Modern dentistry can restore the dentition in the smile zone in a dozen ways. Each of them allows you to solve a specific clinical problem. For example, if there are chipped teeth, then it is easiest to repair the defect using veneers. When carious tooth decay can and should use tabs. But if the tooth does not have a support or it is too weak, then dentists use dental pins to solve the problem.
What is a pin in a tooth?
What is this can be understood from the following description: pin - dental knitting elementused for fixing in the canals of a fully or partially destroyed tooth. Using this element allows you to restore the tooth in the event that its external part is preserved at least 20%.
The dental pin is used in the following cases:
- Destruction of the outer crown of the tooth.
- When you want to stop further tooth decay after caries treatment.
- In that case, if you need to create a support for the installation of a bridge.
The pin in the tooth is often used as a basis for the restoration of the tooth using composite materials. Its use allows you to speed up and facilitate the restoration work. Moreover, the use of a pin removes restrictions on the load on the rebuilt tooth.
Advantages and disadvantages of using pins
The main advantage of this technology is the ability to restore even severely damaged teeth. The base of the tooth will remain untouched. Her do not have to replace the implant. In fact, a dental pin avoids the removal of a fully or partially destroyed tooth.
The use of pins does not violate the root system of the front teeth. As a result, dentists guarantee that foreign objects will not irritate the mucous membrane, as is the case with the use of removable dentures. This is very important for people with hypersensitivity and allergies to some dental materials.
Another undoubted advantage of using dental pins is a long service life. The overwhelming majority of dental pins are guaranteed for 10 years, but in practice their service life often reaches 20 years. True, this is only if there was no excessive load on the spoke.
Due to the fact that the dental pin can be made of different materials, you can choose a solution for any situation. For example, you want to install a ceramic prosthesis. Naturally, the metal here will be superfluous, as it will shine through the material of the crown. The problem is solved using a fiberglass dental pin. This is a light material that does not affect the type of prosthesis.
To the disadvantages of dental pins The following points should be included:
- There is always a risk of caries around the pin. In this case, the disease is detected only at the last stage.
- Excessive strength of the pin may cause its displacement during operation, which will cause damage to the prosthesis and the roots of the tooth. To solve the problem will have to remove it with the tooth.
- By the end of the life of the needle necessarily protchit the walls of the prosthesis. This will lead to the need for complete tooth extraction, since it will not be possible to restore it by other means.
There is one more lack of a pin in the tooth mentioned by dentists - the price.Of course, the needle is worth cheaper than a crown or implant, but often you need to install several pins at once, and this can hurt the wallet.
What materials are the dental pins made of?
According to the type used in the manufacture of materials spokes are divided into two groups.
Metal spokes are most common. For their production are used: titanium, stainless steel, gold, palladium and various alloys. Selection of a metal for the manufacture of the spokes is carried out taking into account the characteristics of the patient. In particular, the response of the patient’s body to a particular material is determined.
All metals used to create rods are hypoallergenic. That is, the rejection reaction is extremely rare. The most popular is gold. The fact is that this metal is practically no allergic reactions. Therefore, if the dentist is unsure of the response of the patient's body to a particular material, then the choice is made in favor of gold.
Naturally, gold is used only as an alloy. In its pure form, it does not have the proper characteristics to perform the necessary functions.
Titanium spokes are used in case of severe tooth decay. The fact is that according to its strength characteristics this material has the greatest strength. The problem with titanium rods is their minimal ductility. That is, with significant loads they crown and dimple easily.
Other metals are used only when the patient has money for them.
This group includes spokes made of fiberglass, carbon fiber and dental ceramics.
Fiberglass knitting needles are very durable and lightweight. At the same time they have sufficient flexibility and elasticity. This makes them almost the best choice, because under load they can bend, but then certainly return to their original position.
Externally fiberglass pins translucenttherefore, it is great for the restoration of teeth in the smile area.
Carbon fiber spokes are practically not used today. The fact is that their advantage in the form of good elasticity is leveled by insufficient strength. After the appearance of fiberglass, this material gradually leaves the dentistry.
Ceramic knitting needles. They do not have sufficient elasticity or strength. So why do dentists like them? For aesthetic properties. Pins from this material do not stand out from other materials. This is clearly seen in the photo.
Types of pins by type of fixation
By type of mounting needles divided into active and passive.
Active pins are distinguished by the presence of special grooves on their surface, ensuring reliable fastening inside the channel. Such a needle just screwed.
This view is used only if the channel has not been expanded before.
The advantage of active spokes lies in the reliability of their attachment and durability. The disadvantage is the complexity of installation and excessive pressure on the tooth tissue at the installation site.
Passive pins are suitable for teeth restoration after serious damage. Such a needle allows you to treat teeth after caries. It's no secret that after treating this disease there is a big holein which the active pin does not fasten. And the passive spoke itself is useless in such a situation. Therefore, dentists fill the hole with cement, in which they put the knitting needle. Installation technique can be seen in the photo.
Installing a passive pin is very easy, but in terms of strength and reliability of attachment it is significantly inferior to an active fellow.
Contraindications to the use of pins
Before installing dental spokes, dentists are required conduct a series of tests to identify the following contraindications:
- Any blood disease that adversely affects clotting.
- Menstruation, because at this time a woman produces a hormone that reduces blood clotting.
- Nervous diseases.
- Periodontitis
- Caries.
- Cysts and granulomas
- Insufficient root thickness.
Possible complications
Unfortunately, even in the case of perfect installation is saved danger of complications.
The most terrible problem is the rejection of a foreign object of organisms. The first signs of this complication appear literally several days after the operation. To cope with the problem can only remove and replace the spokes.
Most often after installing the pin, a complication such as a periodontium develops. The cause of the inflammation is usually dental errors during work.
The patient himself can provoke a complication if he does not follow the rules of hygiene. Brushing your teeth should begin on the second day after the operation, and not wait for complete healing.
Almost all patients after installing the pins are marked swelling and pain. They pass within the first week after operation.
Cost of
It will not be superfluous to know about how much a pin in a tooth costs. The price of this item depends on the material and type. The most expensive are fiberglass - 1500 rubles apiece. The most affordable price for metal knitting needles is 600 rubles. In the event that a dental pin was made to order, its price can grow by 300 rubles.