On one side, the tongue is sore.

If the side hurts the tongue - what could it be?Language is an organ-indicator of the state of the human body with the denunciation of the pathologies present. Therefore, in conditions where the tongue starts to hurt or becomes covered with a touch, it is necessary to urgently turn to a specialist for diagnosis and treatment.

Reasons for the occurrence of pain

The following factors can cause a characteristic pain of the tongue:

  1. Injury organ.
  2. Inflammation.
  3. Allergy.
  4. Neurological disease.
  5. Pathology of internal organs.
  6. Tumor formation.
  7. Salivary gland occlusion.

The most common cause of pain in one side of the tongue is damage. As a rule, it is celebrated with meals. Injuries can occur as burns, pinches, or scratches. As a result, pain may occur on the upper part, under the tongue or in its lateral part.

Also the muscular organ can hurt due to chipped tooth enamel layer, tingling with a sharp edge of the filling, prosthetics, carried out with violations. With a mechanical effect, increased pain is noted. In a situation where the patient is difficult to swallow, and there are unpleasant sensations in the throat or on the palate, then there is a need to visit a doctor and ask him why this happens.

How to treat pain in the tongue?In most cases, the basis for pain in the tongue is inflammation in the mouth.

Should pay attention to the nasopharynx, as a result of its defeat, one sign may appear - swelling of the lymph nodes under the tongue.

Many parents are puzzled by the question why the child language can hurt at its base, as well as its side, accompanied by plaque and pain when swallowing. But only a qualified doctor can help in resolving this issue because of the possible presence of purulent tonsillitis, which requires the immediate administration of adequate therapy.

In addition, it can begin to hurt because of stomatitis of viral genesis, with a rash over the area of ​​the tongue and mucous surface. With the course of the disease, a person experiences difficulty swallowing during meals and unpleasant sensations.

An allergic reaction often occurs through the fault of certain products, as well as medicines. Moreover, symptoms may occur immediately after their adoption. Provocateurs can serve - Some fruits, berries, tobacco and alcohol. Neurological disease glossary, born under the action of endocrine disruption and neurotic disorders. Thus, a sick person may experience burning, tingling, and numbness of the organ.

Tongue piercing can cause inflammatory processes.Diseases internal organs not established etiology often cause pain. All this happens due to various changes in human health, as the language reacts sharply to any diseases of an infectious nature - glossitis, as well as pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system and even anemia.

Oncological lesions often create conditionsso that the tongue starts to hurt from the right or left side. Because of what pain is localized inside the tongue. At the same time, the nature and intensity of pain directly depends on the stage stage of the course of a malignant illness. In this case, the patient is sent to the oncologist.

Piercing as a source of pain

Unfortunately, not only the ear, the eyebrow, the navel, the nose can become the object of a puncture, but more and more often young people are not afraid to perforate the tongue.

In each case immediately after the puncture and even for a long time, the tongue can force itself to ache, since it is stuffed with nerve processes and for not less than 21 days there will be obvious pain and the presence of a tumor. If the pain has a pulsating effect, then you should immediately go to see a doctor. Allergies to metal composition and infection are often diagnosed here.

At the moment when a person makes a responsible decision about the puncture of the muscles of the tongue, an understanding should come that this procedure should be carried out by a qualified specialist. It should also be remembered that the closer the hole is to the tip of the organ, the more intense the puncture site will hurt.

Therefore language should pierce as close as possible to the center, avoiding damage to the lateral areas, since the arteries located there can cause a lethal outcome if damaged. You also need to avoid the basal part of the tongue, since in this case the organ will painfully long - 4-6 weeks.

If a person after piercing experiencing severe stabbing pain, this indicates the onset of an inflammatory condition and in the absence of timely intervention, a transition to an abscess occurs.

Frequent patient complaints

Frequently disturbing language concerns include:

  • Why can the tongue hurt and how is it treated?Coverage and pain language after a feast.
  • Pain from removal of bone tooth.
  • Unpleasant sensations of language in children.

Why does he start to hurt and overgrown It is after the festivities that many people are concerned. In this case, it is necessary to understand that this symptom manifests itself as a result of keen use of harmful alcohol that causes allergies.

Often due to use in pain relief Anesthetic drugs at the time of tooth extraction may cause swelling of a part of the gingival arch, as well as pain of the tongue. This occurs predominantly during the eradication of a root localized tooth. Along with this, all the discomfort disappears on its own after a few days.

Pain in the mouth and the language is especially peculiar to children for the reason that they pull into the mouth all that was at hand. Therefore, in the case when the child begins to hurt the tongue, it is urgent to contact the doctor.

The only thing that parents can do is to disinfect the oral cavity by means of soda solution.

Diagnosis of possible pathology

What should I do if my tongue is swollen?In the case when hurt the tongue never ceases within a few days, it is important to immediately visit specialists and pass a qualified examination. You should contact such doctors as: dentist, general practitioner, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, surgeon, dermatologist and hematologist.

It is recommended to pass inspection at all specified experts due to the fact that the tongue may be ill precisely because of changes in the surveyed areas.

Usually, the doctor conducts a thorough inspection the mouth of the patient, determining the probable cause (stomatitis or the pointed edge of the tooth) pain in the tongue.

In the case when a clear symptom is not detected, the doctor prescribes the passage of diagnosis.

This includes:

  • Research of blood of the general and biochemical direction.
  • Analysis of urine.
  • The amount of gastric secretion.
  • Faggs.
  • The study of hormones.
  • Ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity.
  • MRI

According to the results of the survey, the doctor establishes a diagnosis. After that, prescribes adequate treatment, aimed at eliminating the underlying disease, which will prevent him from getting sick.

Treatment with medical and folk remedies

If the root cause when the tongue starts to hurt stomatitis is detected, then, as a rule, a specialist prescribes a cycle of antibiotics, treatment of the oral cavity with antiseptic preparations - Miramistin or Chlorhexidine.

If there is a burning sensation in the tongue, how can you fix the problem?Often the tongue starts to hurt because of the pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. In this regard, the doctor may prescribe funds for the elimination of sorbents, antacids, enzymes and Helicobacter.

If the stumbling block is a disease of the endocrine system, the appointment is accepted hormonal treatmentAs a rule, the problem is determined by diabetes. In a situation where illnesses that are not related to dentistry are established, then only one or a few qualified narrow specialists can prescribe medication. Traditional methods of treatment can be used if the source of the pain has no good reason.

Then to stopped hurting tongue You can rinse with salt or soda solution, as well as slightly hold the sea buckthorn seed oil, without swallowing inside.

In addition, it is recommended to apply compresses for 1 hour - a tampon moistened with hydrogen peroxide, and rinsing with useful broth from sage or mint.

To exclude similar signs It is important to carefully monitor the hygienic condition of the oral cavity by regularly cleaning the teeth and tongue, not forgetting timely check-ups at the dentist, so that the whole body does not have to be treated.

Main aspect in the implementation of therapy - impact on the internal part of the body and the product of treatment at the local level.


