Veneers: types, differences and price in Moscow for 1 tooth

Veneers - features of prostheticsAbout a snow-white and beautiful smile, probably, every person dreams. With the help of it, it is much easier to impress other people, to establish contacts in the business world. A smile is like a business card of each person, his well-being and state of health.

If there are small defects, veneers on the front teeth can instantly change the outlines of a smile, making it as attractive and ideal as possible. Thin porcelain, composite or ceramic plates are installed on the frontal surface of the teeth and fixed on a special adhesive composition. Veneers can serve their owner for quite a long time, reliably disguising unesthetic spaces between teeth, pigmentation and chips.

Teeth veneer: prices in Moscow

Deciding to install a veneer, the man immediately thinks about its expensive cost. But the result can justify any expectations, especially since the plates are required, as a rule, only on the front teeth, which are visible at the time when the person laughs. Exactly determine how much the cost of veneer, the price of one tooth and how many linings will be needed, can only be a dentist. It is the doctor who will conduct a visual inspection, advise the most suitable construction specifically for you and determine approximately how much veneers cost to your front teeth in your case.

Selection of veneers - how to choose the right shadeIn 85% of cases veneer has a fairly gentle cost, even veneers for teeth have a relatively inexpensive price in Moscow than the patient initially believes. Because you do not need to engage in self-cost calculations. Almost any paid dental clinic conducts a record of patients for free consultations, on which the doctor performs an evaluation calculation, based on the intended technology and the state of the human dentition.

Undeniable the advantage that veneers have, consists in the fact that professionally made installation of overlays will change your smile, making it natural and attractive. With the help of existing materials and modern restorative dentistry, the lining is practically indistinguishable from natural teeth, they most accurately convey the desired color and degree of transparency of the tooth enamel.

What are veneers and when are they needed?

Veneers on the front part of the smile zone usually made with a thickness of not more than 0.6 mm. But so that the teeth do not visually look convex after the installation of the lining, the doctor will grind the teeth to the thickness of the future structures. People who are interested in veneers need to know that this technology has a rather long history. It originated about 90 years ago in America.

Ceramic veneers - the benefitsCreated by veneers dentist from America, Charles Pinkus, who made accessibility beauty Hollywood smiles for film actors who didn’t have magnificent teeth from birth. Overlays allowed the actors to smile delightfully during filming. But the longevity of these overlays was rather short.

Such veneers were fixed with the help of a special adhesive mixture, and could only endure a few days, then ruthlessly fell off the surface.The plates were at that time only skilfully made props, but modern linings are significantly different from their predecessors. They are used to correct defects in such cases:

  • the need for a small adjustment of the location and shape of the teeth, taking into account the absence of problems with incorrect bite;
  • pigmented and darkened teeth, if the defect cannot be repaired with whitening;
  • enhancing the aesthetic appearance of a smile;
  • remove the curvature of the teeth, as well as the gaps between them.

If once veneer was installed only in sight, then today they are installed on the chewing areas. Moreover, the use of veneers allows a person to achieve the effect of lifting the jaw.

Veneers on the teeth - why do we need such dentures?In more difficult situations, if a person bite correction required, the veneers are not installed - in this case, use special mouthguards or braces. If they are powerless, then only a dentist-surgeon, who performs the most complex operable surgery to correct the pathology, can help with the pathology. The number of these cases is small and amounts to approximately less than 4% of the total number of complaints. In severe situations, correction is performed under general anesthesia, in other cases, under local anesthesia or completely without the use of painkillers.

The price of veneers, taking into account the design

Need to understand that single tooth price very different. It mainly depends on the technology with which the pad is made. It is customary to distinguish:

  • Restoration or therapeutic veneers, the price of these products has always been affordable for different segments of the population. This can be explained by the fact that the pad is made directly on the tooth itself from inexpensive composite materials. Put lining with significant chipped teeth. The dentist gradually builds up the missing part, while giving an anatomically natural look. In the catalogs of dental clinics, it is not rare to see veneer for the front teeth, where the photo clearly shows the professionalism of the dentist. Still relatively recently, the cleavage disappears under the experienced hands of the master. Sometimes photos of composite veneers on teeth describe the whole process in stages from the moment of slight turning to the formation of the lining itself, its polishing and polishing. It is hard to imagine that such hard work can create such a stunning effect.

The approximate cost in Moscow is 6–9 thousand rubles. for one tooth.

