastric acidity increases, and the release of hydrochloric acid becomes more intense. This provokes a sour taste, which may be accompanied by heartburn.
  8. Malnutrition. An unbalanced diet, an increase in some trace elements in it, for example, zinc, which is found in meat, offal, fish and other seafood, as well as an inordinate consumption of too fatty and sour foods will eventually lead to a sour taste in the mouth.


Causes of sour taste

Naturally that elimination methods This unpleasant sensation is directly related to the causes.

  • If the reason is malnutrition, then by balancing your diet, excluding provocative products, and adding to it such as buckwheat, baked goods with bran, beans, sea kale, spinach and eggplants, you can easily get rid of the feeling of sour taste in the mouth.
  • Normal fluid intake, and we are not talking about alcoholic or carbonated drinks, but clean filtered water, the consumption of which should be increased to two liters per day, will also help normalize the body as a whole and, in particular, eliminate the sour taste in the mouth.
  • Violations of the gastrointestinal tract require mandatory gastroenterologist consultations. The specialist will send you the necessary tests, find out the level of gastric acidity and prescribe the appropriate treatment. As a rule, during this period it is necessary to refuse sour, spicy and too salty foods. Such treatment is usually accompanied by a special diet, which is selected by the doctor.
  • When bacterial oral infections and problems with teeth become the cause, you cannot do without the help of a dentist. Regular rinsing is unlikely to give a positive result. A properly prescribed treatment and removal of caries, followed by dental fillings, will certainly relieve discomfort.
  • The occurrence of a sour taste in expectant mothers is also a reason to visit a gastroenterologist, in order not to provoke further gastritis or stomach ulcers against the background of high acidity.

Preventive actions

Respecting some preventive measures, not associated with the treatment and use of drugs, you can not only save yourself from the unpleasant taste of the acid, but also strengthen the state of health in general.

  • What measures to takeIt is advisable to rinse your mouth thoroughly with food using antiseptic herbs such as chamomile, sage, tutsan and oak bark.
  • Enter into your diet the optimal amount of so-called healthy food, rich in fiber, minerals and vitamins.
  • Maintain daily oral hygiene - brush twice a day teeth, rinse mouth dental elixir and clean the surface of the tongue from plaque.
  • Every six months, undergo preventive examinations at the dentist and gastroenterologist.

These simple activities will help you prevent many of the unpleasant sensations that occur in the oral cavity.

Be always healthy!


