Stomatitis is a known disease associated with the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and it can hurt both adults and children.
According to Wikipedia, the mechanism of the occurrence of stomatitis is most likely due to the reaction of the immune system to stimuli. It is believed that it occurs in cases where, for reasons not yet understood, the human immune system reacts to the appearance of molecules that it cannot recognize. The appearance of such molecules provokes an attack of the lymphocytes of the immune system (a kind of white blood cells). The "attack" of lymphocytes on these unidentified molecules leads to the appearance in the mouth of ulcers, which are called stomatitis.
Types of infectious stomatitis
Viral stomatitis. Herpetic stomatitis
From the name it can be understood that the cause of its appearance is a virus that is divided into the varicella-zoster, measles, influenza, herpes and cytomegalovirus virus. Most of all they suffer from children and adolescents. What can cause illness:
- weakened immunity;
- lack of hygiene or improper oral care;
- damage to the oral mucosa;
- use of antibiotics, cytostatics;
- communication with the infected.
At the initial stage of the development of the disease, lethargy, lack of strength is felt. Sometimes body temperature gets higher. The child at this stage happens total refusal to eat and drinking. There may be pain in the mouth. The visible causes are redness and swelling on the infected part of the mucous membrane. After a couple of days, these parts turn into vesicles, which are filled with a yellowish and turbid liquid and are shaped like a ball. Before they appear, itching, tingling, and burning are possible. Every day, herpetic stomatitis will gain increasing momentum. The most common places where the disease appears are the tongue and the sky, but sometimes they can form on the lip, gums, cheeks, or throat. Later vesicles become pustulesand then erosion. By these signs, herpetic stomatitis can be distinguished. Photos of the main stages of the disease are given below. Viral stomatitis can last up to ten days.
Bacterial stomatitis
The development of this type of disease occurs due to bacteria in the oral cavity. Insofar as mucous has the property of protection from microorganisms, it often gets its beginning in trauma, which destroys the integrity of the epithelium. Basically, the main contributing factors are streptococcus and staphylococcus. Not less often there are cases when the disease develops due to the presence of purulent inflammation on the gums, teeth with the presence of caries, as well as with long-term disease of the nasopharynx and tonsils. You can also get stomatitis from other sources. Sore throat and flu, which were moved not so long ago, can contribute to its onset. The initial manifestations of the disease is the feeling of pain in the mouth. There may be discomfort during the reception of spicy or acidic foods. The next stage - the gums become friable and become dark crimson.In some cases, there is an increase in lymph nodes. The duration of this disease varies from a week to ten days.
Candida stomatitis
It is considered an infectious disease whose causative agents are saprophytic fungi. Most often, the disease appears in infants. But people of retirement age and people with reduced immunity can also get sick.
The reasons for the development of candidiasis:
- improper metabolism (diabetes);
- medication against bacteria;
- inflammation for a long time;
- decrease in immunity (for the first time or repeatedly);
- ingress of fungus in the oral cavity.
The disease is spread to children during childbirth and through the breast of the mother who has this disease, as well as through contact with dirty dishes, teats or toys. To determine the presence of a disease in an infant, need to look at his mucosa cheeks, tongue, palate, with stomatitis is usually observed a bloom of white or cheesy appearance. The nature of the child becomes more capricious, as stomatitis is accompanied by burning and unpleasant sensations, it is possible to refuse to eat. Another manifestation is a sore throat and trouble swallowing. There is a deposit of dense structure and, sometimes, erosion forms that can bleed when trying to remove this deposit.
Allergic stomatitis
Occurs due to allergic reactions to endo-and exoantigens. The disease can develop its development from food allergies, the use of antibiotics, the use of fillings and dentures. People are more susceptible to it:
- who have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- with allergic reactions to various medicines or products;
- having a disease - bronchial asthma;
- female aged 50 to 55 years.
Its characteristic expression is swelling of the mucous membranes of the mouth, lips, cheeks, throat, tongue and palate. Concerning patients often cannot eatbecause it is difficult for them to chew and swallow food, as well as breathe. In the oral cavity can be seen erosion, which may be accompanied by the release of blood. At the same time, there is practically no saliva, the tongue is larger than usual and has plaque on it. Excessive tongue enlargement is a characteristic admit of allergic stomatitis. This is how stomatitis looks like. language photo. In addition, a high body temperature, the manifestation of emotional instability, sleep problems are possible.
Traumatic stomatitis
Stomatitis of this type appears as a result of thermal, chemical or mechanical injury of the oral mucosa. Mechanical injury is such an injury that results. due to biting or damage improperly installed denture or crown. Chemical injury occurs due to contact of the mucous membrane with acid or any other substances. Where an injury has occurred, inflammation occurs, to which redness and swelling are added. Highly It is important to provide therapeutic actions in time., because in the future this stage will go into erosion, and then into an ulcer. The latter is characterized by strong pain and it will be very difficult to eat various dishes. It may also occur in connection with the passage of therapy, being a manifestation of a complex form of the disease, when exposed to chemotherapy or radiation therapy. The advantage lies in the fact that the disease disappears after stopping treatment.
