Many people have heard about veneers when visiting dentistry. What is it and what is their application in dentistry, today we will talk in more detail.
So, veneers are mini-prostheses for teeth that are able to restore their shape or shade. Plates veneers put on the front of the tooth.
The special feature of veneers is that their installation is not intended to make the teeth crystal white and unnatural, they are made according to the original color of the patient's teeth and are difficult to recognize with the naked eye.
Veneers are used in dentistry, if teeth whitening and restoration does not have any effect. Vinir restoration fast enough and is suitable even for those dentistry patients who have visible defects.
So, the general concept of what dental veneers are for the teeth, we now consider in more detail this dental service.
Veneers classification
Depending on the material used for the manufacture, veneers for teeth are as follows:
- ceramic - they are made on the basis of medical porcelain and zirconium dioxide, such veneers considered the most reliable and durablealso they do not change color with time;
- Composite - are now used less frequently in dentistry, since they are not very durable, but at the same time are distinguished by quick and inconspicuous installation;
- Hollywood laminates are porcelain plates, although thin, but they can last for quite a long time, they can also be glued on top of crowns.
Manufacturing Technique
Ceramic veneers can be made of non-pressed and pressed ceramics. The latter will be more durable and durable compared to unpressed.
The plate is manufactured in several stages. First, the teeth are prepared for them and a three-dimensional cast is made, then the veneer is modeled on a computer. Then grind out the necessary construction, and in the meantime, a temporary laminate is applied to the patient's tooth. Then the inner part of the plate is processed, cement is applied on the teeth and the plate is fixed on it.
A composite plate can be made directly at the dentist when the doctor removes the patient's enamel layer and applies a composite light-polymer material for the teeth from above. Also, composite veneers can be made in advance at the dental technician, by taking a dental impression or in a specialized laboratory with a dental impression of plaster.
Installation of veneers: indications and contraindications, the process of installing plates
Veneers are installed to the patient of dentistry according to the testimony of the doctor and based on his preferences. Indications for installation look like this:
- distinct yellowness of teeth;
- change the shade of teeth after depulpation;
- fluorotic teeth;
- defects in which the hard tissues of the teeth are badly damaged;
- wrong teeth position;
- irregular tooth shape;
- no effect after restoration;
- old fillings in shade contrasted with the teeth;
- chipped;
- large gaps between teeth;
- aesthetic goals that the patient puts in front of a doctor.
However, the patient may be denied the installation of a veneer in case he has a constant abrasion of teeth, bruxism, in the habit of biting his nails or opening bottles with his teeth.You can also not install veneers when a person has at least six chewing teeth, or in the case of destruction in the region of the tongue. Denied service and in the presence of a large seal on the inside and in case of injuries front teethderived from excessive Botox craze or due to other factors.
The algorithm for installing veneers, regardless of the material used, is as follows:
- coordination with the patient of the plate material and its color;
- preparation of the tooth, within which a layer of hard tissue is removed from the tooth;
- taking an impression;
- installation of a temporary plastic plate;
- making a tooth model;
- fixing the plate with glue;
- bite assessment and removal of excess material.
Today, there is a technique when installation of veneers does not include turning of enamelthey are then called lumineers. Lumineers are thinner and are simply glued to the tooth surface with special glue. They can be standard or individual, which are made in the laboratory directly under the patient.
Installing veneers does not imply special rehabilitation measures, after their installation, you can lead your usual lifestyle. However, just in case, you should visit the dentist approximately one or two weeks after the procedure, so that the doctor can check how strong the structure is and whether there is a gum reaction to its presence.
Also, after grinding tooth enamel, some patients develop sensitivity to cold and hot, therefore should be extremely careful with the use of such products.
The advantages and disadvantages of installing veneers
If we talk about ceramic structures, they look aesthetically pleasing, retain shade for a long time, do not darken, have a long service life, and interact well with the biomaterial. However, at the same time ceramic veneers are made for a long time, very expensive, their installation is preceded by an unpleasant enamel preparation process, and they can not be repaired if necessary.
Ceramic plates are prepared quickly, in just one visit, and they are much cheaper than ceramic. But at the same time they have more disadvantages than advantages:
- ceramic veneers short-lived;
- color changes over time;
- the aesthetic side is in question;
- fragile plates;
- cannot hide all defects;
- the inability to repair the structure.
Plate installation cost depends on materialas well as the initial condition of the patient’s teeth. Thus, the minimum cost of composite veneer per tooth will be about 5 thousand rubles, subject to manufacture on site. Laboratory composite will cost more. But zirconium or porcelain veneer will cost the patient about 15 thousand.
Plate Care Rules
Another advantage of veneer structures is the lack of special care for them. However, despite this, do not forget about regular oral hygiene. During the day, clean not only with paste, but also with dental floss. Good hygiene will keep the plate as long as possible.
It is advisable not to abuse products that can cause a change in the color of the plates, in particular, wine, coffee, tea and other products. When eating foods do not exert strong pressure on the teeth.
You should also visit the dentistry about once every six months, so that the doctor will examine you and, if necessary, adjust the plate.
As for the service life, composite veneers, which tend to wear out, have a strength similar to the seals. With enough dental care enamel and oral cavity can be worn for up to seven years or even longer. But it should be remembered that over time they lose their original color.
Ceramic plates can serve for ten or even more years.They may become unusable in cases where due to injury or strong pressure lose their integrity, or fall out within ten years due to de-cementing. In this case, the doctor quickly put them in place. But porcelain "Hollywood" plates can last more than 20 years under the conditions of proper care.
Frequently Asked Questions
Naturally, for beginners, the procedure for installing veneers contains a number of questions. Here are the answers to the most common questions about veneers:
- porcelain and zirconium veneers look the same in terms of aesthetics, however, porcelain veneers are less durable;
- when choosing between a crown and veneer, choose a crown if you have at least one contraindication to the installation of plates;
- composite veneers that darken over time cannot be bleached. They can only be changed to new ones;
- in cases of choosing between installing plates or restoration of teeth choose plates betterthey will eliminate dental defects;
- Veneers are not harmful to enamel.
Naturally, the installation of veneers may be suitable for someone, but not for others. It all depends on what condition your teeth were in before, whether you have any contraindications to this procedure and, of course, because of which material you choose to install.
Undoubtedly, the human factor plays a huge role, because one doctor can do his work responsibly, while another will react to this irresponsibly. Therefore, to choose "his" dentist is also important.