"Iodinol": instructions for use

Everyone can face injuries and inflammatory diseases of the skin or mucous membranes. The pharmaceutical market offers many options for antiseptics that are different from each other in terms of effects, indications, side effects, etc. However, one of the cheapest drugs with high performance is "Iodinol", the instructions for use have specific features depending on the specific clinical situation and the age of the patient that must be considered.

Release form and composition

"Iodinol" is produced in the form of a solution intended for external and local use. It is produced in dark glass bottles packed in cardboard boxes. Separate forms have a spray for easy dosing and application.

Yodinol packaging

Drug "Iodinol"

The active substance is iodine, the concentration of which in solution is 1%. Auxiliary substances are added to preserve pharmacological properties and lengthen shelf life.

Component NameConcentration in solution
Potassium iodide3%
Polyvinyl Alcohol9%
Purified waterLess than 100%

The solution is a liquid of dark blue color with a brown tinge, has a characteristic odor, foams in the process of agitation. At the bottom of the vial a small amount of brown precipitate is allowed to fall, foaming is possible in the part of the vial filled with air.

The form of release may be different. The most common vials of 50 or 100 ml, packed in cardboard boxes. Less common:

Bottle in carton box25 ml
Bottle in carton box40 ml
Bottle in carton box60 ml
Bottle in carton box70 ml
Bottle in carton box80 ml
Dropper bottle in carton box60 ml
Dropper bottle in carton box70 ml
Dropper bottle in carton box80 ml
Dropper bottle in carton box100 ml
Canister3 l
Canister5 l
Canister10 l

Pharmacological properties

The main effect of iodine is antiseptic (destruction of a large spectrum of microorganisms). "Iodinol" is active against gram-positive and gram-negative flora, as well as the majority of pathogenic fungi and a number of protozoa (lamblia). The least pronounced effect against streptococci and Escherichia coli, however, with an increase in the concentration of the solution to 80%, the microbes die within a few seconds.

It is important! The only drug resistant bacteria is Pseudomonas aeruginosa, this fact significantly limits the use of the drug in surgical hospitals.

The effect is realized due to the destruction of bonds between protein molecules embedded in the cell wall and the membrane of pathogenic microorganisms. When penetrating into the cell, the drug breaks the chain of enzymatic processes responsible for the synthesis of DNA and RNA.

The iodine contained in the pharmacological agent, when ingested, increases the activity of the thyroid gland (increases T3 and T4 synthesis), stimulates mental and physical activity.

Polyvinyl alcohol slows down the release of molecules of elemental iodine, as a result, irritant and cauterizing effects do not appear, the period of validity is prolonged.

Indications for use

The list of indications is quite wide. "Iodinol" is used in the dental, ENT and less often in surgical practice. Among the diseases emit:

  1. Chronic tonsillitis is a long-term inflammatory lesion of the tonsils with periods of exacerbations (when infected with bacterial or fungal flora) and remission.
  2. Purulent otitis media - inflammation of the middle ear or the external auditory canal with pronounced processes of exudation and the formation of purulent masses.
  3. Atrophic rhinitis - destruction of the epithelial lamina of the inner lining of the nasal cavity.
  4. Atrophic ulcers of the lower extremities, developed on the background of the course of varicose disease, diabetes, atherosclerotic lesions of small vessels. Such defects of the skin are prone to prolonged healing (up to several months). At the same time, naked internal tissues need effective protection from the pathogenic flora of the environment.
  5. Chemical (basic or acidic) and thermal burns of I and II degree. When frostbite drug is not used.
  6. Specific infections of the skin (trichomoniasis, candidiasis).
  7. Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity (gingivitis - inflammation of the gums, stomatitis - inflammation of the oral mucosa, periodontitis - damage to the perimeter spaces).
  8. Minor skin damage to the dermis (abrasions, scratches).
  9. Purulent infections of the skin and subcutaneous fat of any etiology.
  10. Processing of the surgical field.
Nasal mucosa

Atrophic rhinitis - one of the indications of the drug

In the dental practice, "Iodinol" is also used for:

  • Infectious process, localized under the periosteum (periostitis or flux);
  • Cystic formations located in the tissues of the teeth or jaws and having fistulas that open in the mouth or on the skin of the face and neck;
  • Purulent granulomas - foci of pus accumulation in the area of ​​the tooth root.
Gum Education

"Iodinol" is used in case of formations in the oral cavity

The use of the drug is justified when performing operations that are insignificant in terms of volume:

  • Removal of carious tooth;
  • Stitching on the gums or individual segments of the oral mucosa;
  • Opening of purulent foci (cyst, abscess);
  • Preparation for implantation of orthopedic material.


