Various bacteria and microorganisms often penetrate the oral cavity and it is not surprising that acne can jump on the tongue. They cause severe discomfort, the pain makes it difficult not only to chew, but in some cases even talk. May appear on different parts of the language and have a different color.
Acne on the tongue may occur for the following reasons:
- Thrush can cause plaque in the mouth, causing numerous rashes of white and yellow.
- As a result stomatitis on the tongue white or yellow pimples appear, very painful. Small pimples under the tongue or at the root cause very strong discomfort.
- Pimples in the tongue may appear due to allergies on medicines that are used to treat the oral cavity due to poor-quality toothpaste, as well as from hot or spicy foods. Rashes in this case are pink or white, without pus, causing a slight itch.
- Acne on the tongue is formed due to injury to the tongue, for example, by teeth or solid food. The damaged area begins to swell, and then a white pimple forms, which starts to hurt during the meal. It is better for the time being to abandon spicy and hot foods, to observe the hygiene of the cavity and gradually heal everything.
- Because of herpes watery rash occurs not only on the lips, but also on the tongue and inner surface of the cheeks. In severe cases, fever may occur.
- If there are any diseases of the internal organs, the acne will be small, white, painless. If they do not disappear for a long time, it is necessary to consult a doctor.
- Various diseases and lack of vitamins contribute to a decrease in immunity, which is why small spots are formed on the tongue. It should take drugs to strengthen it.
Depending on the disease that caused them, acne on the tongue come in white, yellow, pink or red.
- White and yellow acne arise due to stomatitis or candida. In candidiasis, white rash occurs along with a cheesy patina that completely covers the entire oral cavity. White pimples appear under the tongue, at the base and on its tip. To confirm the diagnosis, you need to consult a doctor. When stomatitis occurs numerous rashes that merge with each other. Small white pimples form on the root of the tongue, under the tongue, on its base and on the tip. They are very painful and constantly itchy. By itself, stomatitis does not pass, be sure to need the help of a doctor. Appropriate treatment is prescribed, which will consist in treating the oral cavity with antiseptic preparations, because stomatitis occurs because of personal hygiene failure.
- Red acne in the language arise because of an inflammatory disease called glossitis. They are quite painful and very sad. Glossitis can occur due to allergies from eating hot or spicy foods, from excessive drinking or from the herpes virus.
- Pink acne by themselves do not arise. They mean the early stage of glossitis, gradually acquiring a bright red color. It is known that at an early stage the disease is easier to cure, therefore, when a pink rash appears, you should consult a doctor.
Acne treatment on the tongue
How to treat acne on the tongue and is it possible? Developed by a large number of all kinds of drugswho struggle with this problem.Only a doctor should prescribe them. Here are the most popular ones:
- Nystatin. It is an antifungal remedy, it treats acne caused by thrush. It is applied to cotton wool and treated with a rash, at the same time eliminating plaque in the mouth. Such actions should be performed 3-4 times a day until recovery.
- Fungizon. Available in the form of a solution, which rinse the mouth with stomatitis and thrush. This remedy has a lot of contraindications and side effects, so it should be used only as directed by a doctor.
- Sodium tetraborate. They are also treated for thrush and stomatitis. This means applied to the cotton wool is treated with the oral cavity 3 times a day until all symptoms are eliminated.
All other cases imply a more specific treatment. Rashes during herpes are treated with interferon, taking it inside, and are treated with acyclovir. Allergic acne treats the drug Zyrtec, produced in the form of drops. If there are diseases of internal organs, it is necessary to be examined by a doctor who will prescribe the appropriate treatment. Acne injuries disappear by themselves.
Folk remedies
This method of treatment is less effective, but it has practically no contraindications.
Allergic reactions and acne can be due to improperly selected toothpaste. The best thing buy ordinary pasta without any additives and temporarily abandon mouth fresheners.
It is possible to rinse your mouth with a solution of baking soda or decoctions of medicinal herbs from chamomile or hypericum. Also affected areas can be greased with honey.
The pharmacy sells peach oil, which is moistened with a cotton swab and treats painful rashes. The procedure is repeated 4 times a day.
The most effective antiseptic against various rashes is Zelenka. It helps to quickly eliminate all acne. A cotton swab with this tool is leaned against the affected places for a few seconds and repeated every 3 hours.
Well removes acne on the tongue aloe. His flesh must be applied to the sore spot, press it with a cotton disc and hold for 20-30 minutes. Perform this procedure 3 times a day until recovery.
Thus, acne on the tongue is not a harmless phenomenon, and in some cases a sign of serious diseases. When they appear, it is better to consult a doctor.