Lumineers on teeth and their cost, photo before and after installation

What do luminirs look like on teethOften, people who do not have even beautiful teeth are embarrassed to smile broadly. This is fixable, thanks to modern technologies in dentistry, which will eliminate the defects of the teeth in the shortest possible time. To make the teeth look natural and the smile become perfect, dentists use Lumineers.

What is lumineers

It is very durable and, at the same time, thin porcelain plateswhose thickness is not more than 0.3 millimeter. Approximately the same thickness of the contact lens. Due to this, the installation of lumineers does not require serious dental treatment. This process is reversible, that is, if desired, the plates can be removed by returning the original look to the teeth.

The number of installed lumineers depends on what goals the patient pursues and how many teeth are visible when smiling. If it is necessary to adjust the shape or color of one tooth, then it is not necessary to cover the rest with plates. Due to the exceptional properties of lumineers, imitate natural tooth enamel, and one plate will easily merge with the color of the surrounding teeth.

Individual parameter aesthetics smile. You can install from four to ten lumineers on upper teeth, and the bottom just bleach to even out the color.

When can I install Lumineers

  • Plate lumineersIf there is a noticeable gap between the front teeth or between others - diastema, the lumineers will help to hide these defects.
  • Plates will hide discolor if there is a heterogeneous shade or stains of different origin on the tooth enamel (fluorosis, caries, use of tetracycline).
  • Lumineers are an ideal alternative to braces. To wear braces It takes a very long time, but it is not very convenient. Therefore, people who have bite problems or crooked teeth can correct this problem in just two visits to the dentist by installing lumineers.
  • In the presence of chipped and cracked teeth.
  • If the teeth have traces of old fillings or restoration.
  • In cases where there is erosion of enamel.
  • If the tooth enamel or old fillings have a changed color. The reasons for this may be, for example, dyes (wine, coffee, and others).


  • Teeth loose.
  • There is extensive caries, in which a possible fracture.
  • The patient has a quick abrasion of tooth enamel.
  • Tooth enamel thinned.
  • The bite changes are significant.
  • Allergy to the materials of which the plates are made.
  • Bruxism.

Contraindications associated with common diseases:

  • The patient is a stimulator of the heart.
  • There are diseases or pathologies of the organs of vision (diseases of the retina, cataract surgery).

Difference of lumineers from veneers

Unlike the installation technology of lumineers, the installation procedure veneers unpleasant and painful. Required anesthesia and their teeth. Due to this, the structure of the tooth enamel is destroyed, and the appearance before the installation of veneers will not be very aesthetic. Since the teeth will be deformed, it will be impossible to remove the veneers in the future.

All this can be avoided by applying a more advanced technology - the installation of lumineers.

Installing Lumineers

1 day visit:

  • The teeth are prepared for the installation of the plates.
  • Imprints taken from the jaws. In the future, the plaster models will be molded by jewelry technicians and will produce lumineers.
  • Conducted a computer simulation smile.

2 day visit:

  • Try on lining luminaires.

3 day visit:

  • Fixed lining on the front surface with a special plaster, which is resistant to the action of food acids. All this happens without pain, injections and drilling.

About a month takes the installation process of Lumineers.

Lumineers. Photos before and after installation.


By patented technology Lumineers are made by only one company.which is in the USA. This is a rather complicated process using computer technology. The plates are made of very durable porcelain CERINATE. The time of manufacture is known precisely - from four to five weeks from the moment of the patient’s treatment. Try on the lining before sending the data to a lab in California. At the stage of modeling wax adjustments are made by the doctor. Further plastic designs are tried on, all parameters are recorded using a computer and sent to the USA. From the laboratory, Lumineers will come already ideal and individual for each patient. They will only need to be installed.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of the design of lumineers is a snow-white smile. But there are other advantages:

  • The teeth do not need preliminary turning, as the plates are made using a unique technology of heavy-duty porcelain.
  • To install the lumineers, you will need no more than three visits to the dentist.
  • Installed without prior anesthesia.
  • No need to use temporary installations.
  • Lumineers do not harm teeth.
  • Plates later do not lose their aesthetic properties. They do not need special care.
  • The teeth are enriched with fluoride, due to the bond used in fixation.
  • Lumineers do not change color from coloring products.
  • Teeth are less affected by various diseases.
  • Made from hypoallergenic material that does not destroy tooth enamel.
  • You can install them at any age, without restrictions.
  • Easily removed at the request of the patient.
  • The service life of the structure is up to twenty years.

But have a lack of lumineers. Their cost is quite high. Approximately from twenty five thousand to forty thousand rubles will cost the production of one set. It depends on the clinic and its status. The patient pays for exclusivity, high quality and patented technology.

Lumineers care

Ceramic veneersFor the plates to serve for a long time and for the preservation of their ideal aesthetic characteristics, it is necessary to observe some rules for their care:

  1. Observe daily hygiene design: brush with a paste, apply dental floss, rinse after applying food. It should be noted that the use of special pastes is not required.
  2. Nuts and seeds should be excluded from the diet.
  3. Bad habits such as pipe smoking and snacking should be avoided.
  4. Regularly visit the dentist for routine inspection and cleaning plates.

Going to the clinic to install Lumineers, you should clarify in advance whether it has a certified specialist to provide such services. An unqualified dentist will not do a miracle with his teeth. Pay attention to the cost. Cheap Lumineers can not be, it will immediately be clear that this is a fake.

Several variants of lumineers on the teeth
How do lumineers pick colorPlates on the teethBeautiful snow-white smilePerfect white teethThanks lumineers smile brightenedCeramic plates on the teethHow to put luminirsFlawless teethPerfect teeth colorLumineers on the teethWhite plates on the teethBeautiful healthy smileSmart white smileType of teeth after luminescence