In order to avoid adverse reactions and complications, it is not recommended to use "Iodinol" in the following conditions:

  1. Individual genetically determined hypersensitivity to the individual components of the drug, primarily to iodine.
  2. Pathologies of the thyroid gland (autoimmune thyroiditis; nodular, colloid or endemic goiter) with a hyperthyroid background. The drug enhances the toxic effect of endocrine organ hormones (T3 and T4), leading to more adverse effects.
  3. Dühring dermatitis is a severe disease of the dermis, accompanied by the presence of a polymorphic skin rash and unpleasant subjective symptoms (itching, pain, burning).
  4. Age less than 6 years. Contraindications introduced due to the lack of data from clinical trials in children of this age group. With extreme caution should use the medication for persons from 7 to 18 years.
  5. Pregnancy and lactation.
  6. The presence of perforated holes in the eardrum (in the treatment of otitis media).
Dermatitis Dühring

Dermatitis Dühring is a contraindication to the use of the drug

Dosage and administration

The drug is approved for use by persons over 18 years, with caution - from 6 years.

In chronic tonsillitis, “Iodinol” is washed in the tonsil lacunae and supratonsillar spaces.You need 2-3 procedures per day. The maximum single dose - 40-50 ml. For convenience, you can use a syringe with a long needle (10-15 cm), having a atraumatic rounded end.

Dosage of iodinol

Treatment with "Iodinol" should be carried out according to the dosage prescribed by the attending physician.

In the presence of gingivitis, stomatitis and pinpoint damage to the mucous membrane, the drug is applied to sterile gauze cloths and applied to the affected areas for 10–15 minutes 3–4 times a day. Gargling is also possible:

  • Type 30–60 ml of solution in the oral cavity.
  • Throw back your head.
  • Rinse the mouth for 30–40 seconds.
  • Spit out the solution.
  • Do not eat for 1 hour.

Do not rinse in the presence of purulent foci. Frequency - 3-5 times a day. The duration of treatment is up to 1 week.

In case of chronic otitis, 5–6 drops of “Iodinol” are instilled into each auditory canal every day. The maximum duration of use for this nosology is 14–28 days.

Treatment of ozena (atrophic rhinitis) involves the preliminary removal of crusts, followed by sputtering of the nasal cavity and pharynx 2 times a day. The course of therapy is up to 3 months.

In case of trophic ulcers of the lower extremities, you should first fold sterile gauze wipes in 3-4 layers, moisten with medication and apply on the affected skin, previously washed with warm running water and soap. The skin around the wipes is smeared with zinc-based ointments (“Zinc Sulphate”). For fixation, it is recommended to apply a non-tight bandage bandage (2–5 rounds). The dressing is applied 1–2 times a day, while the gauze is not removed from the ulcer, but simply moistened with “Iodinol”. Full ligation is performed no more than 1 time in 3 days.

With purulent wounds of the skin, including with the involvement of a layer of subcutaneous fat, a loose gauze bandage is prepared (3-4 layers of gauze, cotton wool in between), moistened in a solution of the drug and applied for 10-15 hours.

It is important! In case of thermal and chemical burns, the drug is used with caution in order to avoid additional negative effects. A single layer gauze bandage is applied. Every 2-3 hours it is wetted with “Yodinol”.

Processing of operating fields is carried out by double lubrication of the skin with 5-7 ml of solution.

Side effects

The development of undesirable side reactions is extremely rare (less than in 0.01% of cases). A large role in their occurrence is played by the genetic characteristics of the organism and the presence of severe somatic pathologies.