  • Ceramic veneers you will not notice on the teethCeramic orthopedic veneers (and similar linings, which are of a thinner thickness - lumineers) are manufactured under laboratory conditions. For what purpose, impressions are taken from a person’s teeth in the intended area of ​​the lining. Applicators are made not only of ceramics, medical porcelain, aluminum oxide or zirconium are also used. And how much veneers will cost depends on the materials of their manufacture. Thus, at the price of zirconium oxide will be more expensive, unlike analogs, and ceramics is the most affordable, although it has the same number of positive properties. For orthopedic veneers, the cost per tooth significantly exceeds the price of their therapeutic counterparts. They are fixed with a special glue. Until the moment of production of these overlays, temporary plates are put on the grinded teeth of a person. Studying veneers, reviews, the advantages and disadvantages of their installation, you need to look at the lumineers. If you are not very financially limited, then it is advisable to give preference to these pads. They are produced abroad, while much thinner in thickness (0.2 mm) and, accordingly, imply not so great turning of healthy teeth, which are subsequently placed.

The approximate cost of ceramic veneers in Moscow is from 20 thousand rubles. for one tooth.

Approximate cost of lumineers in Moscow - from 55 thousand rubles. for one tooth.

Aesthetic dentistry provides an opportunity for a short time to become the owner of a beautiful smile, using various methods. People who experienced these veneers leave in the majority only positive reviews. And this is quite logical. Since yesterday you did not have perfect teeth, and today you can become like actors with a glossy cover. The most effective transformation can be seen on the veneers for the teeth in the photo before and after, when the dentist changes an imperfect smile in a matter of minutes to aesthetically attractive, as if by a breath of a magic wand.

Do you always need turning under the veneer: a marketing ploy or the truth?

In the advertising brochures of various dental clinics, you can often Treatment of the tooth before installing the veneer at the dentistobserve different slogans that veneers do not need turning of healthy teeth. And on the photo veneers are shown only in the best light. Literate trick advertising agents attracts illiterate customers. But as a result, the turning is most often done. The only exceptions are if your own teeth are very small and have significantly space between, in which a thin pad can easily knead.

Studying the photo in the veneer magazines, where you can see their stunning effect, there are examples of the owners of this magnificent smile. In other cases, especially when the teeth are tightly interconnected and with their significant defects, turning is a necessary process, the installation of plates is simply not possible without it.

In what cases the installation of veneers is contraindicated?

If your front teeth are badly damaged or there are a lot of fillings on them, then instead of installing veneers, the dentist will advise you crowns. More recently, the pulpless teeth also belonged to the number of contraindications to the installation of plates. But today, most orthopedic dentists do not consider this a contraindication to the installation of linings. If you have bruxism (involuntary gnashing of teeth) or you have problems with the correct bite, then before installing veneers, you need to undergo treatment to remove these problems. Probably, people who do not follow the main rules of individual oral hygiene also do not need to think about veneers.


  • How is the installation of winnersBruxism.
  • Pathological abrasion of teeth.
  • It is undesirable to install veneers when a person has an overbite.
  • Bad habits.
  • The destruction of the dentary from the side of the tongue.
  • Not available 6 or 7 chewing teeth.
  • High risk of injuring front teeth (boxing, etc.).
  • Existence from the internal part of a tooth of a seal of the big size.

How to increase the lifetime of veneers?

To begin with, it is necessary to remember about oral hygiene. The grant between enamel and artificial material is a certain kind of risk zone in which leftover foodwhere various bacteria can gather, and, accordingly, the risk of caries is high. Because the teeth need constant and painstaking care, especially at the junction of veneers. The best assistant in such a difficult case can serve as a irrigator for the oral cavity. In addition, in order not to spoil the restoration, it is best not to eat coloring (when you have composite linings) and high-acid (when you have orthopedic plates) products.

Significant load on veneers is also useless. It is not necessary to chop nuts or try to use teeth as a bottle opener - this will certainly lead to a significant deformation of the restorations. People who suffer from bruxism are advised to use a special mouth guard to protect their teeth before going to bed. And - most importantly - do not forget to periodically visit the dental clinic. Only in this way can the problem be identified in time and effectively removed.

Rehabilitation and recovery after installing veneer

Then, when the veneer is already installed, you can keep a familiar lifestyle. It is necessary to follow all the advice of the dentist on the proper operation of the structure. It is likely that in a couple of weeks it will be necessary to visit the doctor again to perform a checkup. The dentist is obliged to check the location of the veneer and determine the reaction of the gum mucous to the presence of foreign material.

After turning, high sensitivity to hot or cold products may appear. The teeth, where veneers are located, may be subject to destruction, which may be an indication for the installation of the crown.

However, those people who still can not decide on installing veneer, once again you need to carefully look at the transformed teeth with the help of lining, since the veneers before and after installation are perfectly visible in the photo, because they significantly change the appearance of a smile, making it perfect.