Toxic stomatitis
It is obtained by contact with the mucous membrane of heavy metals, which are usually extracted from dentures. More acrylic plastic has a detrimental effect or in a different way monomer. When a person who uses an acrylic prosthesis begins to chew, the prosthesis changes shape and releases the monomer.Visually on the mouth, you can see swelling and mucous becomes dry under the prosthesis. Patients complain of burning sensation, there is a metal taste in the mouth, and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can also be observed. In the symptoms emit frequent lack of strength, lack of sleep, a constant desire to sleep. It happens that the symptoms can make themselves felt after two hours, as was the installation of the prosthesis.
Arthrophic stomatitis
This type of disease can easily earn those who do not follow the proper nutrition. It also appears in the presence of beriberi, chronic diseases and adverse environmental conditions. In addition, can get sick women and menwho abuse alcohol. Manifested by severe pain and burning of the oral mucosa. Outwardly, you can see the loose mucous membrane, which can be easily damaged and often see papillomas on it.
Acute and chronic forms of stomatitis
Stomatitis is divided into two types according to its development: acute and chronic. The first occurs on the mucous membrane and the patient has a fever, weakening, headache, rapid loss of strength and pain in the mouth. If this form of stomatitis does not receive the proper treatment or it goes wrong, then in most cases the disease becomes chronic. The chronic form takes a long time, up to up to several years and is expressed by exacerbations and remissions. The period between them can be several days, and sometimes several months and years.
How is stomatitis manifested?
Stomatitis is a condition that proceeds according to the laws of any inflammatory process in the body. Therefore, he, like many diseases, is divided into three types according to clinical manifestations:
- catarrhal;
- aphthous;
- ulcerated.
Catarrhal is more common and is expressed by the inflammatory process of the mucous membrane, but ulcers do not appearas well as erosion. Basically, the disease begins to develop due to improper care and hygiene of the oral cavity, as well as teeth with severe caries and lesions. It is characterized by unpleasant smell from the mouth, severe pain, the appearance of redness and swelling on the mucous membrane. Aphthous stomatitis also includes the presence of one or several defects - aft on the mucous membrane, in connection with which he received such a name. Aphthae, on external signs, are round or oval, around them a bezel of red color and a noticeable patina. When rejection of the latter occurs, the aphta heals without a trace. Replaced catarrhal, very often comes ulcerative stomatitis. Its main "clients" are people who have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. On examination, it can be observed that ulcers are located throughout the mucous membrane. They are covered with gray color and their owner. deliver discomfort when trying to eat food. Two more symptoms are lymph nodes, which have a large size and body temperature, which can grow.
Ways to fight
To cure the disease in two ways, depending on the desires of the patient himself, either with medication or with the help of folk remedies.
Medication Treatment
Stomatitis is treated conservatively therapist must prescribe a doctor after examination, collection history and, if necessary, additional analyzes. The whole list of therapy is divided into groups:
- anesthetics;
- antiseptics;
- against bacteria;
- restoring;
- against viruses;
- able to improve immunity.
To effectively combat the various manifestations of stomatitis can only help treatment with several drugs, since it is the one that is able to get rid of pain and its other manifestations in the fastest way.
Traditional medicine
The best way in the fight against stomatitis than rinsing, no one has yet invented. By their qualities he is very effective and also easy to use. There are several types of rinse solutions:
- weak solution with potassium permanganate;
- soda diluted in water;
- hydrogen peroxide diluted with water;
- propolis tincture;
- decoctions of healing herbs.
But what about the parents who have a sick child with stomatitis? Do not despair, because for children of this age there is an effective treatment. And in general, the treatment will not be problematic, everything can be easily fixed. To cure a baby, you need to take sterile gauze and dip it in a solution of sodaand then treat his mouth.
To reduce the pain during eating, you should begin to follow a diet. You can not eat sour vegetables and fruits, juices, spicy dishes, soda, alcohol, salty and sweet. It is best to choose soft and not hard food.
Stomatitis prevention
Stomatitis is not a pleasant phenomenon. It brings discomfort, is treated for quite a long time, some of its forms are infectious to those around him. Yes, and all manifestations of stomatitis in the photo look completely unpleasant. In order to avoid stomatitis it is enough to follow a few simple rules.
- It is necessary to take as a basis during the treatment of the teeth, not to wait for the pain to become intolerable and inflammation begins.
- In addition, should constantly visit the dentist for inspection.
- Produce a thorough daily oral hygiene.
- Avoid injury to the mucous membranes, which are possible with the use of hot drinks, the presence of broken teeth, ingress of chemicals.
- Never forget to monitor your health and immunity.
- Do not use other people's hygiene items, especially if it is known that a person has an infectious disease.
By following these simple recommendations, you can avoid a very unpleasant disease - stomatitis.