Iodine poisoning develops when the drug enters the body by the oral route, through the wound surfaces (no thrombosis of the affected vessels), less often when it is absorbed through the skin. The clinical picture is as follows:

  • Irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa (acute abdominal pain, diarrhea-like stool disorders, rarely nausea and vomiting);
  • Damage to the upper respiratory tract (persistent unproductive cough, sore throat and sore throat, mucous discharge from the nose, sometimes painted in blue);
  • Changes in the work of the visual apparatus (reversible damage to the optic nerve with a decrease in visual acuity and a decrease in the fields of perception, blepharitis, conjunctivitis);
  • The appearance of lesions on the skin and mucous membranes (acne or papular rash, increased keratinization), acne can have a diameter of up to 3-4 cm, often merge into larger and more painful formations.
At the doctor

For symptoms of iodism, consult a specialist.

When a large amount of the drug is delivered to the body (up to 1.5 g of pure iodine), acute heart failure and pulmonary edema may develop. Deadly dose - 2-2.5 g.

When the first signs of intoxication appear:

  1. Call the ambulance brigade.
  2. Seat the victim on the bed, put a pillow or blanket under his back.
  3. Give the patient 300 ml of milk with 1 tsp. starch.
  4. Offer to drink activated carbon. Dose - 1 tablet for every 10 kg of body weight.

At the stationary level, the stomach is washed with a 5% solution of sodium thiosulfate. This medication (concentration - 30%) is also administered intravenously in 40 ml every 12 hours.

Thyroid dysfunction

With long-term administration, hypothyroidism can be formed (lack of synthesis and excretion of iodine-containing hormones - T3 and T4), which in the early stages (subclinical variant) is manifested by such changes as:

  • Constipation (up to 3-5 days);
  • Formation of gallstone disease (with hepatic colic);
  • Lesions of the joints (polyarthritis, osteoarthritis);
  • Infertility;
  • Dysfunctional uterine bleeding.

In such cases, you should stop using the drug "Iodinol" and consult a polyclinic physician.

Renal failure

When the medication is applied to extensive III and IV degree burns (more than 10% of the area of ​​the body), the acid-base balance is disturbed, hypernatremia develops, and the kidney function is rapidly inhibited. Intoxication caused by their own metabolic products, the allocation of which is violated, is manifested by the suppression of consciousness (lethargy, lack of interest in the world around us, a violation of orientation in space and time, in a person).

It is important! The only way to prevent pathology at home is to strictly follow the instructions for the drug.

Allergic reactions

Hyperargic reactions are extremely rare (1 case per 100,000 observations). The following clinical conditions are described:

  1. Quincke edema - edema of the subcutaneous fat of any anatomical segment. The edema of the eyelids, lips, and neck area is rapidly increasing. A dangerous outcome is the accumulation of fluid in the tissue under the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, larynx and mediastinum. When this occurs, compression of the trachea and bronchi, which can lead to respiratory failure (pallor and cyanosis of the skin, noisy breathing heard at a distance). The end result is hypercapnic coma and death.
  2. Urticaria - formation on the surface of the skin and mucous membranes of papules with a diameter from 1 mm to 1.5 cm. After a few hours, the elements of the rash merge and form blisters filled with a transparent or hemorrhagic exudate. Patients worried pronounced itching. When combing injured tissue through which pathogenic bacterial flora can penetrate. In the classic version of the course, all manifestations disappear independently after 24-30 hours.
Urticaria on the skin

Allergic urticaria can be one of the consequences of an iodine overdose.

Treatment of urticaria can be carried out independently. First aid is as follows:

  1. Taking H1-histamine blockers ("Loratadine") 10-20 mg 2 times a day. The drug relaxes smooth muscles, reduces swelling, relieves itching.
  2. Ensuring complete rest in the first 1-3 hours from the onset of rash.
  3. Maximum fresh air intake (open windows, in the winter - air vents).
  4. Appointment of a hypoallergenic diet for 2–3 weeks with the exception of extra-active substances (coffee), fried, spicy, salty foods, smoked meats, citrus fruits, cocoa, alcoholic and carbonated drinks. Vegetable foods colored in bright colors (red, yellow, orange, etc.) should be avoided.

If fever joins the rash, there are signs of dizziness, weakness, drowsiness - you need to urgently call the medical team!

Quincke’s edema is an emergency that requires prompt medical attention. Before the arrival of the medical team, the procedure is as follows:

  1. Rinse the area of ​​contact with "Iodinol" with running water, then moisten with 1% solution of epinephrine hydrochloride (instead, you can use any alpha-adrenomimetics - "Xylene", "Galazolin").
  2. Soothe the victim and sit him down, then take off all outerwear that may restrict the excursion of the lungs.
  3. Take any adsorbent. For example, "Activated carbon".
  4. Provide fresh air.
  5. To warm the limbs (warmer under the arms and legs).

It is impossible to carry out gastric lavage in case of swelling of the subcutaneous fat. Aspiration of gastric contents and death from asphyxiation by vomitus may occur.


Under the rules of admission overdose does not occur. The main manifestations can be the symptoms of iodism described above with a primary lesion of the cardiovascular system (circulatory failure) and respiratory organs (pulmonary edema). Tearing, increased secretion of salivary fluid, metallic taste in the mouth is extremely rare. First aid is provided in a similar way.

Drug interaction

In the course of a series of scientific studies, the following reactions were proved:

  • Reducing the effectiveness of all drugs intended for the treatment of pathologies of the thyroid gland;
  • Reducing the antiseptic effect on contact with fat, pus or whole blood;
  • The complete absence of antimicrobial action when combined with alkalis and acids, ammonia, essential oils.

"Iodinol" can be combined with any antibiotics and physiotherapy treatment methods.

Terms and conditions of storage

The preparation should be stored in protected from children, sunshine and other bright light sources. The temperature in which the physicochemical properties do not change is from 0 to 35 ° C.

It is important! Shelf life - 3 years. After the expiration of storage time the use of the drug is unacceptable


The cost of the drug varies depending on the region (due to its remoteness from the place of production) and the pharmaceutical organization (different pricing policies). For clarity, we present the prices in various online pharmacies. Release form: bottle, with a volume of 100 ml, in a cardboard box.

100 ml bottle in cartonhttps://wer.ru39 rubles
100 ml bottle in cartonhttps://www.eapteka.ru12.63 rubles
100 ml bottle in cartonhttps://samson-pharma.ru17 rubles
Bottle of 100 ml in cardboard packaging with sprayhttps://samson-pharma.ru19 rubles


Full analogues in composition does not exist. The iodine solution has the greatest similarity of 5%, which is available in vials or dispenser tubes. It is used for the treatment of small-volume injuries of the skin (cuts, abrasions), hands of surgeons. It is also possible to use in the treatment of skin diseases caused by fungi.

In the medical field, there is also the drug "Yodopirone" 1%. The main active ingredient is iodine. The indications are purulent wounds and burns, treatment of the hands of the operating personnel.

Drug Yodopirone

"Yodopiron" - the equivalent of "Yodinola"

Among other antiseptics with a broad antimicrobial effect, they have proven themselves well:

Drug nameActive substanceIndications for usePrice
"Orasept"PhenolAngina, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis, treatment of the surgeons' hands, dental surgery.About 400 rubles
"Miramistin"Benzyldimethyl 3 - (myristoylamino) propyl ammonium chloride monohydrateTreatment of wounds, including postoperative. Genital candidiasis, prevention of postpartum infectious complications. Stomatitis, periodontitis, gingivitis tonsillitis, laryngitis, fungal diseases of the skin and mucous membranes.From 200 rubles


“I hurt my hand a couple of weeks ago. Since she was not at home, she could not handle it on time, and the wound began to fester. I was advised to do gauze dressings with Yodinol. The wound healed quickly, I am very pleased. "

Anastasia, 32 years

“Unexpectedly, I got sick with stomatitis, although I have never had anything like it. He ran to the doctor, discharged the rinsing "Yodinol". After a day, I noticed an improvement, and after a week everything almost passed.Very pleased with the drug. If you have such problems, I advise him. "

Mikhail, 47 years old

“My daughter has gums. After going to the dentist, we were diagnosed with gingivitis and prescribed Iodinol. Forced her daughter to rinse, although she did not really like it, because the drug is bitter. But she quickly went on the amendment, respectively, I can conclude that the drug is good. "

Maria, 34 years old

Video: 11 effective ways to use "Iodinol"

Thus, "Iodinol" is an effective tool for the treatment of a large range of infectious and inflammatory diseases in dental, otolaryngological and surgical practice. And the price and low incidence of side effects and complications make it extremely popular in the pharmaceutical market.


